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英検1級スレ 192

772 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/08/01(土) 16:33:45.06 ID:QhV3JdU/0.net

Japan is now certainly facing the second wave now, which is disappointing but also somewhat pleasing for me. A few months ago the great number of Japanese happily ridicule Korean measures toward the virus by spreading misinformations like mass testing leads to healthcare collapse and it actually occurred there. They were even claiming Japan was doing well and praised around the world as “the Japan model”. But look at today's numbers, the new cases in Japan is the biggest in developed countries with among the worst testing rate. Blind right wingers now have to face the reality. I feel satisfied with the result. Abe is truly incompetent and LDP is finally losing its credibility.

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