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80 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/05/04(月) 13:41:48.48 ID:Da6C3xh/0.net

It's crazy. What? Who was it?
Please people stand up. Stand up.
What did you say? Go ahead. Speak up.
"We bombed Japan we forced them to surr.."
No, I understand. Well, they weren't exactly nice.
They did do Pearl Harbor.
Excuse me, who did it first? Who did it first?
Didn't we have a thing called Pearl Harbor? Huh?
You're right. You know what? You know what?
We bombed the hell out of them because they came at us first.
And they did a number of us on that Sunday morning.
That was the greatest sneak attack of all time.
The only thing a lot worse frankly was what they did,
what was done, as you know,
and by you-know-who, to the World Trade Center.
Because that was an attack to the civillians.
At least, Japan was a total rotten sneak attack,
but at least they were going against the military.
We had people knocking out buildings where
innocent civilians were having dinner and where they were in an office.
That was the worst attack of all time. The World Trade Center.
But I mean, uh, and I appreciate you being a, you know, idealistic young man.
But, Japan attacked us.
Japan would have never stopped except
who were tougher and stronger and meaner and smarter than them.
And we knocked the hell out of them.

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