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1 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/03/28(土) 07:38:56.57 ID:5CjVvLiD.net
そんなことできっこありません。すでに Seidenstecker などの






2 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/03/28(土) 07:46:03.63 ID:5CjVvLiD.net




3 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/03/28(土) 16:03:57.57 ID:5CjVvLiD.net
(1) 夏目漱石「道草」
  "Hanging Around"
    Natsume Soseki

  ("Soseki Natsume" と書くべきか、"Natsume Soseki"

(2) 健三が遠い所から帰って来て
  Returning home from someplace far away,

(3) 駒込の奥に世帯を持ったのは
  Kenzo got married and started to live
  in the depths of Komagome, Tokyo.

(4) 東京を出てから何年目になるだろう。
  How many years was it since he had left Tokyo?

(5) 彼は故郷の土を踏む珍らしさのうちに
  In walking on the soil of his hometown,

(6) 一種の淋(さびし)味みさえ感じた。
  he even felt a kind of loneliness.



4 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/03/28(土) 18:51:53.55 ID:5CjVvLiD.net

(7) 彼の身体(からだ)には
(8) 彼はそれを忌(い)んだ。
(9) 一日も早くその臭を振(ふるい)落さなければならないと思った。
(10) そうしてその臭のうちに潜んでいる彼の誇りと満足にはかえって気が付かなかった。

5 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/03/28(土) 19:13:20.24 ID:5CjVvLiD.net
★ これからは、なるべくイギリス英語を書こうと思う。その一環として、
(7) では odour という綴りを採用した。
★ さらに、古典的な日本文学の作品の時代と文体になるべく合わせて、
Plain English などの現代の軽佻浮薄な文体など糞食らえである。

(7) 彼の身体(からだ)には新らしく後(あと)に見捨てた
  His body still retained the nasty odour of the far-away country
  that he had just left behind.

(8) 彼はそれを忌(い)んだ。
  He loathed it.

(9) 一日も早くその臭を振(ふるい)落さなければならないと思った。
  He thought that he had to shake the odour off as soon as possible.

(10) そうしてその臭のうちに潜んでいる彼の誇りと満足にはかえって気が付かなかった。
  Nevertheless, his pride and satisfaction hidden in that odor
  was what he noticed all the less.

6 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/03/28(土) 19:20:21.83 ID:5CjVvLiD.net
"Hanging Around" by Natsume Soseki

(11) 彼はこうした気分を有(も)った人にありがちな

(12) 千駄木(せんだぎ)から追分(おいわけ)へ出る通りを

(13) ある日小雨が降った。

(14) その時彼は外套も雨具も着けずに、

(15) ただ傘を差しただけで、

(16) 何時もの通りを本郷の方へ例刻に歩いて行った。

(17) すると車屋の少しさきで

(18) 思い懸けない人にはたりと出会った。

(19) その人は根津権現(ねづごんげん)の裏門の坂を上あがって、

(20) 彼と反対に北へ向いて歩いて来たものと見えて、

(21) 健三が行手を何気なく眺めた時、

(22) 十間けん位先から既に彼の視線に入ったのである。

(23) そうして思わず彼の眼をわきへ外(そ)らさせたのである。

7 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/03/28(土) 23:30:20.16 ID:ln1GMPmS.net

8 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/03/29(日) 08:06:10.41 ID:zb336NA5.net

"Hanging Around" by Natsume Soseki

(11) 彼はこうした気分を有(も)った人にありがちな落付のない態度で、
  With an uneasy attitude, which is typical of someone who is feeling that way,

(12) 千駄木(せんだぎ)から追分(おいわけ)へ出る通りを
  he would go up and down the street from Sendagi to Oiwake
  twice a day, as if it were a rule.

(13) ある日小雨が降った。
  One day it drizzled.

(14) その時彼は外套も雨具も着けずに、
  At that time, with neither an overcoat nor a raincoat on,

(15) ただ傘を差しただけで、
  with only an open umbrella,

(16) 何時もの通りを本郷の方へ例刻に歩いて行った。
  he walked along his usual street toward Hongo at his regular time.

9 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/03/29(日) 08:06:41.03 ID:zb336NA5.net
(17) すると車屋の少しさきで
  Then, a little ahead of a rikshaw station,

(18) 思い懸けない人にはたりと出会った。
  he came across someone he had never expected to see.

(19) その人は根津権現(ねづごんげん)の裏門の坂を上あがって、
  That person seemed to have gone up the slope
  at the back gate of the Nezu Gongen Shrine

(20) 彼と反対に北へ向いて歩いて来たものと見えて、
  and walked northwards in the direction opposite to him.

(21) 健三が行手を何気なく眺めた時、
  When, therefore, Kenzo had a casual look ahead,

(22) 十間けん位先から既に彼の視線に入ったのである。
  that person already came into his view
  as the former was dozens of meters ahead.

(23) そうして思わず彼の眼をわきへ外(そ)らさせたのである。
  And that view made him turn his eyes away in spite of himself.

10 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/03/29(日) 08:14:24.16 ID:zb336NA5.net

(24) 彼は知らん顔をしてその人の傍(そば)を通り抜けようとした。

(25) けれども彼にはもう一遍この男の眼鼻立を確かめる必要があった。

(26) それで御互が二、三間の距離に近づいた頃

(27) また眸(ひとみ)をその人の方角に向けた。

(28) すると先方ではもう疾とくに彼の姿を凝じっと見詰めていた。


11 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/03/29(日) 08:28:20.25 ID:zb336NA5.net
"Hanging Around" by Soseki Natsume

(24) 彼は知らん顔をしてその人の傍(そば)を通り抜けようとした。
  Pretending not to notice, Kenzo tried to pass by him.

(25) けれども彼にはもう一遍この男の眼鼻立を確かめる必要があった。
  However, he had to identify the man's features once again.

(26) それで御互が二、三間の距離に近づいた頃
  So, as the two were only a couple of yards away from each other,

(27) また眸(ひとみ)をその人の方角に向けた。
  he turned his eyes again toward the man.

(28) すると先方ではもう疾とくに彼の姿を凝(じっ)と見詰めていた。
  Actually the other one had long been gazing at him.


12 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/03/29(日) 08:32:17.34 ID:zb336NA5.net

(28) 往来は静(しずか)であった。

(29) 二人の間にはただ細い雨の糸が絶間なく落ちているだけなので、

(30) 御互が御互の顔を認めるには何の困難もなかった。

(31) 健三はすぐ眼をそらして

(32) また真正面を向いたまま歩き出した。

(33) けれども相手は道端に立ち留まったなり、

(34) 少しも足を運ぶ気色けしきなく、

(35) じっと彼の通り過ぎるのを見送っていた。

(36) 健三はその男の顔が彼の歩調につれて、

(37) 少しずつ動いて回るのに気が着いた位であった。


13 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/03/29(日) 13:27:24.32 ID:K8p5qs+J.net

14 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/03/29(日) 15:14:00.24 ID:zb336NA5.net
  "Hanging Around" by Soseki Natsume

(28) 往来は静(しずか)であった。
  The street was quiet.

(29) 二人の間にはただ細い雨の糸が絶間なく落ちているだけなので、
  Between the two there was nothing
  but thin incessant threads of rain,

(30) 御互が御互の顔を認めるには何の困難もなかった。
  which did not make it difficult at all
  for them to identify each other's features.

(31) 健三はすぐ眼をそらして
  Kenzo turned away his eyes at once,

(32) また真正面を向いたまま歩き出した。
  and started to walk again facing right ahead.

15 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/03/29(日) 15:14:26.77 ID:zb336NA5.net
(33) けれども相手は道端に立ち留まったなり、
  The other, however, stood still at the roadside,

(34) 少しも足を運ぶ気色けしきなく、
  without showing any sign of making a step forward,

(35) じっと彼の通り過ぎるのを見送っていた。
  and kept gazing him pass by

(36) 健三はその男の顔が彼の歩調につれて、
  So much so that Kenzo noticed the man's face
  turn around little by little as he walked on.


16 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/03/29(日) 15:30:04.86 ID:zb336NA5.net
"Hanging Around" by Soseki Natsume

(37)  彼はこの男に何年会わなかったろう。
  How many years had it been since he had seen that man last?

(38) 彼がこの男と縁を切ったのは、
  He broke off relations with the man

(39) 彼がまだ廿歳はたちになるかならない昔の事であった。
  a long time ago, when he was only twenty or even before that.

(40) それから今日こんにちまでに
  From that time up to now,

(41) 十五、六年の月日が経っているが、
  fifteen or sixteen years had passed.

(42) その間彼らはついぞ一度も顔を合せた事がなかったのである。
  In the meantime they never met even once.


17 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/03/29(日) 18:21:53.33 ID:zb336NA5.net
(43) 彼の位地も境遇も
  Both his position and circumstances

(44) その時分から見るとまるで変っていた。
  were far from what they had used to be in those days.

(45) 黒い髭(ひげ)を生はやして山高帽を被かぶった今の姿と
  Comparing how he looked now
  with a black moustache and a bowler hat on

(46) 坊主頭の昔の面影おもかげとを比べて見ると、
  with how he had looked in the old days
  with a short-cropped head,

(47) 自分でさえ隔世の感が起らないとも限らなかった。
  Kenzo himself could not help but feel
  as if he had been living in another age.

(48) しかしそれにしては相手の方があまりに変らな過ぎた。
  Despite all that, the other party showed hardly any difference.

(49) 彼はどう勘定しても六十五、六であるべきはずのその人の髪の毛が、
  Kenzo wondered in his mind how could the man, who should
  be sixty-five or sixty-six, however one might estimate his age,
  be wearing his head hair just as dark as he had back then.

(50) 帽子なしで外出する昔ながらの癖を今でも押通しているその人の特色も、
  The man still now retained his old stubborn habit of going out with no hat on,
(51) 彼には異な気分を与える媒介(なかだち)となった。
  and this characteristic served as a medium that struck Kenzo as odd.

18 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/03/30(月) 07:25:00.79 ID:E0A2gE1g.net
  "Hanging Around" by Soseki Natsume

(52) 彼は固(もと)よりその人に出会う事を好まなかった。
  Naturally Kenzo did not like to come across him.

(53) 万一出会ってもその人が自分より立派な服装なりでもしていてくれれば好(い)いと思っていた。
  He had hoped that, should he come across him,
  the latter would be better dressed than he did.

(54) しかし今目前(ま)のあたり見たその人は、
  However, that man whom he saw with his own eyes now

(55) あまり裕福な境遇にいるとは誰が見ても決して思えなかった。
  would never have seemed to anyone to be in very well-off circumstances.

(56) 帽子を被らないのは当人の自由としても、
  His not wearing a hat might be out of his free will.

(57) 羽織なり着物なりについて判断したところ、
  But, judging from his haori (note: a short coat for formal kimono) and other clothes,

(58) どうしても中流以下の活計を営んでいる町家(ちょうか)の年寄としか受取れなかった。
  he would, in any estimate, never have looked like anyone higher than
  an old tradesman with a below-average living standard.

(59) 彼はその人の差していた洋傘(こうもり)が、
  He had also noticed that the Western-style umbrella in the man's hand
(60) 重そうな毛繻子(けじゅす)であった事にまで気が付いていた。
  was made of heavyweight-looking sateen.

19 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/03/30(月) 07:27:09.20 ID:E0A2gE1g.net
(60) の「にまで」を訳出するのを忘れていた。

(59) 彼はその人の差していた洋傘(こうもり)が、
  He had 【even】 noticed that the Western-style umbrella in the man's hand
(60) 重そうな毛繻子(けじゅす)であった事【にまで】気が付いていた。
  was made of heavyweight-looking sateen.

20 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/03/30(月) 07:55:14.71 ID:E0A2gE1g.net
  "Hanging Around" by Soseki Natsume

(61) その日彼は家へ帰っても
  Later that day, even back at home,

(62) 途中で会った男の事を忘れ得なかった。
  he could not forget about the man that he had come across on his way.

(63) 折々は道端へ立ち止まって凝と彼を見送っていたその人の眼付に悩まされた。
  Sometimes he was distressed by the eyes of that man
  who had stood at the roadside staring at him as he passed by.

(64) しかし細君には何にも打ち明けなかった。
  But he did not tell any of it to his wife.

(65) 機嫌のよくない時は、
  When not in a good humor,

(66) いくら話したい事があっても、
  however much he might have in his mind to tell,

(67) 細君に話さないのが彼の癖であった。
  he tended not to tell his wife.

(68) 細君も黙っている夫に対しては、
  She, on the other hand, was the kind of woman
  that never talked to her husband when thus taciturn
  unless there was something she absolutely had to tell him.

21 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/03/30(月) 12:55:13.66 ID:E0A2gE1g.net
  "Hanging Around" by Soseki Natsume

(69) 次の日健三はまた同じ時刻に同じ所を通った。
  The next day Kenzo walked along the same place again at the same time.

(70) その次の日も通った。
  The day after that again, he walked along it.

(71) けれども帽子を被かぶらない男は
  But that man with no hat on

(72) もうどこからも出て来なかった。
  did not come out anywhere any more.

(73) 彼は器械のようにまた義務のように
  Like a machine and as if it were his duty,

(74) 何時もの道を往いったり来たりした。
  he went up and down his usual road.

22 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/03/30(月) 13:19:11.14 ID:E0A2gE1g.net
  "Hanging Around" by Soseki Natsume

(75) こうした無事の日が五日続いた後、
  After these five untroubled days,

(76) 六日目の朝になって
  on the sixth morning,

(77) 帽子を被らない男は
  the hatless man

(78) 突然また根津権現の坂の蔭から現われて
  emerged all of a sudden from behind the slope
  of the Nezu Gongen Shrine,

(79) 健三を脅やかした。
  threatening Kenzo.

(80) それがこの前とほぼ同じ場所で、
  It was almost at the same place as at the last time,

(81) 時間も殆(ほとん)どこの前と違わなかった
  and at almost the same time as before.

23 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/03/31(火) 08:17:20.55 ID:ElHGOxqj.net
  "Hanging Around" by Soseki Natsume

(82) その時健三は相手の自分に近付くのを意識しつつ、
At that time Kenzo, aware of the man approaching him,

(83) 何時もの通り器械のようにまた義務のように歩こうとした。
  tried to walk as usual -- like a machine or as if it were his duty.

(83) けれども先方の態度は正反対であった。
  However, the other party's attitude was quite the opposite.

(84) 何人(なんびと)をも不安にしなければやまないほどな注意を双眼(そうがん)に集めて
  With both his eyes attentive enough to make anyone uneasy,

(85) 彼を凝視した。
  he looked hard at Kenzo.

(86) 隙(すき)さえあれば彼に近付こうとするその人の心が
  His wish to come up to him if only there was any chance

(87) 曇(どん)よりした眸(ひとみ)のうちにありありと読まれた。
  was evident in his dull eyes.

(88) 出来るだけ容赦なくその傍(そば)を通り抜けた健三の胸には
  Passing him by as remorselessly as possible, Kenzo

(89) 変な予覚が起った。
  had a strange presentiment.

24 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/03/31(火) 08:27:02.67 ID:ElHGOxqj.net
  "Hanging Around" by Soseki Natsume

(90) 「とてもこれだけでは済むまい」
  "That will never be the end of it."

(91) しかしその日家うちへ帰った時も、
  However, again on that day, back at home,

(92) 彼はついに帽子を被らない男の事を細君に話さずにしまった。
  he ended up not revealing his coming across the hatless man.

25 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/03/31(火) 09:53:55.53 ID:ElHGOxqj.net
  "Hanging Around" by Soseki Natsume

(93) 彼と細君と結婚したのは今から七、八年前で、
  He married his wife seven or eight years before.

(94) もうその時分にはこの男との関係がとくの昔に切れていたし、
  A very long time beforehand he had severed his relations with the man.

(95) その上結婚地が故郷の東京でなかったので、
  On top of that they got married not in Tokyo her hometown.

(96) 細君の方ではじかにその人を知るはずがなかった。
  His wife could therefore not know him.

(97) しかし噂うわさとしてだけならあるいは健三自身の口から既に話していたかも知れず、
  However, Kenzo himself might have already told her something about him.

(98) また彼の親類のものから聞いて知っていないとも限らなかった。
  She might instead have heard of him from one of his relatives.

(99) それはいずれにしても健三にとって問題にはならなかった。
  In any case that made no difference to Kenzo.

26 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/03/31(火) 11:02:28.26 ID:ElHGOxqj.net
  "Hanging Around" by Soseki Natsume

(100)  ただこの事件に関して
  Only, in connection with this incident,

(101) 今でも時々彼の胸に浮んでくる結婚後の事実が一つあった。
  One post-marriage event still kept occurring to his mind occasionally.
(102) 五、六年前彼がまだ地方にいる頃、ある日
  One day, five or six years ago, when still living away from Tokyo,

(103) 女文字で書いた厚い封書が
  a long letter evidently handwritten by a woman

(104) 突然彼の勤め先の机の上へ置かれた。
  was all of a sudden placed on his desk at work.

27 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/03/31(火) 11:03:25.08 ID:ElHGOxqj.net
  "Hanging Around" by Soseki Natsume

(105) その時彼は変な顔をして
  At that time, with a perplexed facial expression,

(106) その手紙を読んだ。
  he read the letter.

(107) しかしいくら読んでも読んでも読み切れなかった。
  However, however far ahead he read on and on, he could not finish it.

(108) 半紙廿枚ばかりへ隙間なく細字(さいじ)で書いたものの、
  It consisted of about twenty sheets of plain paper for calligraphy,
  tightly filled in small characters all over.

(109) 五分の一ほど眼を通した後、
  Reading about one fifth of it through,

(110) 彼はついにそれを細君の手に渡してしまった。
  he finally handed it over to his wife.

28 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/03/31(火) 11:50:36.86 ID:ElHGOxqj.net
(111) その時の彼には自分宛あてでこんな長い手紙をかいた女の素性を
  At that time he needed to tell his wife who that woman was
  that had written such a long letter to him.

(112) それからその女に関聯(かんれん)して、
  Moreover, in connection with that woman,

(113) 是非ともこの帽子を被らない男を引合に出す必要もあった。
  he had no choice other than to mention this hatless man as well.

(114) 健三はそうした必要にせまられた過去の自分を記憶している。
  Kenzo remembered his previous experience
  of being under pressure to do so.

(115) しかし機嫌買(きげんかい)な彼がどの位綿密な程度で細君に説明してやったか、
  However, how much in detail did capricious Kenzo explain all that to his wife?

(116) その点になると彼はもう忘れていた。
  That he had already forgotten.

(117) 細君は女の事だからまだ判然はっきり覚えているだろうが、
  She, being a woman, would still remember it clearly,

(118) 今の彼にはそんな事を改めて彼女に問い訊ただして見る気も起らなかった。
  but he then did not even feel like asking her such a thing anew.

(119) 彼はこの長い手紙を書いた女と、この帽子を被らない男とを一所に並べて考えるのが大嫌だった。
  He greatly loathed thinking of this long-letter-writing woman with that hatless man.

(120) それは彼の不幸な過去を遠くから呼び起す媒介(なかだち)となるからであった。
  It was because this made him recall his unhappy long-ago past.

29 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/03/31(火) 12:37:43.91 ID:ElHGOxqj.net
  "Hanging Around" by Soseki Natsume

(121) 幸い彼の目下の状態は
  Fortunately his present state

(122) そんな事に屈托(くったく)している余裕を彼に与えなかった。
  allowed him no room to be preoccupied with such matters.

(123) 彼は家(うち)へ帰って衣服を着換えると、
  Every day, arriving home and changing his clothes,

(124) すぐ自分の書斎へ這入(はい)った。
  he entered his study immediately.

(125) 彼は始終その六畳敷の狭い畳の上に自分のする事が
  He constantly felt as if the narrow, six-mat-room was
  filled with his work piled up like a hill.

(126) けれども実際からいうと、
  However, as a matter of fact,

(127) 仕事をするよりも、しなければならないという刺戟しげきの方が、
  the stimulation of his sense of duty to do his work

(128) 遥かに強く彼を支配していた。
  governed him far more powerfully than the work itself.

(129) 自然彼はいらいらしなければならなかった。
  Naturally he had to feel irritated.

30 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/03/31(火) 13:12:08.65 ID:ElHGOxqj.net
★ すでに言ったことだけど、アメリカ英語ではなく、できれば

  "Hanging Around" by Soseki Natsume

(130) 彼が遠い所から持って来た書物の箱をこの六畳の中で開けた時、
  Opening the box of books that he had brought from far away
  in this six-mat room,

(131) 彼は山のような洋書の裡(うち)に胡坐(あぐら)をかいて、
  he sat cross-legged tailor-fashion among the hills of Western books

(132) 一週間も二週間も暮らしていた。
  and lived in that fashion for a week, even two.

(133) そうして何でも手に触れるものを片端(かたはし)から取り上げては
  Then, picking up whatever he could lay his hands on,

31 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/03/31(火) 13:12:48.37 ID:ElHGOxqj.net
  "Hanging Around" by Soseki Natsume

(134) 二、三頁ページずつ読んだ。
  he read a couple of pages each.

(135) それがため肝心の書斎の整理は何時まで経っても片付かなかった。
  For that reason the organising of his study lasted for ever.

(136) しまいにこの体(てい)たらくを見るに見かねた或(ある)友人が来て、
  At last, unable to ignore that mess, a friend came

(137) 順序にも冊数にも頓着(とんじゃく)なく、
  and, taking no heed of the sequence or numbers of the books,

(138) あるだけの書物をさっさと書棚の上に並べてしまった。
  quickly arranged all of what there was on the shelves.

(139) 彼を知っている多数の人は
  Many of his friends and acquaintances

(140) 彼を神経衰弱だと評した。
  called him a case of nervous depression.

(141) 彼自身はそれを自分の性質だと信じていた。
  He believed that this was how he had been born.

32 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/04/01(水) 13:35:36.03 ID:/dC40sm0.net
  "Hanging Around" by Soseki Natsume

(142) 健三は実際その日その日の仕事に追われていた。
  Kenzo was in fact pressed at work each day.

(143) 家(うち)へ帰ってからも
  Even back at home,

(144) 気楽に使える時間は少しもなかった。
  he had no free time at all.

(145) その上彼は自分の読みたいものを読んだり、
  Furthermore he wanted to read what he wanted to read,

(146) 書きたい事を書いたり、考えたい問題を考えたりしたかった。
  write what he wanted to write,
  and think of problems of which he wanted to think.

(147) それで彼の心は殆(ほとん)ど余裕というものを知らなかった。
  So he had hardly any leeway.

(148) 彼は始終机の前にこびり着いていた。
  He clung to his desk all the time.

33 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/04/01(水) 14:07:03.02 ID:/dC40sm0.net
  "Hanging Around" by Soseki Natsume

(149) 娯楽の場所へも滅多に足を踏み込めない位忙がしがっている彼が、
  He was so busy that he could rarely afford to set foot in an entertainment facility.

(150) ある時友達から謡(うたい)の稽古を勧められて、
  When, therefore, a friend recommended him one day
  to take lessons for reciting Noh drama texts,

(151) 体(てい)よくそれを断わったが、
  he declined it with thanks.

(152) 彼は心のうちで、他人ひとにはどうしてそんな暇があるのだろうと驚ろいた。
  In his heart, he wondered how others could have such leisure.

(153) そうして自分の時間に対する態度が、
  And he did not notice at all that his attitude toward time
  was exactly like that of a miser.

34 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/04/03(金) 12:56:35.75 ID:Kbqx798o.net
夏目漱石「こころ」  "Kokoro" (The Heart) by Soseki Natsume

上 先生と私  Part 1: Master and I

(1) 私(わたくし)はその人を常に先生と呼んでいた。
  I always called him Master.

(2) だからここでもただ先生と書くだけで本名は打ち明けない。
  So I'll just call him Master here too. I won't tell you his real name.

(3) これは世間を憚(はばか)る遠慮というよりも、
  It's not quite that I'm being conscious of how to behave in society.

(4) その方が私にとって自然だからである。
  It's rather that I feel more natural that way.

(5) 私はその人の記憶を呼び起すごとに、
  Every time I recall him,

(6) すぐ「先生」といいたくなる。
  I readily feel like calling him "Master."

(7) 筆を執とっても心持は同じ事である。
  When writing about him, I feel the same way.

(8) よそよそしい頭文字などはとても使う気にならない。
  I can't possibly bring myself to use his initials,
  which would make him seem like a stranger.

35 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/04/05(日) 10:06:40.09 ID:jg3sY4bn.net
夏目漱石「こころ」  "Kokoro" (The Heart) by Soseki Natsume

(9) 私が先生と知り合いになったのは鎌倉である。
  I got acquainted with Master in Kamakura.

(10) その時私はまだ若々しい書生であった。
  At that time I was still a young student.

(11) 暑中休暇を利用して海水浴に行った友達から
  From a friend who went to the beach during the summer vacation,

(12) ぜひ来いという端書(はがき)を受け取ったので、
  I received a postcard earnestly inviting me to come over.

(13) 私は多少の金を工面(くめん)して、出掛ける事にした。
  That prompted me to raise some money and leave.

(14) 私は金の工面に二、三日(さんち)を費やした。
  The fund-raising took me a couple of days.

(15) ところが私が鎌倉に着いて三日と経たたないうちに、
  However, less than three days after I arrived at Kamakura,

(16) 私を呼び寄せた友達は、急に国元から帰れという電報を受け取った。
  my friend who had invited me received an abrupt telegraph
  from his parents' home to tell him to go back home.

(17) 電報には母が病気だからと断ってあったけれども
  The telegraph said that his mother was ill,

(18) 友達はそれを信じなかった。
  but he did not believe it.

36 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/04/05(日) 10:33:14.55 ID:jg3sY4bn.net
夏目漱石「こころ」  "Kokoro" (The Heart) by Soseki Natsume

(19) 友達はかねてから国元にいる親たちに勧(すす)まない結婚を強いられていた。
  His parents in his hometown had long pressed him to marry someone
  that he had not wanted to.

(20) 彼は現代の習慣からいうと
  By today's standards,

(21) 結婚するにはあまり年が若過ぎた。
  he was all too young to get married.

(22) それに肝心の当人が気に入らなかった。
  Moreover, he did not like the woman that he was to marry.

(23) それで夏休みに当然帰るべきところを、
  That was why, although naturally supposed
  to go back home for the summer vacation,

(24) わざと避けて東京の近くで遊んでいたのである。
  he avoided it, hanging around near Tokyo.

(25) 彼は電報を私に見せてどうしようと相談をした。
  My friend showed me the telegraph and asked me what he should do.

37 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/04/05(日) 10:34:01.28 ID:jg3sY4bn.net
夏目漱石「こころ」  "Kokoro" (The Heart) by Soseki Natsume

(26) 私にはどうしていいか分らなかった。
  I had no idea what he should do.

(27) けれども実際彼の母が病気であるとすれば
  However, if his mother was really ill,

(28) 彼は固(もと)より帰るべきはずであった。
  he was naturally supposed to go home.

(29) それで彼はとうとう帰る事になった。
  Finally he decided to go home.

(30) せっかく来た私は一人取り残された。
  Having taken all the pains to come over, I was left alone.

38 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/04/07(火) 09:40:02.11 ID:2Beq+wvg.net
I really love "The tale of Genji"
The every chapter Title is very romantic

I was thinking that Japanese words got many romantic words to
describe a word. Such as rain, we've got, "samidare(五月雨),"
"時雨(shigure)," "氷雨(hisame)," "春雨(harusame)," "梅雨(tsu-yu),"
and so on.

We call spring rain, 春雨
We call rain in May, 五月雨
We call rainy days in May-June, 梅雨
We call cold rain or icy rain, 氷雨
We call spotted rain through Autumn to winter, 時雨

Talking about 五月雨, we call June, 水無月(Mina-zuki)
since we need so much water for our fields

39 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/04/07(火) 09:59:56.48 ID:2Beq+wvg.net
A lunar calender

By the way, April is called, U-zuki(卯月), meaning "a month of deutzia"
Japanese school starts from April

I remember the cherry blossom trees that we all have in our schools,
blushed with colors but filled with anxiousness.
Every parents take a picture in front of a cherry blossom in front of the school
I looked pretty pale and nervous

It seems quite tough to sensitive children but for the adults,
they have waited for the spring to come. We have hanami picnics,
there are young couples, it is just beginning of everything

My favourite nobel is Teru Miyamoto's "夜桜”(夜night 桜A cherry blossom)
There is this old widow lady who is living alone in a house,
who has a beautiful scenery and a cherry blossom tree in her garden
Where this young working guy asked her politely to lend him a room just for a night
She was so confused at first but later on she had noticed that
it was his honeymoon with his gf. Very simple but filled with warmth

40 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/04/07(火) 10:06:53.50 ID:2Beq+wvg.net
The traditional ritual is seen in some cities,
where we float a boat and we can see the cherry blossoms
from the both sides. The couples enjoy it

41 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/04/11(土) 20:07:48.47 ID:WStWm6zS.net
(31) 学校の授業が始まるには
  Until school began,

(32) まだ大分(だいぶ)日数(ひかず)があるので
  there were still a number of days to go.

(33) 鎌倉におってもよし、
  So I could afford to stay in Kamakura

(34) 帰ってもよいという境遇にいた私は、
  or go back home, whichever I liked.

(35) 当分元の宿に留(と)まる覚悟をした。
  And I made up my mind to stay for some more time in the inn I was already in.

(36) 友達は中国のある資産家の息子で
  My friend was the son of a man of means in China

(37) 金に不自由のない男であったけれども、
  and was therefore never cash-poor.

(38) 学校が学校なのと年が年なので、
  However, what with school and what with his age,

(37) 生活の程度は私とそう変りもしなかった。
  his living standard was not that different from mine.

(38) したがって一人ひとりぼっちになった私は
  All alone now, therefore,

(39) 別に恰好(かっこう)な宿を探す面倒ももたなかったのである。
  I did not need to bother finding another inn appropriate for me.

42 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/04/12(日) 12:08:08.49 ID:sisVYPTK.net
夏目漱石「こころ」  "Kokoro" (The Heart) by Soseki Natsume

(40) 宿は鎌倉でも辺鄙(へんぴ)な方角にあった。
  Although in Kamakura, the inn was in an inconvenient region of the town.

(41) 玉突(たまつき)だのアイスクリームだのというハイカラなものには
  Billiards, ice cream, and other modern things were

(42) 長い畷(なわて)を一つ越さなければ手が届かなかった。
  away at a distance of one long footpath between rice fields.

(43) 車で行っても二十銭は取られた。
  A car ride to that area took at least one sen (a hundredth of a yen).

(44) けれども個人の別荘は
  But private country villas were

(45) そこここにいくつでも建てられていた。
  abundant here and there.

(46) それに海へはごく近いので
  Moreover, the beach was quite close by.

(47) 海水浴をやるには至極便利な地位を占めていた。
  So the inn was in a very convenient location for sea bathers.

43 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/04/20(月) 18:45:19.87 ID:QBUtvXnt.net
夏目漱石「こころ」  "Kokoro" (The Heart) by Soseki Natsume

(48) 私は毎日海へはいりに出掛けた。
  I went out every day to get into the sea.

(49) 古い燻(くすぶ)り返った藁葺(わらぶき)の間を通り抜けて磯へ下りると、
  Going through among old, abundantly smoldering straw-thatched roof houses,

(50) この辺にこれほどの都会人種が住んでいるかと思うほど、
  I reached the beach and found summer visitors, both men and women,
  moving around on the sand. Their numerous number surprised me,
  making me almost believe that these many city people actually lived
  in that neighborhood.

(51) ある時は海の中が銭湯のように黒い頭でごちゃごちゃしている事もあった。
  There were times when the sea was crowded with dark heads
  as if it were a public bathhouse.

(52) その中に知った人を一人ももたない私も、
  I did not know a single acquaintance among them.

(53) こういう賑にぎやかな景色の中に裹つつまれて、
  Nevertheless, finding myself surrounded with this animated scenery,

(54) 砂の上に寝ねそべってみたり、
  lying on the sand,

(55) 膝頭(ひざがしら)を波に打たしてそこいらを跳はね廻まわるのは愉快であった。
  and jumping around here and there with my kneecaps being hit
  by waves. All that was fun.

44 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2016/03/24(木) 17:43:16.69 ID:T9NXZ8tE.net



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