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なんでも翻訳してやるから英文持って来い 21

541 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウーT Sa39-aTVc):2020/07/15(水) 17:00:14 ID:XUCNpUQPa.net
You've described your daughter as a feminist.
What has she taught you?

“One of the greatest moments happened when we were talking
about a friend of mine who’s gay.
He’s my friend. I don’t care.
But I said something like, “You know my friend, Justin?
He’s gay and his boyfriend is going to come over for Thanksgiving.”
She said, “If he was straight, would you say ‘my friend Justin, who’s straight’?”
Then she broke down gender identification with me with a hand-drawn map.
I was really grateful for that.


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