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キース・ジャレット Keith Jarrett 27

3 :いつか名無しさんが:2019/11/05(火) 21:08:04.46 ID:???.net
1968 Restoration Ruin
1971 Facing You
1973 Solo Concerts
1975 The Koln Concert
1976 Staircase
1976 Hyms/Spheres
1976 Sun Bear Concerts
1979 Invocations/The Moth and the Flame
1981 European Concerts
1985 Spirits
1986 Book of Ways
1986 No End
1987 Dark Intervals
1988 Paris Concert
1991 Vienna Concert
1995 La Scala
1996 A Multitude Of Angels
1998 The Melody at Night,with You
2002 Radiance
2005 The Carnegie Hall Concert
2006 La Fenice
2008 Testament
2011 Rio
2014 Creation
2016 Munich 2016

総レス数 1009
236 KB

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