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【みんなで】Miffy and Friends (・x・)【あそぼ】

1 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/25(月) 05:41:59 .net
ミッフィーとおともだち "Miffy and Friends"
NHKのHP ttp://www9.nhk.or.jp/anime/miffy/

NHK教育で毎週日曜日 午後5時30分〜5時35分 放送中(・x・)

285 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/11/12(月) 10:25:40.28 .net
"What's your name, little dog?" asked Miffy.
But the dog only went "Sniff...sniff...sniff..."
Miffy laughed and said, "I think your name is Snuffy.
Shall I give you some water? It's hot today. You must be very thirsty."
Miffy went into the kitchen. She filled the bowl with cold water.
Snuffy happily drank the water.
Miffy asked her, "Would you like to play with me in our garden?"
Miffy led Snuffy to the garden.
"Show me what you can do. Can you sit?" Snuffy sat.
"Can you sit up and bark?" Snuffy sat up.
"Can you roll over?" Snuffy rolled over. "What else can you do?"
Suddenly Snuffy pricked up her ears and started running around the house.
"What's the matter?" asked Miffy. "Is there something wrong?"

286 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/11/12(月) 10:26:44.18 .net
Snuffy stopped at the kitchen window and started to bark.
Miffy ran up to the window and looked in to see what was the matter.
She saw that she had forgotten to turn off the water at the kitchen sink,
and it was still running. "What a clever dog you are, Snuffy!" said Miffy.
"When I went to the kitchen to get water for you to drink,
I forgot to turn off the tap."
Miffy went quickly into the house. She turned off the water.
"Oh, Snuffy," said Miffy. "You're such a clever little dog.
Now you must be very hungry. I'll give you a biscuit.
"Bow!" said Snuffy happily. Her little tail was wagging with joy.
"It was so nice that you came to visit to me. You can come to see anytime you like."
Snuffy barked happily which went "Yes, I will."

287 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/11/12(月) 12:02:54.29 .net
【タイトル】 Miffy and Aggie's Teddy Bears
【 邦題 】 ぬいぐるみのくまちゃん
【あらすじ】 http://www.toonarific.com/episode.php?episode_id=60099&show_id=2382
【放送月日】 2012年11月16日(金)午前7時40分

One day Miffy thought it would be great fun to have her good friend Aggie stay over night with her.
So she asked her mother, "Can I please invite Aggie to stay with me tonight?"
"That would be very nice," said Miffy's mother. "I will phone Aggie's mother to ask if that is OK."
That afternoon the door bell rang. And there stood Aggie with her little suitcase.

288 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/11/12(月) 12:10:27.55 .net
"I brought a little present for Miffy," said Aggie. "It's a drawing I made myself."
Miffy was so pleased with Aggie's drawing that she went straight to her room
and hanged it on the wall. "It's beautiful," said Miffy.
Aggie began to unpack her suitcase.
She had brought her night dress, her tooth brush, a little picture book
and, of course, her own little teddy bear.
"What a surprise!" said Miffy, "It's almost the same as my teddy bear. Look!"
The two teddy bears looked exactly alike. Just then Mother Bunny called them for dinner.
And, of course, their teddy bears were hungry, too.
"Be careful! You don't mix them up, Children.
Your teddy bears looked almost the same. They are even the same color."
"But I know which is mine," said Miffy. "And I know which is mine," said Aggie.
"Good!" said Mother Bunny. Mother served them a nice dinner.
There were carrots, leeks and four delicious tomatoes.
It smelt so good that the little bunny girls ate every bit.

289 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/11/12(月) 12:12:51.84 .net
After dinner it was bedtime. "Sleep well," said Mother Bunny.
"So that tomorrow you won't be too tired to play."
Miffy was feeling sleepy. But Aggie was not. "I can hear strange noises," Aggie said.
"That the wind blowing through the trees," said Miffy. "That's normal."
"It's all dark in here." said Aggie. "I can open the door a little," said Miffy.
"I still can't fall asleep," said Aggie. So Miffy turned on her little bedside light.
And saw that Aggie was holding Miffy's teddy bear instead of her own.
"Now I see why you can't sleep," said Miffy. "You don't have your own teddy bear."
"I knew something was wrong," said Aggie.
"Our teddy bears look the same, but each has its own special smell."
"Of course," said Miffy. "My bear smells like me."
"And my bear smells like me," said Aggie.
"That's how we know which one is our own," said Miffy.
So when each little bunny girl had her own teddy bear each with its own special smell,
they both fell asleep and had beautiful teddy bear dreams until the morning.

290 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/11/12(月) 22:37:52.77 .net
♪Who can it be nowなーんて思い出したりして… by Men at work



291 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/11/13(火) 09:21:02.32 .net
オソクマデオシゴト ゴクロウサマ (・x・) つ 旦


292 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/11/13(火) 10:52:01.69 .net
【タイトル】 Miffy gets help from Poppy Pig
【 邦題 】 たいせつなおともだち
【あらすじ】 http://www.toonarific.com/episode.php?episode_id=60098&show_id=2382
【放送月日】 2012年11月15日(木)午前7時40分

It was a beautiful morning and Miffy thought,
"This is a perfect day to visit my Auntie Alice."
Miffy asked her mother if she could go to Auntie Alice's house.
"If you go, you should bring Auntie Alice a nice present," said Mother Bunny.
Miffy thought, "What kind of present can I bring my auntie?"
Miffy looked out of her window and saw beautiful flowers growing in her garden.
"Can I pick some flowers from the garden to give to Auntie Alice," asked Miffy.
"Yes, of course," said her mother.

293 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/11/13(火) 10:54:01.99 .net
Miffy picked a lovely blue flower, then a yellow flower, and a red flower.
"These flowers make a beautiful present," thought Miffy.
"I'm sure Auntie Alice will be pleased with these."
Miffy was walking down the path on her way to visit her Auntie Alice.
When she past Poppy Pig's house, "Hello, Miffy, what are you carrying?"
"I'm taking some flowers to my Auntie Alice," answered Miffy.
"Oh, dear!" cried Poppy. "Are you hurt?"
"I'm OK," cried Miffy, "but my flowers are ruined.
I can't visit Auntie Alice without taking her a present."
"Don't be sad, Miffy," said Poppy.
"I will give you a big bunch of fresh carrots from my garden. Your auntie will love them."
"Oh, that's very kind of you, Poppy."
"You are my friend, Miffy," said Poppy. "And friends always help each other."
So Poppy led Miffy to her garden and pulled out lots of fresh carrots
and put them in a basket for Miffy to carry.

294 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/11/13(火) 10:55:46.97 .net
Miffy thanked Poppy Pig. Poppy was a very good friend.
When Miffy arrived to her Auntie Alice's house, she gave her auntie the fresh carrots.
Her aunt was very pleased. Miffy told Auntie Alice how Poppy had helped her.
"Miffy," Auntie Alice told her, "You are lucky to have such a good friend.
No one can be happy without friends."
"No one can be happy without fresh biscuits, either," said Auntie Alice
as she put a plateful of warm biscuits before Miffy. They had come fresh from the oven.
"Mmm..." thought Miffy. "My auntie is a good friend, too."

295 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/11/15(木) 09:41:33.41 .net
【タイトル】 Miffy Wants to Fly
【 邦題 】 そらをとんだミッフィー
【あらすじ】 http://www.toonarific.com/episode.php?episode_id=60148&show_id=2382
【放送月日】 2012年11月19日(月)午前7時40分

Miffy loved to look out of her window and watch birds flying over the meadows,
and butterflies flying over the flowers.
"How wonderful it would be to fly!" said Miffy.
"I wonder if I could fly, too. Maybe I can. I've just never tried.
I don't have wings like the bird or the butterflies,"she thought.
"But maybe I could fly by flapping my arms."

296 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/11/15(木) 09:42:16.33 .net
So she went outside and ran very fast flapping her arms as hard as she could.
But she just fell down. Miffy was very sad that she could't fly.
She looked up and saw a brightly colored kite flying in the sky.
At the end of the string was Grunty. Miffy ran up to Grunty and said,
"Grunty, wouldn't it be wonderful if I could have paper wings
and you could fly me like a kite?"
"What a fun idea!" said Grunty.
So Grunty and Miffy ran to Miffy's house to ask for some paper.
Miffy's mother just smiled and asked Miffy,
"Why do you want to fly? Bunnies don't usually fly."
"But it would be wonderful to be able to fly and float.
Birds and butterflies are so lucky that they can fly."
"Yes, they are lucky. And maybe you are lucky to be a bunny."

297 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/11/15(木) 09:43:57.75 .net
Miffy's mother gave Grunty and Miffy some paper.
They cut out large pieces of paper and glue them to a frame made of sticks,
and made a large kite. They went outside to see it worked.
They tied Miffy to the kite and Grunty pulled and pulled on the string.
No matter how hard they tried, the kite could not lift Miffy off the ground.
Miffy was fed up with it and disappointed.
She gave up and went into her bedroom. Then Grunty had a good idea.
He asked Miffy's mother if she had some large crayons.
Grunty took the crayons and began to make a drawing on the kite.
When Miffy looked out of her window again, what did she see?
There was the kite flying high in the air. And on the kite was a drawing of Miffy.
"Look, Miffy!" said Mother Bunny. "You're flying at last." Miffy had to laugh.


298 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/11/16(金) 22:20:41.30 .net


It used to big for him. (そのベッドは以前彼にとっては大きかった。)

でした。used to は直後に形容詞をとることができるんだそうです。知らんかったよ。
ということで、 11月21日(水)朝の放送分にあわせて、改訂版をアップしますね。

299 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/11/17(土) 08:27:26.34 .net


300 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/11/17(土) 11:49:18.66 .net
イキテイレバ コンナコトモアルワ... (・x・)

ダイジョウブヨ オカアサン ワタシ クジケナイ (・x・)

301 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/11/17(土) 11:53:16.76 .net
ソレカラ ゴメイフクヲ オイノリシマス...  (・x・)

302 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/11/19(月) 13:25:59.44 .net
♪Who can it be now 〜 私も「 Men at work」で覚えました♪

303 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/11/20(火) 13:53:25.34 .net
変更部分がありますので、>137-139 ではなく、こちらをご参考になさってください。

【タイトル】 Miffy's Lost Teddy Bear
【 邦題 】 くまちゃんのベッド
【あらすじ】 ttp://www.toonarific.com/episode.php?episode_id=60156&show_id=2382
【放送月日】 2012年11月21日(水)午前7時40分

304 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/11/20(火) 13:54:11.78 .net
Miffy's favorite toy was a yellow teddy bear that she always took to bed.
One morning she woke and couldn’t find her teddy bear.
It wasn't under her blanket where it should be.
So she looked under her bed and there it was.
"You are such a grown-up teddy bear," said Miffy.
"I think you should have your own bed so you can't fall out.
I'll ask my good friend Boris Bear to make a bed for you. We shall go and visit him."
So Miffy carried her teddy.
And together with Snuffy, she walked through the forest to Boris's house.
"Hello, Miffy! Hello, Snuffy!" said Boris. "I'm always so happy to see you both.
And I see that you have another friend with you."
"It's my fairy own teddy bear and he needs his own bed.
Last night he fell out of my bed. It used to big for him."
"Of course!" said Boris. "He must have his own bed. I'll make one for him in my workshop."

305 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/11/20(火) 17:56:53.78 .net
Boris then started to make a little bed for Miffy's teddy bear.
Miffy helped by handing Boris the tools when he called for them.
And even Snuffy helped by fetching the pieces of wood. Soon the little bed was finished.
"It's a lovely bed, Boris!" said Miffy. "Thank you very much for making it for my teddy."
It had been a lot of work and Miffy was tired.
Just then she heard ...(the sound of honking) It was Father Bunny.
Barbara had telephoned him and asked him to come and collect Miffy and Snuffy.
"Look, Father!" called Miffy. "Here is a lovely bed that Boris made for my teddy."
"Boris is so clever," said Father Bunny. "Did you remember to thank him?"
"Oh, yes!" said Boris. "Miffy thanked me very politely.
It was a pleasure to make the little bed for her."
Then it was time to ride home in Father Bunny's car.
Father carefully put the bed on the backseat of the car and lay Teddy Bear in it.
Snuffy jumped next to it and Miffy got into the car as well.
They waved goodbye to Boris and Barbara and set off her home.

306 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/11/20(火) 17:58:38.45 .net
Miffy was tired after such an exciting day and such hard work.
Soon she fell fast asleep, even though the rode was very bumpy.
When they drove around a corner, the wheel of the car hit a big bump.
And the teddy bear flew right out of the car.
Miffy was asleep and her father was busy driving.
He didn't even see that the teddy bear was gone.
When they arrived at their house, Snuffy jumped out of the car and ran away.
Miffy looked on the backseat and saw that the little bed was empty.
Where was her teddy bear? She began to cry.
"Oh, dear! Teddy Bear is lost in the forest. I'll never see him again."
"I think it'll be very difficult to find your teddy bear in the big forest."
"And where is Snuffy? She has also gone." said Miffy.
Suddenly they heard the sound of barking.
They looked back and saw Snuffy came running out of the forest.
"Look, Miffy!" shouted Father happily. "Snuffy has found your teddy bear."
How happy Miffy was! She patted Snuffy.
"You're such a good dog. I am happy to have you as a faithful friend.

307 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/11/21(水) 07:52:26.63 .net

308 :やってみました:2012/11/21(水) 21:47:21.04 .net

One beautiful summer day, Boris Bear was making a circle with some stones.
He was building a fire because he wanted to surprise Barbala with a nice picnic on the hill.
When stones were already he went into the forest to find some woods to burn in the fire.
At the same time, at Poppy’s place, Poppy was saying her niece Grunty.
“This is such a lovely day. Why don’t we go to the hill to have a picnic?”
“That’s a good idea.” said Grunty. Let’s bring lots of carrots.”
Meanwhile mother and father bunny were having the very same idea.
“This is such a splendid day.” said Miffy’s mother. “We can all go to the hillside for a picnic.”
“Oh, wonderful.” said Miffy. I love picnics. Shall we invite Auntie Alice?”

309 :やってみました:2012/11/21(水) 21:48:44.83 .net
“Yes, we will.” said father bunny. And Auntie Alice always makes such delicious cakes and biscuits.
So, all the friends were getting ready for a picnic. But ( ) others doing the same thing.
Boris returned from the forest with arms full woods and placed it all inside of the circle of stones. Before I start a fire, I’ll go and get Barbala she thought.
She would be surprised I invite to a picnic. As Bris left, Poppy and Grunty came walking up the hill looked for a good place to have a picnic.
“Look!” said Grunty. “Here is a good place. A fire has already been prepared here. Can we use it?”
“I’m not sure we can use this camp-fire, Grunty.” said Poppy. “Someone else has prepared it. Not us.”

310 :やってみました:2012/11/21(水) 21:50:36.75 .net
But just then she saw Miffy and her parents coming up the hill carrying a large picnic basket.
“Look!” said Poppy. Even Auntie Alice and Snuffy are here. They must have prepared this camp-fire,”
“Oh, look!” said mother bunny. “Poppy and Grunty are here, too. And they have prepared a perfect place for a fire.”
“May we join you?” asked Miffy. “Certainly!” said Poppy. After all this is your camp-fire.”
“No, no.” said father bunny. “It’s not ours.”
“Then who made it?” asked Poppy.
Meanwhile Boris arrived home. He had secretly prepared a delicious picnic early in the morning.

311 :やってみました:2012/11/21(水) 21:52:11.67 .net
And he hid it in a picnic basket in this workshop. Now he came back to collect it.
“Barbala, I have a surprise for you, a picnic. Come with me.”
So, Boris and Barbala walked up the hill. They heard lots of voices.
“What a lovely surprise you have made for me, Boris!” said Barbala. “You’ve invited all of our friends to have a picnic on this lovely day.” Boris just smiled and said “Welcome everybody to our picnic. I’ll now start a fire.”

312 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/11/22(木) 07:47:44.42 .net
>307 そうそう、かなり長めの話なんですよ。

おっつかれさまー! GJ!

313 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/11/23(金) 10:06:19.33 .net
「But (non of them knew that the) others were doing」ですかね?

「that you need」は「that tune needs」で、どうですかね?



314 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/11/23(金) 13:37:24.96 .net
>>313 「that you need」は「that tune needs」で

うおおお、それだあああっ! ありがとうございます。

315 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/12/13(木) 09:44:11.84 .net


316 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/12/14(金) 07:06:58.22 .net
>278が、終了フラグだったのね (;_;)

317 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/12/27(木) 16:24:07.58 .net



318 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/12/27(木) 16:31:47.92 .net

319 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/01/03(木) 22:42:54.18 .net
本年もよろしくお願いいたします。 (・x・)

320 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/01/04(金) 14:13:15.29 .net

321 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/01/26(土) 09:25:12.02 .net

322 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/02/04(月) 20:16:24.06 .net


323 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/02/05(火) 07:59:32.03 .net

324 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/03/08(金) 20:15:11.67 .net

325 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/03/24(日) 17:12:42.61 .net
みんなで、英語字幕つけましょうか? ナンチテ (・x・)

326 :201:2013/03/25(月) 20:18:33.92 .net

327 :201:2013/03/25(月) 21:47:12.39 .net
4月7日(日) うたうスープ




328 :201:2013/03/25(月) 21:50:14.05 .net


329 :201:2013/03/25(月) 21:51:52.55 .net


330 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/03/27(水) 07:59:47.18 .net


331 :201:2013/03/27(水) 20:52:19.16 .net

332 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/03/30(土) 22:52:37.12 .net



333 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/04/01(月) 10:01:34.50 .net


334 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/04/01(月) 21:55:10.13 .net

335 :三年英太郎 ◆3UHZQ3IJjc :2013/04/01(月) 22:24:38.65 .net
ミッフィーかわいいよミッフィー (*´Д`)つ(・x・)
今年は、ミッフィーミュージアムいくお (*´Д`)

336 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/04/01(月) 22:34:14.19 .net



337 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/04/02(火) 21:57:05.55 .net


338 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/04/02(火) 21:58:06.62 .net

339 :三年英太郎 ◆3UHZQ3IJjc :2013/04/02(火) 23:09:55.14 .net



340 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/04/03(水) 16:19:33.37 .net
4/7 (日) 17:25 〜 17:30 (5分)


341 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/04/08(月) 21:42:59.12 .net

342 :三年英太郎 ◆3UHZQ3IJjc :2013/04/08(月) 21:48:15.81 .net
ガーン(_□_;)!! 見逃した・・・

343 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/04/09(火) 21:32:52.45 .net
they noticed there was still one very important thing missing

この辺に、しびれちゃった。ありがとう >>1 さん。

344 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/04/14(日) 08:36:31.68 .net

345 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/04/19(金) 14:47:39.98 .net
【タイトル】 Miffy and the Blue Egg
【 邦題 】 あおい たまご
【あらすじ】 http://www.toonarific.com/episode.php?episode_id=60113&show_id=2382
【放送月日】 2013年4月21日(日)

Miffy and Melanie were playing together in Miffy's garden throwing a colorful ball back and forth.
Melanie threw the ball high into the air and Miffy couldn't see where the ball landed.
As she looked for the ball behind the tree, she discovered something else.
It was an egg, a blue egg. "How lovely!" said Miffy.
She forgot all about her lost ball and looked with wonder at the little blue egg.
"What do you think it is inside, Melanie?" Miffy said.

346 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/04/19(金) 14:48:25.01 .net
Just then Poppy Pig came by. "I see you have a blue egg," said Poppy.
"Do you think you get blue carrots from blue eggs?"
"I don't think so. Carrots don't come from eggs."
Melanie said, "My grannie says that blue eggs have blue socks inside of them."
"I don't think so. You buy socks in a shop.
Eggs come from birds. There must be a bird's nest in one of these trees."
Melanie looked up and saw a bird's nest with a big red bird sitting in it.

347 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/04/19(金) 15:02:21.32 .net
Poppy Pig lifted Miffy high enough so that she could put the blue egg back in the nest,
and under the red bird.
Mother Bird nestled over the blue egg and sang a happy song.
Poppy found the lost ball. They all had great fun playing with the ball together.
They laughed a lot. Suddenly their laughter was joined by another sound.
It was the cheeping of a baby bird. There it was. A tiny red bird in the nest.
Miffy realized that color of the outside doesn't tell you what's inside.
"I knew all the time that carrots don't come from eggs, Miffy," said Poppy Pig.
"I was just making a joke about the blue carrots."
"Me, too," said Melanie. "Of course I know that socks don't come from eggs."
"Now we know that red birds can come from blue eggs," said Miffy. "How wonderful!"

348 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/04/19(金) 23:48:08.46 .net

349 :348:2013/04/21(日) 19:40:35.29 .net

350 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/04/22(月) 17:32:52.03 .net

351 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/04/23(火) 23:38:52.47 .net
my mother and father are also pinkの辺りのくだりが切れてるような…?


352 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/04/24(水) 12:42:18.91 .net
ミフィ友風に「きえた てきすと」とつぶやいてみる...じゃなくて、探してきます。

353 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/04/27(土) 18:30:21.18 .net

354 :三年英太郎 ◆3UHZQ3IJjc :2013/04/27(土) 22:15:59.14 .net

355 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/04/30(火) 13:03:20.29 .net

356 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/04/30(火) 17:38:26.16 .net
[Miffy and the Caterpillar]、なにとぞ。 m(_ _)m

[Miffy gets help from Poppy Pig]は、
"I'm OK," cried Miffy, "but my flowers are ruined の時の、

357 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/05/05(日) 19:35:13.24 .net

358 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/05/21(火) 14:58:58.60 .net
【タイトル】 Miffy and the Caterpillar
【 邦題 】 いもむしの へんしん 
【あらすじ】 http://www.toonarific.com/episode.php?episode_id=60124&show_id=2382
【放送月日】 2013年5月5日(日)午後5時25分〜5時30分

Miffy was on her way to visit her Auntie Alice.
Along the way she walked through the meadow,
full of colorful flowers with butterflies fluttering all around.
But look! What did she see on the ground?
A caterpillar was eating a leaf from one of the beautiful flowers.
"Why are you eating the leaf, Little Caterpillar?" asked Miffy.
"I will take you to my Auntie Alice's house. And she will give you something proper to eat."
She carefully picked up the little caterpillar and carried it with her to Auntie Alice's house.

359 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/05/22(水) 09:57:31.34 .net
Miffy found Auntie Alice busy in her garden. "What do you have there?" asked Auntie Alice.
"It's a naughty caterpillar," said Miffy. "It was eating a leaf from a beautiful flower."
Auntie Alice laughed. "Caterpillars must eat leaves, Miffy," said Auntie Alice.
"It's what they need to make their great change."
"What change is that?" asked Miffy. "You will see," said Auntie Alice.
"It is something so magical. You'll hardly believe it."
Now Miffy was very excited. She wondered what the great change could be.
Auntie Alice carefully placed the little caterpillar near some tasty leaves.
"You can come each day to watch the caterpillar, Miffy, and feed it some more leaves," she said.
"You'll see something very surprising." Miffy was very curious.
She loved surprises and she could hardly wait for her next visit.
Each time Miffy came to Auntie Alice's house, she fed the little caterpillar more leaves.
But she didn't see any change at all.
"You must be patient, Miffy," said her Auntie Alice. "The surprise will come."

360 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/05/22(水) 09:58:34.29 .net
On her next visit, Miffy was very sad.
"Oh, dear! Look! The caterpillar is all wrapped up in white thread."
"That is called a cocoon," said Auntie Alice. "The caterpillar made it.
It's asleep inside. Next week you will see the great surprise."
Miffy was so excited that the next week she brought her friend Aggie with her
to see what in the world the great change would be.
They watched but nothing happened. The white cocoon just lay there very still.
Then suddenly it began to move. It shuck. And it quivered and then it split.
The two bunny girls leaned closer. Their eyes were wide with wonder.
Out of the cocoon there came not a caterpillar, but something else.
What was it? It crawled out. Then what a surprise! Wings opened. It really had changed.
"It's not a caterpillar any more," shouted Miffy. "It's a butterfly. You are right, Auntie Alice.
Something magical did happen. A little hungry caterpillar has changed into a beautiful butterfly."
The butterfly fluttered its new wings to say goodbye and flew away.


361 : 忍法帖【Lv=10,xxxPT】(1+0:8) :2013/06/14(金) 20:18:53.69 .net

362 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/06/21(金) 22:24:01.60 .net

It wasn’t in the cupboard or in the pot. It wasn't in the cupboard.


363 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/07/20(土) NY:AN:NY.AN .net

364 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/08/14(水) NY:AN:NY.AN .net

365 :三年英太郎 ◆3UHZQ3IJjc :2013/08/15(木) NY:AN:NY.AN .net



366 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/08/20(火) NY:AN:NY.AN .net

367 :三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y :2013/08/26(月) NY:AN:NY.AN .net

368 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/08/26(月) NY:AN:NY.AN .net

369 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/08/30(金) NY:AN:NY.AN .net

370 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/08/30(金) NY:AN:NY.AN .net


371 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/08/31(土) NY:AN:NY.AN .net

372 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/08/31(土) NY:AN:NY.AN .net



373 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/09/02(月) 00:54:47.05 .net
「あさごはんは にんじん」


374 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/09/15(日) 18:05:00.99 .net

375 :台風連休:2013/09/16(月) 20:34:15.81 .net
【タイトル】Miffy at a Costume Party

One day a letter arrived from Auntie Alice.
Miffy's mother opened it,
And read that Auntie Alice was going to have a costume party,
For all of her young friends.
”Miffy is invited and she must be sure to come in a disguise,”
read Mother Bunny.
”Oh, What fun!”
said Miffy.
”What is a disguise?”
”It means you have to wear a mask,”
”So you will look like someone else.”
said Miffy's mother.
”Now, who could you pretend to be?”
In the meantime, Poppy Pig got an invitation,
Boris Bear got an invitation.
Barbara Bear also got one.
Even Snuffy was invited.
Auntie Alice had asked all of them to her costume party.
On the day of the party,
It was very funny.
Auntie Alice couldn't be sure who was coming through her front door.
Miffy arrived wearing a Poppy Pig mask.
Poppy Pig arrived wearing a Barbara Bear mask.
Barbara Bear arrived disguised as Auntie Alice.
Auntie Alice herself was disguised as Boris Bear.
Boris Bear arrived wearing a Snuffy mask,
and Snuffy arrived wearing a Miffy mask.

376 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/09/16(月) 20:35:00.95 .net
”What wonderful disguises all we have,”
said Auntie Alice.
”Now, before we have some ice cream and cake,”
”We must try to guess who everyone really is.”
”Whoever guesses all the right names will win a special prize.”
They all looked at each other very carefully.
”Who is behind this mask?”
”Who could this be?”
”Who is this?,”
”And who is this?”
The disguises were so perfect,
That no one could guess.
Then they all shouted at once to Auntie Alice.
”We knew who you are!”
”You are really Auntie Alice.”
”We can tell by your white apron.”
Then they all took off the masks.
Auntie Alice said,
”Well, you all guessed to I was.”
”So you can all have some ice cream and cake.”
”You all get a special prize too.”
They all enjoyed their ice cream and cake.
After that,
Each went home with a brightly colored balloon,
And Miffy thought.
”What a wonderful party that was.”
”But I'm glad I'm really me.”

377 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/09/16(月) 20:35:44.24 .net
【タイトル】Miffy and the Hungry Bird
There was a clear blue winter sky.
Miffy was sleeping in a warm cozy bed.
When at last the sun began to rise.
Miffy was awakened by the sound of chirping bird.
Just outside her window.
”What a beautiful song that bird has,”
thought Miffy.
”She must be very happy.”
”She can see the beautiful snow covered the meadow.”
”I would like to be out there too.”
So Miffy quickly got dressed in her warm coat and a warm scarf,
And went outside in the crisp white snow.
The bird was still there,
Right in Miffy's garden.
”What a happy bird,”
thought Miffy again.
And she went to get her sledge.
She gave her sledge a little push and jumped onto it.
It was such a nice feeling to be sliding over the smooth white snow.
Miffy still heard the bird cheeping.
Just as loudly as ever,
And when she looked back,
She saw that the bird was hopping after her.
”The little bird loves the snow too,”
thought Miffy.
”She is hopping along with me.”
But now,
Miffy had to turn her sledge around,
And pull it back to her house.

378 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/09/16(月) 20:36:23.98 .net
She hadn't had a breakfast yet.
And even as she did that,
The little bird also turned around.
And hopped after her.
”That little bird must really like me,”
thought Miffy.
”She wants to follow me and sing for me wherever I go.”
Then Miffy's mother called out,
”Quickly Miffy,”
”You don't have time to play in the snow before school.”
”Come in and reach your breakfast.”
When Miffy had finished her breakfast,
The little bird was still there sitting on the window sill.
And as Miffy walked to school,
The little bird followed her again,
All the way to the school.
”Do you want to go to school, little bird?”
asked Miffy.
”You've already known how to sing,”
Miffy thought it was funny.
The little bird followed everywhere always singing.
Even as she sat in her class room,
The little bird sat outside the window.
When it was time for break,
All of the children went out to play in the snow.
And they were all delighted to see the little bird hopping all around them.
Melanie said,
”I think the little bird is trying to tell us something Miffy.”
said Miffy.
”She's been chirping and following me all morning.”

379 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/09/16(月) 20:36:56.81 .net
”Maybe she is hungry, Miffy.”
said Melanie.
”Oh, dear,”
said Miffy.
”I didn't think of that.”
”The snow has covered at the grass,”
”And there is nothing outside for a bird to eat.”
Miffy felt bad.
”Oh, I am silly.”
she said.
”I should have known the bird was hungry.”
She ran inside,
And brought out a little paper bag with her lunch in it.
She took out a nice piece of brown bread,
And spread some crumbs on top of the snow.
The little bird immediately jumped over to the crumbs,
And ate every one of them.
Then she flapped her wings,
And flew off.
The next morning.
When Miffy woke up,
The little bird was there again.
This time Miffy knew just what to do.

380 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/09/16(月) 20:37:36.96 .net
【タイトル】Boris' Bird House
Boris and Barbara was thinking about Miffy's birthday.
”What can we make for her?”
asked Barbara.
said Boris.
”Spring will soon be here,”
”And I know that Miffy enjoy seeing the baby birds every year.”
”What if I make her a special bird house that she can watch each day?”
”Oh, That's the splendid idea Boris.”
said Barbara.
”It should be painted brightly to attract mother bird.”
”I will make it an exact copy of Miffy's own house only very small,”
”Just the right size for the little birds.”
”I have a picture of Miffy's house to guide me.”
Boris selected some of his best wooden planks,
Some pieces that would make the walls,
A strong piece of wood for the floor,
And two steady pieces for the roof.
First he draw a plan that shows the right sizes of the wood,
And how they would all be fitted in nail together.
Then Boris measured piece of wood with a special ruler.
And used a pencil to mark where the plank should be cut.
He clamped the wood to his work bench,
So it would be held steady,
And then he took out one of his sharp saws.
He moved the saw back and forth over the line he drawn with the pencil.
He did this for each piece of wood,
Until every part of the bird house was cut the right size.

381 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/09/16(月) 20:38:37.70 .net
Next he used a hammer to fasten all the pieces together,
Finally there was a perfect little house.
”I will use my drill to make a little hole in a house,”
”Just big enough for the mother bird to get in and out.”
”She will collect twigs and grass to make a cozy nest inside.”
”Now, it's ready for you to paint it Barbara.”
said Boris.
Barbara Bear had lots of jars of bright paint,
And a brush for each color.
Soon the little bird house really did look like a tiny model of Miffy's own house,
With one small difference.
On Miffy's birthday,
Boris and Barbara brought the bird house to Miffy's house,
And set it up on a pole in Miffy's garden.
”Happy birthday, Miffy.”
said Boris and Barbara.
”We have a surprise for you.”
”Come and see.”
Miffy was delighted with a bird house.
”It looks just like my house.”
said Miffy.
”But there's something different,”
”Instead of a door it has only that little hole in the front.”
”That's the door for the birds.”
said Boris.
”It's not a bunny door.”
They all laughed.
”Oh, how wonderful to have such clever friends.”
said Miffy.
”You have made me happy.”
”And your present will also make a mother bird very happy.”
”Now, We all have something to be happy about.”

382 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/09/16(月) 20:39:12.57 .net
【タイトル】Miffy has the Flu
”Miffy, Miffy.”
called Mother Bunny.
”It's time to get up.”
”The sunny shining.”
But Miffy didn't get up.
Her mother called again.
”Miffy it's time to get up.”
Mother Bunny went into Miffy's room.
And saw straight away that Miffy did not look at all well.
She felt Miffy's forehead.
”I think you have a fever, Miffy.”
”I must take your temperature.”
She went to get the thermometer.
And put it under Miffy's arm.
Mother Bunny looked at the thermometer.
”Oh, dear, Miffy.”
”You do have a fever.”
Miffy said.
”Oh, mother.”
”I feel hot and cold all at the same time.”
said her mother.
”That is the sign of having the flu.”
”I'll bring you an extra blanket and some water.”
”When you have the flu,”
”You must drink a lot.”
”I'll bring you breakfast in bed.”
”Would you like that?”

383 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/09/16(月) 20:39:44.91 .net
”I don't feel at all hungry.”
said Miffy sadly.
”If you are not hungry then you definitely have the flu.”
”Who can that be so early in the morning?”
said Miffy's mother.
She went to the door.
It was Miffy's friend Aggie.
”Can Miffy come out and play? Mrs. bunny.”
said Aggie.
”That's the lovely idea Aggie.”
said Mother Bunny.
”But Miffy is still in bed.”
”I'm afraid she has the flu.”
”I hope she feel better tomorrow and can play with you then.”
And a hour later the door bell rang again.
Mother Bunny opened the door.
And there stood Boris and Barbara Bear.
They also wanted to visit Miffy.
But of course,
Miffy was still in bed.
And Mother Bunny said,
”You know Boris and Barbara,”
”That the flu is catching.”
”It would be best if you didn't visit Miffy today.”
Boris and Barbara sadly walked away from Miffy's house.
Mother peeked into Miffy's room again.
And saw that she was still sleeping.
Just then the door bell rang again.
”Who could that be this time.”
said mother.

384 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/09/16(月) 22:04:54.23 .net
When Mother Bunny opened the door,
There were Boris, Barbara, and Aggie again.
”You know Miffy is ill in bed.”
”Why have you come back again?”
”We brought Miffy some presents.”
They all said together.
”We want to make her feel better.”
”We brought some fruits.”
”Some apples, some grapes, and some oranges.”
”Thank you.”
said Mother Bunny.
”The fruit will be good for her.”
”I'll take it to her straight away.”
Mother Bunny brought the fruit to Miffy,
Who was happy to have such a thoughtful friends.
She ate the apple first.
it was delicious.
And Miffy thought she was feeling better already.
And sure enough,
The next morning,
She felt much better,
And soon was outside,
playing happily with her friends.

385 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/09/16(月) 22:06:18.99 .net
【タイトル】Miffy's Birthday Party
It was Miffy's birthday.
And her mother had baked the beautiful chocolate cake.
She had set the table with party hats and colorful napkins.
And had hanged the birthday decorations all around their little house.
It was already twelve o'clock.
and no one had come to the party.
Miffy wondered if anyone would come.
She looked out of her window.
But couldn't see anybody coming.
”Where is everyone?”
She asked her mother.
”We sent invitations to all your friends, Miffy.”
said her mother.
”I'm sure they will be here soon.”
Just then the door bell rang.
There was Miffy's friend Aggie.
She was carrying a beautifully wrapped present for Miffy.
”Oh, Hello, Aggie.”
said Miffy.
”You're the first arrived.”
”What a lovely looking present.”
”I wonder what it is.”
”You must wait until everyone is here, Miffy.”
said Aggie.
”And then you can open all of your presents.”
Just then the door bell rang again.
There were all the rest of Miffy's friends.
There was Poppy Pig, Grunty, Boris Bear, and Barbara.

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