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なんでも翻訳してやるから英文持って来い 21

650 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/07/30(木) 18:35:43.82 ID:XCPL8fcs0.net
What have you learned about censorship over the years?

I’ve learned that the dumber the censor, the better for your career.
The more liberal the censor, the bigger the chance you cannot win.
Mary Avara [the late Maryland State Censor Board member
who opposed Waters’ screenings in Baltimore] was basically a moron,
and those kinds of censors are great. They help your career. They attack you;
they look stupid; you win. The MPAA is a devious one.
They’re liberal censors,
and they’re the worst kind of all. And you lose with them.


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