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日本語→英語スレ part414

748 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 23f0-mXGD):2020/07/12(日) 21:23:14 ID:Gc83y0Gq0.net
A perfect interpreter is a perfect attorney. Her job is to read the minds of both
the addresser and the addressee before grasping former's intentions and plans in detail
and making the latter fully understand them, but not by means of languages.
Only when this is done successfully can you say communication is perfect.

It's inevitably impossible for us to deal with all events in the real world,
full of vast amounts of multi-interpretable information, by using the natural languages
we happen to have. You might think we can do it by using some rigidly defined mathematical language instead,
but in fact only so much, as Gödel's incompleteness theorems prove.

The attempts to make AI deal with natural languages should be stopped for now.
Human languages are merely a primitive tool for human use, with quite a few shortcomings.

If AI machines never miscommunicate with each other, it's because of their rigorous protocols
for processing information. Even now there're limits to what information can be dealt with.
Whether they'll be awoken at last, complete with the power to communicate 100% accurate information
to their comrades, depends on how they'll come to recognize things in this chaotic world.
Information gets degraded when it is abstracted, generalized, and allowed to have representation errors,
as human communication has demonstrated.

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