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83 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 7323-FCwA):2020/05/09(土) 02:21:47 ID:TONHiL5B0.net
> Second, rich people are more likely to receive higher education.
That means they can acquire more useful skills and information to get higher positions in society.
Also, such universities and colleges are more or less supported by the government even if they are private schools.
Working hard often means using many taxes.

Second, rich people are more likely to receive higher education.
Wealthy families can afford more tuition for children,
and those children tend to be educated private schools,
which allow students to acquire useful information and skills.
They are more likely to get higher positions in society,
Those private schools are partly funded by the government.
(Therefore, alumni in those schools should be conducive to society by paying higher taxes.)

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