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オットー・クレンペラー Part27

374 :名無しの笛の踊り (オッペケ Sr85-saD6):2020/03/21(土) 23:48:26 ID:bLshcyhtr.net
Dr. Otto Klemperer

Museum: The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
Item Type: Sculpture
Artist / Creator: Epstein, Jacob, British, born USA, 1880–1959
Location: England
Date: 1957

In 1957, when the world-renowned conductor Otto Klemperer (1885-1973) came to London
to perform with its new Philharmonic Orchestra, he sat for the delighted Epstein,
an ardent concertgoer.
Klemperer's high cheekbones and sharp profile impart a heroic solemnity to the portrait.


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