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1 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2016/01/07(木) 07:06:56.60 ID:H/64OI+8.net
このスレッドの内容については、>>2-10 あたりに書く。

74 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2016/01/10(日) 10:39:35.40 ID:AVo5DNkW.net
"Melinda and Melinda" by Woody Allen

何人かで話をしている。comedy とは何か、tragedy とは何かと論議している。この
映画の最後で、comedy の専門家が次のように言う。

別の男: I hate funerals. - Me too. Always, at the wrong time, l laugh.

コメディの専門家: See, that's my point. ●We laugh because it masks
our real terror about mortality.●


Woody Allen は、これに似た台詞を作品の中で連発する。彼にとっての最大のテーマが
これなのだ。"Annie Hall" というアカデミー賞受賞作品においては、Diane Keaton が
Woody Allen が、"On Death and Dying" とか "The Denial of Death" という

ALVY: I-I-I'm gonna buy you these books, I think, because I-I think
you should read them. You know, instead of that cat book.

ANNIE:  (Looking at the books Alvy is holding)
That's, uh ... (Laughing) that's pretty serious stuff there.

75 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2016/01/10(日) 10:40:12.54 ID:AVo5DNkW.net
ALVY: Yeah, 'cause I-I'm, you know, I'm, ●I'm obsessed with-with, uh,
with death●, I think. Big-

ANNIE:  (Overlapping) Yeah?

ALVY: -big subject with me, yeah.

ANNIE:  Yeah?
They move over to the cashier line.

ALVY: (Gesturing) I've a very pessimistic view of life.
You should know this about me if we're gonna go out, you know.
I-I-I feel that ●life is-is divided up into the horrible and the miserable.●

ANNIE:  M'hm. 

ALVY: Those are the two categories ...

ANNIE:  M'hm.

76 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2016/01/10(日) 10:40:35.60 ID:AVo5DNkW.net
ALVY: ... you know, they're- The-the horrible would be like, uh, I
don't know, terminal cases, you know?

ANNIE:  M'hm.

ALVY: And blind people, crippled ...

ANNIE:  Yeah.

ALVY: I don't-don't know how they get through life. It's amazing to me.

ANNIE: M'hm.

ALVY: You know, and the miserable is everyone else. That's-that's
all. So-so when you go through life you should be thankful that
you're miserable, because that's- You're very lucky ... to be ...
(Overlapping Annie's laughter) ... to be miserable.

ANNIE:  U-huh.

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