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なんでも翻訳してやるから英文持って来い 21

340 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 239d-+Do1):2020/06/10(水) 23:53:46 ID:WkVbb+va0.net
“We will be together,” Robert Jordan told him. “I will tell you what there is to do at all times.”
“Then there is no problem,” Anselmo said. “I can do anything that I am ordered.”
“For us will be the bridge and the battle, should there be one,” Robert Jordan said and saying it in the dark, he felt a little theatrical but it sounded well in Spanish.
"It should be of the highest interest," Anselmo said and hearing him say it honestly and clearly and with no pose,
neither the English pose of understatement nor any Latin bravado, Robert Jordan thought he was very lucky to have this old man
and having seen the bridge and worked out and simplified the problem it would have been to surprise the posts and blow it in a normal way, he resented Golz's orders,
and the necessity for them.

and having seen the bridge and worked out and simplified the problem it would have been to surprise the posts and blow it in a normal way,
been to surpriseはbe to構文ですか?それともto不定詞ですか?
would はwillの過去ですか?それとも仮定法の用法でしょうか?
problem 以下の節はproblemを詳述するthat節でしょうか?それとも関係節ですか?

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