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英検準1級スレ Part171

178 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/06/24(水) 16:45:48.66 ID:koh9PySK0.net
TOPIC: Is it acceptable to keep animals in zoos? (2018年度 第1回)
● Animal rights
● Educational value
● Endangered species
● Living conditions
(I) I think that it is acceptable to keep animals in zoos. There are two reasons to support my opinion.
(II) First of all, it is valuable for children to see many different kinds of animals in zoos. Though there are numerous animals in the world, they can not see almost all of them easily. Because they have to visit other countries to see many kinds of animals. However, zoos make it possible for them to touch a lot of animals without going abroad. Thus children can easily learn many things about animals to go to zoos.
(III) Secondly, living conditions in zoos are better for most animals than in wild lives. Generally, it is difficult for wild animals to get their food stably. Moreover, they are always in danger that they may be eaten by other stronger species. However, living in zoos liberates them from these bad conditions and dangers.
(IV) For the reasons states above, I agree with the idea that keeping animals in zoos in terms of educational value and living conditions.
(171 words)

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