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1 :カナダ人の人 (ワッチョイ 13c6-fjp+):2016/07/25(月) 10:57:03.67 ID:69cTanq80.net

I've been in Japan for 3 years now and never made any
Japanese friends. I was wondering if people would like to
be my friend.I know it's kind of stupid to ask this way but...
I am currently living in Ibaraki. If you are interested in
meeting please respond.


2 :カナダ人の人 (ワッチョイ 13c6-fjp+):2016/07/25(月) 10:58:46.87 ID:69cTanq80.net

3 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スフッ Sd5f-eQ6f):2016/07/25(月) 11:21:39.94 ID:lDnEREypd.net

4 :カナダ人の人 (ワッチョイ 13c6-fjp+):2016/07/25(月) 11:39:48.49 ID:69cTanq80.net

5 :777 ◆BdND.JiwII3s (ワッチョイW cfda-vGuo):2016/07/25(月) 12:00:33.78 ID:xAI5tvmZ0.net

Would you please tell us more about yourself?
For example, gender, age, job, hobbies, etc.

6 :カナダ人の人 (ワッチョイ 13c6-fjp+):2016/07/25(月) 12:35:55.39 ID:69cTanq80.net
Well don't laugh, I'm an English teacher.
I work at a Junior High School. After school is finished, I help out with the Kendo club.
So one of my hobbies is Kendo. I also like computers and MMORPGs. The computer I'm using now,
I built myself, and the mmorpg I'm playing currently is Final Fantasy 14. I'm male, 36 years old.
Sadly no girlfriend, but that's not why I came on here. I just want to make friends and hang out.

7 :777 ◆BdND.JiwII3s (ワッチョイW cfda-vGuo):2016/07/25(月) 13:10:28.19 ID:xAI5tvmZ0.net
I think there are native English teachers communities in Japan.
Or native English expats communities in Japan.
If you join one of them, I guess you could have Japanese friends through them.

8 :777 ◆BdND.JiwII3s (ワッチョイW cfda-vGuo):2016/07/25(月) 13:35:32.95 ID:xAI5tvmZ0.net
Anyway, this board needs native English speakers badly.
Please stay here to communicate with us.

9 :カナダ人の人 (ワッチョイ 13c6-fjp+):2016/07/25(月) 14:11:22.97 ID:69cTanq80.net
I will, I have always been interested in 2ch. But it is a little
difficult to read. I only know a few kanji.

10 :777 ◆BdND.JiwII3s (ワッチョイW cfda-vGuo):2016/07/25(月) 14:31:53.20 ID:xAI5tvmZ0.net
Please use English.
I guess that would be most helpful for us.

11 :カナダ人の人 (ワッチョイ 13c6-fjp+):2016/07/25(月) 23:27:37.59 ID:69cTanq80.net
Since there is at least one person who wants me to speak English here I'm going to ask a question.
What does everyone here like to do as a hobby. Like I said I like Kendo and computers.

12 :777 (FAX!T Sa0f-LCC3):2016/07/26(火) 06:31:46.00 ID:jssGobEGaFOX.net
Please use us English. Englishize us.
We love to be used English .. so ok?

13 :カナダ人の人 (ワッチョイ 13c6-fjp+):2016/07/26(火) 12:36:27.30 ID:/RydUsuj0.net
What do you want to know about English?

14 :777 ◆BdND.JiwII3s (ワッチョイW cfda-vGuo):2016/07/26(火) 13:03:33.59 ID:wsKw/b510.net
My hobby is doing math.
Yes, mathematics.
I'm a math nerd, hobby-wise.
I fell in love with math in my teens somehow.
You can google by mathstackexchange Makoto Kato.
That's me.
Other than that I enjoy hanging out with my friends, drinking, eating, traveling, etc.

15 :777 ◆BdND.JiwII3s (ワッチョイW cfda-vGuo):2016/07/26(火) 13:04:58.32 ID:wsKw/b510.net
By the way, >>12 is not me.

16 :カナダ人の人 (ワッチョイ 13c6-fjp+):2016/07/26(火) 13:22:34.79 ID:/RydUsuj0.net
>>15 I understand I noticed a difference,

>>14 That's interesting what do you like about math? Where do you like to drink, to eat.
if you could travel anywhere where would you go?.

17 :777 ◆BdND.JiwII3s (ワッチョイW cfda-vGuo):2016/07/27(水) 08:42:37.66 ID:jp9dQgbB0.net

It's difficult to explain the beauty and the charm of mathematics.
I guess it's like music. When you hear a good music, you understand its beauty, but it's difficult to explain why it's beautiful to others who haven't heard it.
In any case, there's a pure pleasure in solving a difficult math problem.
It's not pleasant trying to solve a math problem per se, but when you have solved it after many hours of struggles, you have a pure joy.

As for drinking, I usually go to izakaya in Shibuya, Roppongi, etc.

As for travels, I would like to have a big journey from South Korea to China to Southeast Asia to India to Middle East to Greece to Portugal on foot or train along the sea coasts.
Crazy, huh?

How about you?
Where would you like to go?

18 :カナダ人の人 (ワッチョイ 13c6-fjp+):2016/07/27(水) 11:24:53.06 ID:/0RpTQf20.net
That's an awesome answer >>17 , I can see what you are talking about with solving a math problem.

As for where I would like to travel, Japan has always been my number one choice. Now I'm here working.
My second choice would be the UK. I would love to see England, Ireland, and Scotland. I also would like to
see Australia. Another place I would like to visit is France.

Question of the Day for all 2ch English board readers: If you were left alone on an abandoned island what would you bring, and why?

English Quote of the Day: The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge.
—Daniel J. Boorstin

19 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 6f89-tmF6):2016/07/27(水) 22:57:15.41 ID:1NMjTHA40.net
why did you quote this?
you imply that readers should comment you?

I'll bring doraemon lol
sorry I couldn't come up with anything but this

to survive, food is most important
so seeds or knives or something like that

20 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW e33a-eQ6f):2016/07/27(水) 23:02:30.73 ID:fLgqN0Oh0.net
Just fyi, the guy you're chatting with right now, 777 is famous in 2ch for being a real ass towards other people.
He calls people "stupid" for absolutely mundane reasons and is basically a "know it all". A lot of people are pissed off at him in the "English proficiency test
" threads because he trolls everyone by writing how stupid the test is while everyone is trying real hard to study and pass.
It's up to you to believe me or not, but 777 wrote on another thread to "prove ourselves" by writing to you. So here I am.

21 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW e33a-eQ6f):2016/07/27(水) 23:13:47.09 ID:fLgqN0Oh0.net
And Ill try to answer your question. I would probably bring a knife.

I really like that quote. Its always important to stay humble and know there are a lot more to learn in this world.

22 :カナダ人の人 (ワッチョイ 13c6-fjp+):2016/07/27(水) 23:58:13.84 ID:/0RpTQf20.net
Quick reply to questions before I go to bed.
>> 19
The reason I use that quote is because I thought it would get people to think. English is sometimes hard to understand, and this quote might be too.
So I want people to figure out what it means on their own.
People don't have to respond, I just put it there to make some pointed conversation.
If people don't answer they don't answer if they do great.

>>20 / >>21
I have already been warned about 777.
But I think people deserve a chance to speak their mind and to learn.
And don't worry about proving yourself.
Language proficiency is not a destination, its a process.
One that never ends, even for native speakers of a language.
Language is always growing and changing there is always something new to learn.

I will give you a challenge.
And you can let other people on the Eiken board know this too.
Take 777s trolling and use that to prove him wrong.
Use it to prove to yourself that you are not stupid that the Eiken is not stupid.
As much as I like that there are many different languages in the world English right now is an universal one.
And it is needed to communicate with other countries.

23 :777 ◆BdND.JiwII3s (ワッチョイW 86da-SyxS):2016/07/28(木) 13:25:54.00 ID:axI5M+9v0.net
Here's my guess about the person who warned you about me.
I checked the thread "Chat in English" on this board.
Nobody warned you about me.
So I guess he(I don't use "he or she" or singular they here 'cause I just don't like them) can read Japanese well and he knows your email address.

24 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スッップ Sdb8-SyxS):2016/07/28(木) 19:07:06.63 ID:dCbm3+QZd.net
>>1 is looking for friends.
We'd like to chat in English.
That's it.
Any problem?
Here is 2ch, right?

You all think too much:(

25 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ニククエ 7a03-cWOQ):2016/07/29(金) 12:34:00.72 ID:/QOIKnrn0NIKU.net
how many japanese women did you have so far?

26 :カナダ人の人 (ニククエ 75c6-6bfQ):2016/07/29(金) 19:51:46.45 ID:wJOYbUVq0NIKU.net

Are you talking about me, if so none. I respect women more than that. Women are human beings that needs to be cherished.
They are not toys or something to be used and thrown away.

27 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ニククエ 7a03-cWOQ):2016/07/29(金) 21:42:16.84 ID:/QOIKnrn0NIKU.net
japanese women are sex toys for white guys
truth is the truth no matter whatever you say

28 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ニククエ Sdb8-tqRa):2016/07/29(金) 23:51:57.70 ID:inxU/SYmdNIKU.net
poor you

29 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 797c-xRNj):2016/07/30(土) 00:17:36.86 ID:XpfukYHA0.net


30 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 7992-oK17):2016/07/31(日) 22:25:40.37 ID:fziNmZLp0.net

31 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 4037-oK17):2016/08/01(月) 00:25:29.90 ID:S253Vnsx0.net

32 :カナダ人の人 (ワッチョイ 75c6-6bfQ):2016/08/01(月) 22:12:48.63 ID:MqBjLinJ0.net
Look if you're a man, you should treat women with respect. And just because I'm white, does not mean that I think women should be treated badly.
I grew up to respect women, care for children, and respect my elders. No if you want to see shock nothing like seeing an old woman's face when you tell
her to go in front of you in the line. I think the idea of men treating women badly is wrong in this day and age. Everyone should be treated the same.

33 :777 ◆BdND.JiwII3s (ワッチョイW 86da-tqRa):2016/08/02(火) 08:33:46.83 ID:8geUKwI90.net
What do you mean by "we should treat women with respect"?
Let's say you meet an attractive woman.
Is hitting on her treating her without respect?
We have sexual desire. How do you reconcile
with it in treating women with respect?

34 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 797c-xRNj):2016/08/02(火) 15:19:21.01 ID:0C0JFyRQ0.net
Of course westerners respect women. Because they have ”ladies first” culture.
and then, they get mancos easily

35 :カナダ人の人 (ワッチョイ 75c6-6bfQ):2016/08/02(火) 19:28:52.79 ID:2uhHvRIe0.net
Treating women with respect means knowing what is right or wrong. Knowing that when a woman
says no she means no. Flirting with a woman is okay if she is enjoying it and is not frustrated
with you. Yes we all have sexual desires, but it is wrong for us to let them rule what we do.
We have to keep them under control otherwise we are no better than animals. That's what I think
I'm not trying to tell you want to do. But it's nice to be nice.

36 :777 ◆BdND.JiwII3s (ワッチョイW 86da-tqRa):2016/08/02(火) 20:06:12.11 ID:8geUKwI90.net
I agree.
I'm glad you aren't too religious. lol

But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

37 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW fb3a-d+5h):2016/08/04(木) 22:44:52.39 ID:BaZTPNtS0.net
I think there's a difference between getting extremely furious at someone and wanting to kill them and actually killing them.

38 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW db7c-4iqd):2016/08/05(金) 20:45:23.13 ID:CJjalUap0.net

39 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2017/08/18(金) 01:29:50.87 ID:TIJcABox0.net

40 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/06/16(土) 14:17:26.65 ID:2ABpQmJ20.net


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