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英検準1級スレ Part171

267 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ cf33-UxRf):2020/06/28(日) 15:16:17 ID:XfvmSlNt0.net
TOPIC: Is it a good idea for local governments to build tourist sites, such as theme parks and museums?
● Construction costs
● Effect on local people
● Spending by visitors
● The environment
(I) Some people argue that it is a good idea for local governments to build tourist sites, such as theme parks and museums, while others argue that it is not. Personally, I disagree with this idea. There are two reasons to support my opinion.
(II) First of all, it likely has bad effects on people who live in the local places. If local governments build tourist sites, a large number of people will come to the towns. It probably cause traffic congestion. For example, there are many Japanese historic sites in Kyoto. There is always crowded by visiters. This is bothering most residents in Kyoto.
(III) Secondly, local governments have to destroy the environment. This is because large places are generally required to construct such sites.
(IV) For the reasons stated above, I disagree with the idea that it is a good idea for local governments to build tourist sites in terms of effect on local people and the environment.
(156 words)
・そもそもmain bodyが "for local governments" じゃなくて、漫然と地方に観光地を建てることの是非についての議論になっている
・(II) cause"s", "with visitors", (IV) "the effect" にしないといけないところをそれぞれ間違えている
・(II) で"There is 〜" 構文が2回連続で続いている

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