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77 :えワ:2015/05/29(金) 04:40:12.46 ID:/An0WpUH.net
Steven Spielberg vs Alfred Hitchcock Lyrics 5
Nice Peter & EpicLLOYD

>I'll bring back JAWS and take a bite of your Lifeboat

Jaws was Spielberg’s first major success, famously featuring a killer shark. Lifeboat is one of Hitchcock’s earlier works
featuring a group of people attempting to survive on a lifeboat.
Here, Spielberg threatens to bring back one of his great works to completely engulf and
swallow Hitchcock’s films ? this also acts as a metaphor for Spielberg’s impact on the cinema, and the impact of Jaws itself.

Jaws =ジョーズ

総レス数 101
67 KB

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