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103 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2017/08/29(火) 21:34:08.80 ID:Ptm2Pzhg0NIKU.net

早船記者: Land prices are soaring in West Japan. Food is short. Kanto area's shops and businesses have all been shuttered. And the city is full of the unemployed.
The yen's plunged, of course. Investors are scared... humph.. except those profiting from it. People come in all forms, good and bad.

志村: So did you uncover anything?

早船: Of course I did. That is my job after all. I use it an article I'm hoping can be published... on the day prior to the bomb drop.

志村: So, new Gojira material. In exchange, we can control the announcement timing. how's that sound?

早船: It sounds... very good.

I use it in an article (which) I'm hoping can be published on the day prior to the bomb drop.

I use it in an article.
I'm hoping (that) the article can be published on the day prior to the bomb drop.
の2つを(省略された)関係代名詞でつなげた形 I'm hopingが挿入節になっている(=連鎖関係代名詞節)
この場合、I'm hoping thatのthatは省略される

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292 KB

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read.cgi ver 2014.07.20.01.SC 2014/07/20 D ★