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なんでも翻訳してやるから英文持って来い 21

533 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/07/14(火) 00:48:42.93 ID:WLEIc+iW0.net
“We just stay home and don’t go out,” says Mr. Dong.
The 33-year-old researcher, who provided only one name, has no other options.
He, his wife and their 3-month-old daughter live in Wuhan, the epicenter of an unfolding global health crisis.
They’re treating the forced time at home as a holiday, though he says, “this is different than any of them before.”
Families like his huddle in their homes, fearful that if they venture out, they will get sick.

They’re treating the forced time at home as a holiday, though he says,
“this is different than any of them before.”意味が分からない

出典 Time Feb 10, 2020
The year of the rat is off to an ominous start. の記事の 
The 1st paragraphから

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