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1 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2017/08/18(金) 05:45:08.06 ID:7P1DrGHl0.net

Akasaka: Yaguchi, from here on out, Gojira comes under US-led U.N jurisdiction. Post-war Japan is a tributary state.

Yaguchi: Post-war extends forever, huh? This is a bad choice.

Akasaka: "No matter how enormous Gojira is, I doubt it can withstand the million-degree heat of a nuke. As a method of extermination, it's our only viable option right now.

Yaguchi: My team and I are on the verge of a breakthrough, with our freezing method.

350 :あぼーん:あぼーん

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292 KB

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