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なんでも翻訳してやるから英文持って来い 21

315 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (テトリス ca9d-7hTT):2020/06/06(土) 20:18:34 ID:ced7Kvu500606.net

How do I not acknowledge it? You are right that I am choosing not to post that. It’s horrific and needs to change.
I chose not to post negative images. That is true. Likewise showing looting instead of peaceful protest. I am equally angry.

i’m a big fan of you man but choosing not to post this because it’s negative is really not it. it should be seen.
and with your platform you have the opportunity to show people how disgusting the police’s behavior is.
yet you choose to ignore police brutality.
plus, the police are the ones making these protests violent, not the protesters. call them out.

Again, I’m calling them out by looking for ways to give voice and echo those who deserve change.
Justice. I’m seeking charities and organsations that are helping with this.
Positive efforts for change. To stop the injustice we have seen time and time again.

you’ve literally blocked people who sent you a link with ways to help.

It’s not why they’ve been blocked. I have posted links on my Instagram of charities that have resonated with me.
I am doing my due diligence for the charities that friends have been speaking of. It’s important to me that it’s not done arbitrarily.

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