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348 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウエーT Sa3a-NKTU):2020/04/08(水) 09:50:36 ID:R4ZlnuEsa.net

Within days admonishments from Tokyo reached the wayward consul;
“Recently we discovered Lithuanians who posses our transit visas
which you issued,” a cable of August 16 read. “They were traveling to
America and Canada. Among them there are several people who do
not possess enough money and who have not finished their procedure
to receive their entry visas to the terminal countries. We cannot give
them permission to land. And in regard to these cases, there were
several instances that left us confused and we do not know what to do….
You must make sure that they have finished their procedure for their
entry visas and also they must posses the travel money or the money
that they need during their stay in Japan. Otherwise, you should not give
them the transit visa.”

Sugihara remained undeterred: He continued signing visas even from the
window of an already moving train as he and his family were leaving for Berlin.
He issued more visas in Prague and possibly in Konigsberg.
The German were certainly not adverse to the illegal departure of Jews
from the territory of the Reich.
Sugihara may have issued up to ten thousand visas, and possibly half
the number of Jews who received them managed to survive. There is no
concrete clue about his thoughts and motives: “I did not pay any attention
[to consequences], ”he wrote in a postwar memoir, “and just acted
according to my sense of human justice, out of love for mankind.”(194頁)

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