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スレッドを立てるまでもない質問スレッド Part 317

462 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/12/06(日) 07:21:24.66 ID:TVqqH5i8.net
"I see him very much" ではなく "I see him a lot." またはそれに近い言い回しなら、

(7) His relationship with his son is " great. ●I see him a lot.● "
  He's grateful for that.
  (1993, magazine, Corpus of Contemporary American English)
(8) So I ●see him a lot● all during the day.
  (1991, spoken, 同上の corpus)
(9) I say, okay, if I can ●see him a lot●.
  (2003, fiction, 同上)
(10) Do they ●see him a lot●?
  (1999, spoken, ibid.)
(11) And did you ever go to confession? Did you ●see him a lot● after that?
  (1992, spoken, ibid.)

他にも "see him a lot" という例はありそうだ。次に、"I see him much." または
それに似た例を探してみる。すると not で否定されているものならたくさん見つかるが、

(12) " You ●see him much●? " # " At breaks. "
  (1999, fiction, ibid.)
(13) Come on! You ●see her much more● than I do. I mean, you work
  in the same building.
  (1999, fiction, ibid.)
(14) " You ●see her much●? " She shook her head. " She live around here? "
  (1990, fiction, ibid.)

もしかして、"see (OR saw) (somebody) (very) much (OR a lot)" という形は、

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