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英検1級スレ 192

121 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/07/18(土) 15:17:07.73 ID:Pin6C0/I0.net
>>118 自己レス

Capitalist nations such as the US and Japan has encouraged socialist nations to adopt capitalism,
hoping that they would finally adopt democratic ideology, but it was in vain.
Therefore, I believe that capitalist states should adopt the strategy which will enables socialist states to go bankrupt.
In this meaning I support Reagan rather than Clinton. Reagan made the UUSR spend so much money for the national security,
until it accumulated astronomical debts. On the other hand, Clinton decided to cooperate with China,
and encouraged China to adopt the capitalism idea
Reagan was successful, and the Wall of Berlin was demolished. However, Clinton misunderstood communism.
Leaders in the socialist world, who witnessed what happened in the Soviet Union and East Europe in the end,
have no choice but cling to socialism to protect their lives. Therefore, socialism is destined to persecute citizens
who cannot be loyal to their government. Capitalist countries must not feed socialist countries.
In conclusion, capitalist nations should introduce tactics which could make socialist nations go bankrupt.
Providing the capitalism idea for socialism states will threaten capitalist states and finally could be invaded.

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