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ウィトゲンシュタイン 7

1 :考える名無しさん:2023/12/19(火) 07:04:12.66 0.net




ウィトゲンシュタイン 6

2 :考える名無しさん:2023/12/19(火) 07:04:49.66 0.net
Ludwig Wittgenstein: ‘Why do people say that it was natural to think that
the sun went round the Earth rather than that the Earth turned on its axis?’

Elizabeth Anscombe: ‘I suppose, because it looked as if the sun went round
the Earth.’

Ludwig Wittgenstein: ‘Well, what would it have looked like if it had looked
as if the Earth turned on its axis?’

3 :考える名無しさん:2023/12/19(火) 07:05:17.27 0.net
In this delightful exchange between Wittgenstein and his fellow
philosopher (and biographer) Elizabeth Anscombe, the legendary
Austrian thinker uses the Copernican revolution to illustrate the point
that how things seem is not necessarily how they are.
Although it seems as though the sun goes around the Earth, it is
of course the Earth rotating around its own axis that gives us night
and day, and it is the sun, not the Earth, that sits at the centre of the
solar system.

Nothing new here, you might think, and you’d be right. But Wittgenstein
was driving at something deeper. His real message for Anscombe was
that even with a greater understanding of how things actually are,
at some level things still appear the same way they always did.

4 :考える名無しさん:2023/12/19(火) 07:05:38.79 0.net
Every objects seem to have specific shapes and colours,
and for the ones closer at hand, smells and textures too.
This is how things seem. Although it may seem as though
my senses provide transparent windows onto a mind-independent
reality,and that perception is a process of ‘reading out’ sensory data,
what’s really going on is – I believe – quite different.

Perceptions do not come from the bottom up or the outside in,
they come primarily from the top down, or the inside out.

5 :考える名無しさん:2023/12/19(火) 07:06:00.03 0.net
What we experience is built from the brain’s predictions, or
‘best guesses’, about the causes of sensory signals. As with the
Copernican revolution, this top-down view of perception
remains consistent with much of the existing evidence,
leaving unchanged many aspects of how things seem, while
at the same time changing everything.

This is by no means a wholly new idea. The first glimmers of a
top-down theory of perception emerge in ancient Greece,
with Plato’s Allegory of the Cave. Prisoners, chained and facing
a blank wall all their lives, see only the play of shadows cast
by objects passing by a fire behind them, and they give the
shadows names, because for them the shadows are what is real.

6 :考える名無しさん:2023/12/19(火) 07:06:19.79 0.net
The allegory is that our own conscious perceptions are just like
these shadows, indirect reflections of hidden causes that we
can never directly encounter. More than a thousand years later,
but still a thousand years ago, the Arab scholar Ibn al Haytham
wrote that perception, in the here and now, depends on processes
of ‘judgement and inference’ rather than providing direct access
to an objective reality.

7 :考える名無しさん:2023/12/19(火) 07:06:39.84 0.net
Hundreds of years later again, Immanuel Kant realised that
the chaos of unrestricted sensory data would always remain
meaningless without being given structure by pre-existing
conceptions, which for him included a priori frameworks
like space and time.

Kant’s term noumenon refers to ‘things in themselves’ – Ding an sich –
a mind-independent reality that will always be inaccessible to human
perception, hidden behind a sensory veil. In neuroscience the story
gets going with the German physicist and physiologist Hermann von
Helmholtz. In the late nineteenth century, among a string of
influential contributions, Helmholtz proposed the idea of perception
as a process of ‘unconscious inference’.

8 :考える名無しさん:2023/12/19(火) 07:07:05.85 0.net
The contents of perception, he argued, are not given by sensory
signals themselves but have to be inferred by combining these
signals with the brain’s expectations or beliefs about their causes.

In calling this process unconscious, Helmholtz understood that
we are not aware of the mechanisms by which perceptual inferences
happen, only of the results. Perceptual judgements –
his ‘unconscious inferences’ – keep track of their causes
in the world by continually and actively updating perceptual
best guesses as new sensory data arrive.

9 :考える名無しさん:2023/12/19(火) 07:07:42.44 0.net
Helmholtz saw himself as providing a scientific version of Kant’s
insight that perception cannot allow us to know things in the
world directly – that we can only infer that things are there,
behind the sensory veil.

Helmholtz’s central idea of ‘perception as inference’ has been
remarkably influential, taking on many different forms throughout
the twentieth century. In the 1950s, the ‘new look’ movement
in psychology emphasised how social and cultural factors could
influence perception.

For example, one widely circulated study found that children
from poor families overestimated the size of coins, while those
from well-to-do families didn’t. Unfortunately, many experiments
of this kind – while fascinating – were poorly done by today’s
methodological standards, so the results can’t always be trusted.

10 :考える名無しさん:2023/12/19(火) 07:08:40.53 0.net
In the 1970s, the psychologist Richard Gregory built on Helmholtz’s
ideas in a different way, with his theory of perception as a kind of
neural ‘hypothesis-testing’. According to Gregory, just as scientists
test and update scientific hypotheses by obtaining data from experiments,
the brain is continually formulating perceptual hypotheses about the
way the world is – based on past experiences and other forms of stored
information – and testing these hypotheses by acquiring data from the
sensory organs. Perceptual content, for Gregory, is determined by the
brain’s best-supported hypotheses.

After fading in and out of the spotlight over the half century since then,
the idea of perception as inference has gained new momentum in the
last decade or so. A variety of new theories have blossomed under
the general headings of ‘predictive coding’ and ‘predictive processing’.
Although these theories differ in their details, they share the common
proposal that perception depends on brain-based inference of some kind.

11 :考える名無しさん:2023/12/19(火) 07:09:02.30 0.net
The essential ingredients of the controlled hallucination view,
as I think of it, are as follows. First, the brain is constantly making
predictions about the causes of its sensory signals, predictions
which cascade in a top-down direction through the brain’s
perceptual hierarchies.

If you happen to be looking at a coffee cup, your visual cortex will
be formulating predictions about the causes of the sensory signals
that originate from this coffee cup.

12 :考える名無しさん:2023/12/19(火) 07:09:55.72 0.net
>>2->>11 から分かるように、人は外界それ自体をそのままストレートに認識して


13 :考える名無しさん:2023/12/19(火) 10:47:39.51 0.net

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19 :考える名無しさん:2023/12/20(水) 10:33:36.21 0.net
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