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24 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2017/08/19(土) 14:39:26.83 ID:fil/8SLz0.net
郡山危機管理監: This residence is directly in Gojira's path, sir. And since the SDF failed to stop this thing, the US military might fail, too.

大河内総理: You are saying... that we should evacuate!?

郡山危機管理監: Yes! Both you and the entire cabinet. For the nation to function, you need to leave for the secondary facility in Tachikawa quickly!

大河内総理: Just as the US strike is about to begin!? No, I have a duty... to stay and monitor its execution! And besides that, I can't abandon the citizens here!

矢口: You must leave. Remember you have an entire nation to protect but you can't do that if you are dead, sir. So please evacuate!

東官房長官: Tokyo City Hall is still functioning, so for right now, please let the governor take charge.

大河内総理: Very well.

職員: Sir, two choppers will be on the roof.

矢口: My group will travel there by car.

東官房長官: OK, get going. I'm sure it'll take some time. Traffic is going to be murder. We'll see you there.

矢口: Right. We'll get moving.

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