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なんでも翻訳してやるから英文持って来い 21

380 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/06/18(木) 14:30:34.77 ID:0A5TV05N0.net


When costumed heroes wear masks, it is to protect their loved ones, since
they incur vicious enmities in standing up to the bad guys. Protecting the
weak and innocent was key to masculinity as conceived in the 1950s when
I was a kid. I can’t get used to the new Trumpian “masculinity” that is based
on letting the devil take the hindmost. In the sea disaster movies, they let
the women and children off the ship first. Nowadays the guys want to jump
into the life boats and leave the women and children to fend for themselves.
That’s what refusing to wear a mask amounts to.

When costumed heroes wear masks, it is to protect their loved ones, since
they incur vicious enmities in standing up to the bad guys.

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