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336 :名無しがここにいてほしい:2014/01/23(木) 20:11:13.10 ID:ItyiN/Hw.net


“The band is playing really exceptionally well with [Jon], and he’s really rose to the occasion,” White declared.
“His voice is absolutely phenomenal, he really takes care of it and takes care of himself,
and is right on the ball every night. And, it’s bouncing off the rest of the band.”

In addition, White revealed that Davison, who also fronts the band Glass Hammer,
has been contributing song ideas to the new project.

“Jon’s an exceptionally good writer,” said Alan.
“We’ve all been enjoying the fact he’s been sending out ideas for songs…and
we’re just pooling all those ideas together to come up with, hopefully…what we call Yes music at the end of the day.”

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