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English Only sled

1 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2016/03/29(火) 22:21:38.57 ID:bGqB1jz7.net
Why don't you write and any of conversation in English?
You can write anything what you want to write in English.

Go a head!

2 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2016/03/30(水) 10:05:11.60 ID:1K1HLbUN.net
thread please?

3 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2016/03/30(水) 17:01:48.66 ID:7HVM3K+X.net

4 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2016/03/30(水) 17:02:57.38 ID:7HVM3K+X.net

5 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2016/03/30(水) 17:23:14.19 ID:l24vXZTC.net
Isn't it?

6 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2016/03/31(木) 08:24:09.46 ID:lHRyZFbW.net

7 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2016/04/03(日) 22:19:26.33 ID:euGEPxZl.net
The reason of disability for most Japanese to become a fluent English speaker.....
Japan's government makes people lack of skillness to discuss and talk back against western people.
Japanese still have fear that people from native English speaker's nations look for trouble.

8 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2016/04/05(火) 00:41:27.47 ID:JtvhA9/f.net
Hi all.
I'd like to reduce my fatty apron..

9 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2016/04/05(火) 04:22:21.89 ID:sEfgOdAi.net
What do you think about the topic of adoptions choosing on the net?
Birth of parents can choose the adoptive guardian on the net
by watching the turn or order of opulent income list without
several meeting or interviews by the mediator. When I read it,
I thought it might be similar to selling people easily. I do not
deny all process, but is it OK to choose the adoptive parents so easy?

10 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2016/04/06(水) 17:13:34.64 ID:8LUobSf7.net
What is a fatty apron?

11 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 133a-xffZ):2016/11/15(火) 07:55:24.16 ID:O8i6JPJR0.net
>>220(=ID:PU4U0O5p0、ワッチョイ 4b07-teht)
   川|川/  \|〜 プゥ〜ン
  ‖|‖ ◎---◎|〜        / 発音詳しい人に聞きたいけど、
  川川‖    3  ヽ〜      < オーストラリア英語だと[-ng]は大抵ngの「ん」だけの音になるけど、
  川川    ∴)д(∴)〜       \ アメリカとかのngは「ン(ク)」って風に、口の中で勝手にクの小さい音がなることもあるって認識でおk?
  川川      〜 /〜 カタカタカタ
  川川‖    〜 /‖ _____
 川川川川___/‖  |  | ̄ ̄\ \
   /       \__|  |    | ̄ ̄|
  /  \___      |  |    |__|
  | \      |つ   |__|__/ /
  /     ̄ ̄  | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|  〔 ̄ ̄〕
 |       | ̄

12 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 133a-xffZ):2016/11/16(水) 22:31:03.31 ID:2/nzrBLf0.net
      (::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::\
     (::::::::::/  ):::ノ::::ノ ) ソ ヾ::::::::::::丶::::ヽ
    (:::::::::/ 彡  ノ   ノ  :: 彡:/)) ::::::::::)
   (::::::::::/彡彡彡彡彡   ミミミミミミミ :::::::::::)
   ( :::::::// ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ヽ===/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ヽ |:::::::::)
     | =ロ   -=・=-  ‖ ‖ -=・=-   ロ===
     |:/ ‖    / /ノ  ヽ \     ‖ ヽ|ヽ       _________
     |/  ヽ`======/ .⌒ ` ========ノ.   ..| |     /
    .( 。 ・:・‘。c .(●  ●) ;”・u。*@・:、‘)ノ  / 発音詳しい人に聞きたいけど、
   ( 。;・0”*・o; / :::::l l::: ::: \ :。・;%:・。o ) < オーストラリア英語だと[-ng]は大抵ngの「ん」だけの音になるけど、
    (; 8@ ・。:// ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\:\.”・:。;・’0.)   \ アメリカとかのngは「ン(ク)」って風に、口の中で勝手にクの小さい音がなることもあるって認識でおk?
   .\。・:%,: )::::|.  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄  | ::::(: o`*:c /..    \_________
    \ ::: o :::::::::\____/  ::::::::::   /
      (ヽ  ヽ:::: _- ::::: ⌒:: :::::::: -_    ノ
       \丶\_::_:::::_:::: :::::_/::::  /
        | \ \ ::::::::::: :::::::::: ::: ::__/ |
    ̄ ̄\ 丶  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄    / ̄ ̄

13 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ d73a-DarO):2016/11/27(日) 07:48:16.29 ID:/G6YT/jc0.net

         /___      \    _____   思った通り
        ( (  ))  ̄ \   \. /     \  小っさい脳みそだお
     / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\ .  \  /           \
     /;;::       ::;ヽ    / ノ     ー     \
      ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄   .| (●)  (●)      |
                  \ (__人__)      /
        __         / ` ⌒´       \
     __/_;;;::ヽ___ .   |              ヽ
    |;;:: ィ●ァ  ィ●ァ::;;|    . |           |   |
    |;;::        ::;;|  .  |          |   |
    |;;::   c{ っ  ::;;|    |          |   |
     |;;::  __  ::;;;|
     ヽ;;::  ー  ::;;/
      \;;::  ::;;/
        |;;::  ::;;|  発音詳しい人に聞きたいけど、
        |;;::  ::;;|  オーストラリア英語だと[-ng]は大抵ngの「ん」だけの音になるけど、
 / ̄ ̄ ̄      ̄ ̄ ̄\  アメリカとかのngは「ン(ク)」って風に、口の中で勝手にクの小さい音がなることもあるって認識でおk? ブツブツ…
 |;;::    >>375      ::;;|
 |;;::              ::;;|

前スレ>>130(ワッチョイW ff2c-VGur、通称『ング』)は、現在は ワッチョイ a707-znN9 になっている模様。

14 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 413a-khXb):2016/12/02(金) 08:57:45.90 ID:0TklDTSO0.net

ノ         _   ミ:::
 ノ    二__, --、r'

15 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 413a-khXb):2016/12/02(金) 08:58:12.49 ID:0TklDTSO0.net

ノ         _   ミ:::
 ノ    二__, --、r'"___、 ヾ ト、::ヽ
  ミレ'"~,-,、 !  ! ' '" ̄ .ノ \ヾ:、
  K/ー'~^~_/  ヽミ:ー‐‐'"   ヽ i.
 !〉 ー―'"( o ⊂! ' ヽ   ∪   Y_  
 i  ∪  ,.:::二Uニ:::.、.       l i  発音詳しい人に聞きたいけど、
 .!     :r'エ┴┴'ーダ ∪    !Kl     オーストラリア英語だと[-ng]は大抵ngの「ん」だけの音になるけど、
 .i、  .   ヾ=、__./        ト= アメリカとかのngは「ン(ク)」って風に、口の中で勝手にクの小さい音がなることもあるって認識でおk?
  ヽ. :、∪ ゙ -―-    ,; ∪ ,!   
  \.  :.         .:    ノ
   ヽ  ヽ.       .    .イ   
.    `i、  、::..     ...:::ノ ,∧

>>649(ワッチョイ 6b07-fiY4)=前スレ>>130(ワッチョイ 4b07-teht)

16 :sage (ニククエ 8b3a-llBT):2016/12/29(木) 18:31:22.87 ID:xi3b+nf20NIKU.net
【本文】↓ ※下段に書いてください

17 :sage (ニククエ 8b3a-llBT):2016/12/29(木) 18:34:49.93 ID:xi3b+nf20NIKU.net
【本文】↓ ※下段に書いてください
●● 質問する方へ ●●
●● 回答する方へ ●●
■回答にはアンカーを必ずつけて下さい。半角で ">>"+数字(例: >1) です。

【 オンライン辞書 】
〇 アルク 英辞郎 英和/和英
〇 三省堂 EXCEED 英和/和英
〇 研究社 新・英和/和英
〇 オックスフォード現代英英辞典
○ Merriam-Webster OnLine(発音も聴ける)


18 :sage (ニククエ 8b3a-llBT):2016/12/29(木) 18:36:25.27 ID:xi3b+nf20NIKU.net
【本文】↓ ※下段に書いてください
●● 質問する方へ ●●
●● 回答する方へ ●●
■回答にはアンカーを必ずつけて下さい。半角で ">>"+数字(例: >1) です。

【 オンライン辞書 】
〇 アルク 英辞郎 英和/和英
〇 三省堂 EXCEED 英和/和英
〇 研究社 新・英和/和英
〇 オックスフォード現代英英辞典
○ Merriam-Webster OnLine(発音も聴ける)


19 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 5b7f-7auN):2016/12/31(土) 18:12:58.26 ID:xsfEOFKK0.net

20 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 9ac1-OiDG):2017/01/01(日) 10:17:56.93 ID:Fe72bKWO0.net

21 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ bb6a-Kx9n):2017/02/10(金) 23:42:32.17 ID:lMY0nFLF0.net
IN these days, many people are making effort to theire best, however
some don't. In this case which should we watch and take care?
My answer is not for some. Think about peole who are making efforts.
They are always doing their best and some crying in your back.
Think about how they are. Some might says that is not cool, but I beleve
their suceed in near future as they wants.

22 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スプッッ Sdaa-AQkd):2017/02/11(土) 00:01:49.30 ID:cW3L0DxYd.net ?2BP(1000)

I wanna talk with beautiful girls in foreign countries as many as possible. So recently I started to use the langugage exchange app named Hello Talk. But unfortunately I managed to have long conversation with only a couple of girls. Many girls ignored me.

23 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 46b0-/aHV):2017/02/15(水) 00:41:54.54 ID:/ZjTPTjx0.net
Hi! fuckin' loser!

24 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 7625-BMSX):2017/02/24(金) 16:45:06.70 ID:E3MxI7KZ0.net
I wanna eat pad thai.

25 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2017/05/13(土) 17:58:05.12 ID:qx4caVt60.net

OK! Let me explaine why you got only 2 to talk, the proplems are behinding you.
For instance, you are not goog at English or you might stop talking.
In these cases, something might be wrong with you.
So, find out what is good and bad like attitude.

See you!

26 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2017/05/13(土) 18:05:01.03 ID:qx4caVt60.net

p.s. The others might be crazy, so you can also ignore them.
If you are too nice, don't worry anthing about it.
There are many people who are mean to you, but they might be envy you or
no friends in their world.

27 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2017/05/13(土) 18:24:26.35 ID:qx4caVt60.net
When I went abroad, there were many stuck up people, but I got only one friend.
At that time, I really enjoy with talking to her. Just think about there are many different
cultures as people and countries.
So, there number of friends doesn't matter, how enjoy and how have fun are most important
things. Pretty sooner, you might have real funny friend, so take time and just think like
you can stay as you are.

28 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2017/05/13(土) 20:17:23.29 ID:qx4caVt60.net
If you are working at oversea or studing, you are not allow to go back to your country.
It could be hard, but after all, you will realize you had got many things from staying oversea.
If you would not, that means everything you had been done is dumm.
The best thing you should do is make every effort to doing whatever studing, working...etc.
I understand making friends is one of the important things, but it is just one of the banch of
stuff. why don't you find many things from many things you would might be interested in which
is not only friendship, but also knowing what king of personallty you have.
Some might come up to your mind. I know you had many friends in your country, but
you are not in anymore. If you experience hard harder hardest days, you will get many
things which you don't realize. Just live in a necessary days with hoping you had gotten
what you wanted.

29 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2017/05/13(土) 20:19:52.77 ID:qx4caVt60.net
Just remember, there is nobody who don't cry when you face to troubles.
Life always with getting through with troubles.
This is sometimes fun. Please get what you want!!!!

30 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2017/05/13(土) 20:24:45.92 ID:qx4caVt60.net
Some say never too late, but some say too late.
It happens ' too late'. So, please please alive in your hard world.

I hope you will succeed in the near furure.

31 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2017/05/17(水) 13:52:11.14 ID:9fpQFefG0.net
What happen if there is an pretty white girl or a gogious guy?
Do you want to be a friends with her or him?
Some say you would be shy, some say you would be ignore.
Becase, you think like she or he might be stuck up.
And there are many pretenders for white, so watch out and be carefull with these.
Black people looks and feels like just mad at you all the time, because of how they talk.
But be friends with any of the people, if you have chance.
You will find sothing very interesting things. Don't worry about the clore of people.
It happens the white is the more monster than the otheres.
So, start people wathing!

32 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2017/05/17(水) 13:59:34.74 ID:9fpQFefG0.net
We all know which means that the world, pretender is the most horrable people.
It became to you more than 5000 years, so you should understand how decads you are living
in and at. It sometimes sad, is'nt it, but also happy. Think about how you are, and from your
experience, you will find very neat stuff from it.

33 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2017/05/17(水) 14:05:03.45 ID:9fpQFefG0.net
I live in Japan and every day I feel pretendes are funny and horrable.
Because, there faces called only1 secound or 3 secounds.
And they speak ill of people all the time. It is uncomfatable, don't you think?

34 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2017/05/21(日) 20:12:42.19 ID:N9QJjL2x0.net
Have you already made friends who treat you nice?

35 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2017/05/22(月) 00:31:58.52 ID:ARZJZ0dSp.net
Everyone writing here is pretty beginner of English.

36 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2017/05/23(火) 15:53:59.82 ID:Ks+TCDJP0.net
Yes, we are! What grade are you in?

37 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2017/05/31(水) 11:49:23.62 ID:rTGSARu4H.net
Keep it up. I admire you all. You are all much farther along learning english than I am at learning Japanese. Don't be discouraged, we're all goin' to make it!

38 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2017/08/16(水) 14:19:44.68 ID:M8D/Nmfi0.net

39 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/02/02(金) 03:54:08.46 ID:zcR+VyTJ00202.net
Any fun? Find out anthing interested in?
I hope you did.

40 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/02/02(金) 08:49:53.16 ID:1oaxBYtq00202.net
Shut your mouth.
Shut fuck up.
ass hole.

41 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/02/02(金) 08:56:04.33 ID:zcR+VyTJ00202.net
It seems everything is going fine.

42 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/02/02(金) 09:08:50.26 ID:zcR+VyTJ00202.net
When I was in high, we had many classes of discusions which sometimes embarrasing you,
but decades of time took to take it off.
What would you think if you had that kind of classes? Woulkd you mind?

43 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/02/02(金) 09:15:35.83 ID:zcR+VyTJ00202.net
The image is like this.
Teacher: Why don't you make a group and talke about the article whis in the news paper.

Then, students find some group and start choosing some artical and devating.

44 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/02/02(金) 23:38:47.91 ID:ErTGr09S0.net
check your spelling

45 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/06/16(土) 07:47:11.40 ID:2ABpQmJ20.net


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