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なんでも翻訳してやるから英文持って来い 21

672 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 99b8-FwnN):2020/08/04(火) 11:21:11 ID:oyPx7Ba30.net

Can’t help but notice this obnoxious trend where LGBT+ people are unnecessarily aggressive and catty towards other LGBT+ people who make genuine mistakes with gender identity/pronouns.

Why can’t you use that aggression on actual awful people irl and not on your peers?

As a NB person who is always referred to as she/her because of a “fem” appearance it drives me fuckin crazy to see other NBs be complete assholes about it. Its not hard to be patient and educate friends.

Honestly it looks like thinly veiled excuses to bully ppl and I’m tired :/

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