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1 :没個性化されたレス↓:2018/12/20(木) 23:38:01.55 .net

2 :没個性化されたレス↓:2019/02/01(金) 05:40:13.69 .net
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3 :没個性化されたレス↓:2019/02/25(月) 04:11:08.49 .net
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4 :没個性化されたレス↓:2019/05/08(水) 19:41:27.86 .net






5 :没個性化されたレス↓:2019/10/05(土) 15:26:18.16 .net
Stomachache freaks Don't miss it!

HERE IT COMES!━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!

FOR SALE : Scarcity value!

Poison contain Protein Powder
Poison contain EAA Powder
Poison contain BCAA Powder
Poison contain Glutamine Powder 

Effect : To be able to experience fantastic Stomachache World!
Medicine half-life 12hours : Let`s enjoy spectacular Stomachache Night!!

PRICE : 1Bllion Dollars Each 
Sample $500 (10g) quantity of stock 6packs

★New products have arrived!!
Poison contain BCAA Powder Mild Type (smell bad)
×5quarter size bags(Include 3unread bags) 75%Discount!!

First come, First served!

6 :没個性化されたレス↓:2019/10/05(土) 15:26:54.32 .net

Welcome to MURPHY'S HOTEL!! HERE IT COMES!━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!

``Optional tour``〈Today's activity〉

★Fanny Street Watching tour $40 (bring you by shuttle bus)
This town has so fanny street that the Car races are held every day.
Participating cars are ambulances, police cars, electric patrol cars,
gas patrol cars, and motorcycles with various sirens.
This is a race like the Monaco Grand Prix or Tom and Jerry.
It's Amazing!
The audience is chaotic too. A dog barks, a child cries,
and an adult cheers while moving a big wheeled suitcase.
Please join us as a memory of your trip!

~Features of MURPHY'S HOTEL~
1. The TV remote control in the room suddenly disappears.
2. The water pressure becomes weak only when you use the shower.
3. There are many parents who make their children cry and cry on purpose.
4. There are many owners who make their dogs cry and cry on purpose.
5. The boasting of the sound of motorcycles often appears to hear the sound.
6.There may be foreign matter like a piece of plastic in sushi at a sushi bar.
7. You're the only one in the room, but there's a roll of toilet paper on the toilet seat.
8. Fake Usain Bolt, who overtakes you with a dash all of a sudden, comes out.
9. The road construction starts when you check in, and it ends when you check out.
10. When you boot up your laptop, hackers from all over the country visit you.
11. When you check in, the train passing by turns into Miles Davis.

But don't worry. So here is MURPHY!! Thank you!━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!!!!

7 :没個性化されたレス↓:2019/10/05(土) 15:27:31.06 .net
New Store Openings!! Funny BABER Freaks Don't miss it!!


HERE IT COMES!━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!

We will keep three important promises.
?We are going to artificially shorten one side and unbalance it.
?We will make your hair shorten if you want to long it.
?We promise that it will never happen as you wish.

 Hair cut: 1Bllion Dollars
 Hair cut & Shave: 1.5 Bllion Dollars
 Eyebrow cut: Harf Bllion Dollars (We confident that it will be asymmetrical)

THANK YOU!!━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!!!!!

8 :没個性化されたレス↓:2019/10/06(日) 11:26:51.08 .net

9 :没個性化されたレス↓:2019/10/13(日) 03:48:24.90 .net

10 :没個性化されたレス↓:2020/05/12(火) 22:09:00.62 .net

11 :没個性化されたレス↓:2023/10/11(水) 19:02:01.86 .net
オォォーーー!! w(゚ロ゚;w(゚ロ゚)w;゚ロ゚)w オォォーーー!!

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