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昨年の訪日韓国人観光客は700万人、訪韓日本人観光客は240万人=韓国ネット「いつも片思い」★2 [1/18] [昆虫図鑑★]

888 :海賊光 ◆OraIuMpdbc :2024/01/19(金) 00:29:44.48 ID:9K1ye9IZ.net
Article 83 (Special Cases in Wartime) Printed articles
(1) In time of war or public disturbance or in the event that an order for military force mobilization is issued, the Minister of National Defense may take each of the following measures and where necessary for national defense, only the measures referred to in subparagraph 6 may be taken: <Amended on Jan. 25, 2010; Jul. 24, 2015; Jan. 19, 2016; May 29, 2016; Dec. 31, 2019>
1. Extension of the period of active duty service under Article 18 (2);
2. Suspension of transfer of those to be called to full-time reserve service under Article 21 to other service, and transfer of those called to full-time reserve service to active duty service;


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