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18 :カナダ人の人 (ワッチョイ 13c6-fjp+):2016/07/27(水) 11:24:53.06 ID:/0RpTQf20.net
That's an awesome answer >>17 , I can see what you are talking about with solving a math problem.

As for where I would like to travel, Japan has always been my number one choice. Now I'm here working.
My second choice would be the UK. I would love to see England, Ireland, and Scotland. I also would like to
see Australia. Another place I would like to visit is France.

Question of the Day for all 2ch English board readers: If you were left alone on an abandoned island what would you bring, and why?

English Quote of the Day: The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge.
—Daniel J. Boorstin

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