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英語の発音総合スレ Part29

861 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/03/30(月) 00:49:38.32 ID:djhxCxrc.net


hello again
My name is Annie Ruden.And in this video,you will learn
how the Pronounciation Pro program works.
And how you're going to learn to speak clear confident English in only 12 weeks.
The goal of this program is for you to be understood and to be confident while you speak.
You've spent gears and gears studying and practicing the English language.
You were fluent in English.
But if your pronounciation is unclear,then your message will not be heard or understood.
For you to be effective in your English pronounciation,you must learn to speak English
in a way that others will easily understand you.
Learning and practicing the rules of pronounciation also bring great confidence.
I had one client described his experience in this way.
"Before this class speaking English was like I was driving without knowing the rules of the road.
Once I learned the rules,it gave me more confidence to drive."
Learning the rules of pronunciation brings confidence to your speech.
Because you know exactly what you have to do to be understood every time.
I firmly believe that anyone can learn to use fluent English pronounciation
no matter your age or whether you live here in the United States or in another country.

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