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スレッドを立てるまでもない質問スレッド Part 317

98 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/11/27(金) 20:55:25.56 ID:BH3X7xm7.net
to をつけてもつけなくてもよいけど、to を付けた方が正式であり、to を付けないのが

to を付けた例
(1) They loved their home, and made no attempt to expand
  to remote places, 【other than to establish】 several outposts.
(2) but he declined to reveal any names 【other than to say】
  he would keep some holdover Broncos assistants and will bring....

to を付けない例
(3) And I don't think I have to say too much 【other than do】 my best
  to illustrate what they had faced at one moment.
(4) I'm not trying to do anything 【other than do】 the job
  to the best of my ability.
    (すべての例文の出典: Corpus of Contemporary American English)

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