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360 :世界@名無史さん:2019/05/26(日) 23:56:53.16 0.net

The Day Christian Fundamentalism Was Born・・・

Beginning on May 25, 1919, 6,000 ministers, theologians and evangelists came together
in Philadelphia for a weeklong series of meetings. They heard sermons on everything from
“Christ and the Present Crisis” to “Why I Preach the Second Coming.” The men and
women assembled there believed that God had chosen them to call Christians back to
the “fundamentals” of the faith, and to prepare the world for one final revival before Jesus
returned to earth. They called their group the World’s Christian Fundamentals Association. ・・・

On questions of race, fundamentalists defended the status quo. African-American and
Latino Christians, even when they shared the same theology as their white counterparts,
were systematically excluded from fundamentalists’ churches and organizations.・・・
Unlike more mainstream Protestants, fundamentalists did not expect to see a righteous
and holy kingdom of God established on earth. Instead, they taught that the Holy Spirit
would soon turn this world over to the Antichrist, a diabolical world leader who would
preside over an awful holocaust in which those true believers who had not already
been raptured to heaven would suffer interminable tribulations.・・・

They criticized the ways in which the fight for women’s suffrage was driving women
out of the home, and they worried that birth control was undermining the family.・・・

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