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なんでも翻訳してやるから英文持って来い 9

89 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2016/01/07(木) 16:53:55.80 ID:0ELSyWaN.net

If you think about holding hands, embrace in public place, yes that's normal and nothing special:)
kissing also but that doesn't mean that people kissing in every place and do it in public place with passion.
Rather this are short kisses :) and this is more like : "oh, thank you that you buy me new bag or I'm so sorry".
The woman are always more affectionate when they see dangerous.
I can tell you from my experience that it's better to not give them (man) time to look around ;)
they should always look at you.
I remember that when I was in primary school there was one very popular girl and one of my classmate tried to impress her doing something like that,
but it always looked comic, especially because he had always together mouth freshener (he watched too much TV) XD and trust me, he wasn't good looking.
He wore always track suit and comb his hair back, but he was rich.
And from school he was always receiving by his nanny. To be honest she was like his butler :)
Anyway he was so characteristic that always when I meet with my friend from primary school we were talking about him

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