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洋書・読み終えた本の感想を書きまくれ 2冊目

295 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2022/01/20(木) 07:32:13.46 ID:Ic+rZLky0.net
Annotated Anne についての書評のうち、俺が気に入ったもの

Everything Anne
Reviewed in the United States on May 17, 2003

This is one of the most outstanding annotated editions of a book I have ever seen. It is packed
with interesting, relevant annotations about the world of Anne of Green Gables, as well as
LM Montgomery's own life and Prince Edward Island itself.

Due to the nature of the writing in Anne of Green Gables, an annotated edition is especially
welcome to fill in the blanks on Canadian politics (What is a "grit?") and social conventions
at the time. Reading the annotations increases the pleasure of entering the Anne's world, and
that is incredibly important.

Also, of special note and appreciation, many of Anne's favorite obscure poems and readers are
included in the back. Finally, you are able to get the whole version of the many quotes that she
drops, and see just where she picked up her big words.

The best gift you could get for a true fan of Anne of Green Gables.

総レス数 340
148 KB

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