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1 :名無しさん@ジョーカーいっぱい:2015/06/21(日) 14:25:24.11 ID:a+N1Fmwo.net
WBF(World Bridge Federation)の会長が次のような声明を出している。;


2 :名無しさん@ジョーカーいっぱい:2015/06/21(日) 14:28:02.15 ID:a+N1Fmwo.net
IOC decides to include Bridge in the Asian Games
The President of the WBF has made the following statement:

I am very pleased to inform you that yesterday June 14th
in Jakarta the Olympic Committee of Asia (OCA) decided to include Bridge in the 2018 Asian Games to be held in Indonesia.

This is a tremendous success achieved thanks the excellent job done by the Indonesian Olympic Committee President Rita Subowo,
the Indonesian Bridge Federation, Esther Sophonpanich, Patrick Choy and Bambang Hartono in addition to the activity undertaken
by the Asian NBOs in stimulating their own National Olympic Committees.

A special thanks to the ANOC and OCA President Sheikh Ahmed Al Fahad Al Sabah for his support,
as promised to me in Sochi.

After the inclusion of Bridge in the 2017 SEA Games to be held in Malaysia,
this prestigious second step is fundamental to help bridge to be accepted at the 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympic Games, as additional event,
for which we received an invitation to submit an application. This was duly sent to the Tokyo Committee and we are awaiting a decision as to whether
we will be invited to proceed to Phase II of the application process

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