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934 :既にその名前は使われています:2020/09/07(月) 20:14:17 ID:57brFE+C.net

何故皆HIV テスト受けたかの確認をコロナ前までしなかったんだよw

Sex and coronavirus: How to have it safely

>Canada's Chief Public Health Officer now also encouraging people to "skip kissing" and cover their nose and mouth.
Doctor Theresa Tam says: "The lowest risk sexual activity during COVID-19 involves yourself alone".

If you are meeting someone new, the charity says to ask if they or anyone in their household have had symptoms or tested positive.
That's why the Trust recommends not kissing, wearing a face mask during sex and favouring positions where you're not face-to-face.

It adds the virus has been found in semen and poo, which is why you should use condoms and dams for oral sex to minimise risk.

And given we're supposed to be doing it after most things - washing your hands for more than 20 seconds or using hand sanitiser before and after sex is recommended.


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