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スレッド立てるまでもない質問スレッド part304

417 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/03/29(日) 22:12:26.70 ID:yu8lQQQs.net

717 :えワ:2015/03/28(土) 03:44:47.72 ID:AJVmUICBここら辺はまさに「デーブ」だね。
Is this levy the most financially illiterate tax ever designed ?

Not to be out done, in comes Mr Osborne to spike their guns.
The increased levy was the biggest of all the tax raising measures announced in last
week’s Budget.

It doesn’t sound much, does it, 0.21pc? Yet with Bank Rate at just 0.5pc, it
can make the difference between profit and loss on many lines of business.
This is in fact the ninth such rise in the Bank Levy since it was introduced
in 2011, and unlike all the others, which were instigated to protect
revenues from the erosion caused by bank deleveraging, this one is actually
designed to increase the amount of money raised by about £1bn a year. The
banks can afford it, so why not, the Treasury must have thought. Only that’s
not the way it works.


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