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6 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ササクッテロ Sp0d-R0DR):2018/04/27(金) 16:29:44.02 ID:jJnJ3Byxp.net

The first recorded request for tea in English was made in 1615 by an English trader working in Japan. From the island of Hirado,he wrote to one of his colleagues who was working in Macao and asked him to send "only the best sort of chaw."
Notice how close that last word is to the Japanese or Chinese word today. Over the next century the word for the drink in English moved from tcha and tay ,to tee and finally to tea.

Tea was first brought to Europe by the Dutch,Portuguese and French. It first arrived in England in 1658,when it was advertised as both a delicious drink and one that was good for health. But tea
took nearly a hundred years to become popular,
partly because high taxes made it so expensive and partly because it was hard to get. Until the
mid-1700s,therefore,it was a luxury item for the upper class.


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