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なんでも翻訳してやるから英文持って来い 21

131 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/05/15(金) 13:15:55.54 ID:1ndJR7hw0.net


Oil-dependent states like Oklahoma and Texas were reeling from the lower
prices and lost earnings. “Texas, priding itself as the oil capital of the world,
had already lost 20,000 jobs over the last year,” according to Todd Staplesof
the Texas Oil and Gas Commission, and “that’s just the beginning of this
phase.” Staples (accurately) predicted that by April 22, “it was going to get
worse before it gets better, which is why the economy needs to get going
again.” Gets one to wondering if the oil industry is partly behind the push
by the Governor of Texas to “open up” its cities and get workers back on
the job, despite the possibility of contagion through close contact.

上の文章中の Gets one to wondering if の部分の訳と、その文法・構文面からの

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