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英検1級スレ 192

571 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/07/26(日) 20:41:07.25 ID:CxCp4mq/a.net
>>570 時間稼ぎな。それでは...
Nope. The reason is that China economically dominates the World economy today. Besides that, China is what we call, World Factory, supplying many basic goods to countries all over the World. Thus China bashing won’t work at all. On the contrary to that, the rest of the World will depends on China even more in the years to come.
Funny to see some Japanese people stand with the US on this issue, despite the fact that the US has once bashed Japan in the same way as it is doing against China today. I believe they are mostly ill-informed ones who know nothing about US politics. Hopefully they wil try hard to learn history a little bit more like the saying goes : knowledge is power.

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