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英検1級スレ 192

632 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/07/28(火) 12:32:37.22 ID:wDghtdiyd.net

A. AIロボットによる産業構造の変化は新たな仕事を生むか?
Will the transformation of industrial structures driven by AI robots bring about new jobs?

B. 安楽死の厳しいポリシーの緩和は弱り果て生活の質がかなり悪化した高齢者は利益を教授できるか?
Would the deregulation of the strict policies on euthanasia benefit the helpless elderly by giving them a choice to be euthanized when quality of their life seriously deteriorates?

C. 現行の温暖化対策は本当に効果的か?
Are the current climate change counter measures really effective?

D. 堕胎により命を奪うことは道徳的に許容できるか?
Is taking one's life out of abortion morally acceptable?

E. パンデミック時に年配重傷患者より若者重傷患者を助けるような命に優先事項をつけることは正当化できるか?
Is putting priority on lives like saving dying youngs over olds in this pandemic justifiable?

F. 過去のテレビのように、インターネットはステレオタイプを作り出すか?
Does the internet make stereotypes just like TV did in the past?

G. これから迫る人口爆発は地球やその生態系に深刻な影響を与えるか?
Would the upcoming explosive population growth seriously affects the earth and its ecologies?

H. 若者が論文を書くときに人のアイデアを盗用することを防ぐ手立てはあるか?
Is there a way to prevent young people from plagiarizing other people's idea when writing a thesis?

I. 反社会的組織は社会が機能する上で必要悪か?
Are antisocial organizations a necessary evil for societies to properly function?

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