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英検準1級スレ Part171

186 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/06/24(水) 23:06:39.62 ID:hyPJu6C10.net


Touchだとすべての動物園の動物に触れるわけないし危険だと思った。(笑)だかららObserveにした ちょっと修正した

First of all, It is more beneficial to teach children the importance of animals’ lives and nature.
Observing many kinds of animals, youngsters can learn how animals behave.
It is certainly sure that children are allowed to see only a few species in their daily lives.
However, zoos make it easier for children to see a large number of different kinds of animals.
This is why zoos are vital places for the education of children.

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