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スレッドを立てるまでもない質問スレッド Part 317

476 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/12/06(日) 19:40:37.63 ID:TVqqH5i8.net
どういう根拠で deposit がふさわしくないって言ってるのかわからない。せめて
deposit という動詞は、少なくとも次のような文脈では使われている。

(1) He decides to just dial and see if maybe the phone is free now, which
would be cool, but a little annoying after everything he's done to
gather the money. He dials the ten digits, presses the headset to his
ear: " One dollar seventy-five cents please. Please ●deposit● one dollar
and seventy-five for the first three minutes. " He shoots one quarter
after another into the slot, and the machine gulps them down. " Thank
you. You have three minutes.
   (2009, fiction, Corpus of Contemporary American English)

(2) " Thank you for making your selection, " the jukebox says in a
strange feminine voice. " A video is available. If you wish to view
it, please ●deposit● twenty-five cents and enter the code number... now. "
   (1994, magazine, ibid.)

(3) Paul walks up to a ticket machine. " Two tickets to Aoyama Icchome, "
he says in Japanese. " Welcome. Please deposit two hundred and eighty
yen, " the machine instructs him. He feeds in coins. " That was the
exact amount needed. You will change trains at Akasaka Mitsuke Station.
Thank you, " the machine says, churning out two tickets. "
   (1996, fiction, ibid.)

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