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237 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2017/09/13(水) 07:12:26.40 ID:uhCQm1t40.net

志村: Sir, the PM's arrived.


大門秘書官: We haven't been able to ascertain the cause of the tunnel rupture yet.

大河内総理: Never mind the details. How many fatalities have there been?

大門: None.

大河内: Then things aren't as bad as they could be.

赤坂: Still, there is a secondary disaster risk. I've cleared your schedule so that you can attend an emergency meeting in five minutes sir.

大河内: Well, then. Let's get there.

(C,U) rupture 「破裂」
ascertain O 「Oを突き止める、Oを確認する」
> Things aren't as bad as they could be.
Things are bad. と Things could be bad. を比べて、「可能性としてあり得た悪さ」と比べれば、それほど悪くないということを示す。
so that S can do 「Sが〜できるように」

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