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スレッドを立てるまでもない質問スレッド Part 317

894 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/12/19(土) 01:17:23.83 ID:mylbQNrq.net
Will these materials and these historians be declared ‘state secrets’ under Abe administration-related efforts such as this letter?
Will it become possible in today’s Japan to declare that this history did not happen, when many of us in Japan and around the world possess historical materials that prove it took place?”

declaredの目的語がstate secretsでしょうか?なんで declared as state secretsではないんでしょうか?

prove it took place のitはthis historyでいいでしょうか?
あと起こったと証明するのに この歴史は起こらなかったと宣言すると書いてありますが、意味的に矛盾するのではないでしょうか?

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