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319 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2017/10/15(日) 06:53:02.21 ID:vrTDkDVK0.net

カヨコ: The countdown was only suspended. But it'll restart if Godzilla begins moving again. Nuclear weapons WILL be used if that happens. I'm really amazed you agreed to that.

矢口: I only had to keep the world satisfied. Now Japan... no, all mankind must coexist with Gojira.

カヨコ: So you shared the data with France.

矢口: Yes, with France and the entire world. But still, I regret nothing.

カヨコ: I like this by-any-means approach of yours. Therefore... Don't quit. When I'm president of the US, you'll be ideal as my Japanese counterpart.

矢口: Your Japanese puppet, you mean. The fact remains that casualties were high. And accountability comes with this job. A politician must decide whether to own it or not. I myself choose to own it.

カヨコ: Well... like Maki said, "Do as you please."


矢口: I guess now's not the time to quit. Because things aren't settled. Not yet at least.

しっぽ: .....

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