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Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 205

1 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/01(月) 09:07:06.35 ID:WkdCaekD0.net
    // |ヽ\
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Previous Thread:
Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 204

Hey!!! All you NEETs, nerds, YouTube link spammers, pedophiles, neo-Nazis,
Yukorin enthusiasts, Nanako SOS admirers, Part-Time-Preachers,
Diplomats' spoiled sons, losers who can't remember Kanji characters,
Big-boobs fans, Weeaboo from around the world, learners of Japanese
who are too lazy to update their Japanese blogs very often, cunning
linguists, stupid fan girls of Johnny's Boys, Touhou pirates, and
that electrical super-gay who suffers from mental disease - This is your thread!
Let's hope the Internet-addicted housewife will come back soon!

We all wish for permanent world peace!

2 :KameGirl aka KG2ch :2018/01/01(月) 17:34:39.71 ID:lvh/ZQ+F0.net
Thank you for making a new thread. Best wishes for 2018.

3 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/01(月) 18:01:30.99 ID:Tszu/SFx0.net
It’s been a while! Kame girl!

4 :KameGirl aka KG2ch :2018/01/01(月) 18:51:22.31 ID:lvh/ZQ+F0.net
3-san! Long time no see! I hope you are well.
I will never forget this thread!
Even when I don't have time, you guys are on my mind!
Wishing for world peace even if I am from Venus!

5 :ほろ酔いのどっち :2018/01/01(月) 18:56:27.54 ID:nO4QPzf10.net

6 :ほろ酔いのどっち :2018/01/01(月) 19:00:48.99 ID:nO4QPzf10NEWYEAR.net
come on...

7 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/02(火) 00:05:50.63 ID:bg8ZNNxX0.net
A happy new year.

8 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/02(火) 11:45:51.47 ID:lMOoz3ar0.net
I really wish appreciate your long beautiful legs as an Otoshidama!

9 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/03(水) 00:46:15.18 ID:eiNUBlVQ0.net
i can't understand chat

10 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/03(水) 13:07:36.83 ID:XOJlyvgk0.net
I meant she is just like Venus.

11 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/03(水) 15:08:20.84 ID:cBBSowLZa.net
Who’s she?

12 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/04(木) 00:23:45.45 ID:ug9lFgMjH.net
What's kame girl?

I guess you need another message board for your unlimited chatting desire.
So,why don't you take a look at the site?

13 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/04(木) 00:43:19.76 ID:H1dk++KA0.net
Kame girl is a woman, who likes sucking the head of a turtle.

14 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/04(木) 00:47:44.22 ID:H1dk++KA0.net

Kame girl is a woman, who likes drinking turtle soup.

15 :KameGirl aka KG2ch :2018/01/04(木) 05:41:10.51 ID:Fd59h19gH.net
>>8 -san will you pay me in Bitcoin lol.
(Just kidding)

16 :tatami :2018/01/04(木) 11:03:33.59 ID:w/ucNzBO0.net
hi! This is first time to send a message.
My English skill is not well...
Nice to meet you!

17 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/04(木) 11:03:47.93 ID:KpPpECgL0.net
What do you guys chat about here?

18 :tatami :2018/01/04(木) 11:06:05.63 ID:w/ucNzBO0.net
I have same question.
I want to try a chatting in English, but I dont know what topic should I talk.

19 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/04(木) 11:42:21.61 ID:pGCvCL+I0.net
my melody

20 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/04(木) 13:23:39.11 ID:KpPpECgL0.net
I can’t understand why this thread has been existing for such a long time.

21 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/04(木) 16:51:56.48 ID:ug9lFgMjH.net
Then,Wether and news.

22 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/04(木) 17:34:41.89 ID:ug9lFgMjH.net
That's no problem.

23 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/04(木) 17:53:09.57 ID:FR/YtBYTa.net
it is interesting that people don't always wear white masks to prevent themselves from catching a cold/flu.
sometimes they wear masks to get some warmth on their faces.
and some people try to prevent themselves from being talked to by wearing masks (it seems to have some effect!).
others think that the masks can be used as a "fashion accessory" and so, they put them on just as they do with シュシュ.
a variety of colorful maskes have been offered in the mask market, that's interesting.

24 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/04(木) 17:54:18.16 ID:FR/YtBYTa.net
thank you for preparing the new thread.

25 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/05(金) 09:51:47.95 ID:XwoxjuFE0.net
It was crazy last night. I came up to a japanese pussy and just said Pokemon and I got laid.
By American savage

26 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/05(金) 14:55:42.02 ID:sEJLuSI10.net
I have a question to a native English speaker.


Is the narrator saying "The third time wasn't a charm" or "The third time wasn't the charm."
I know both are OK as an expression, but I want to know which the narrator is saying in this particular video.

27 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/05(金) 18:09:07.63 ID:APwvmhqtM.net
What are you getting at?

28 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/05(金) 18:54:26.58 ID:nsOl8uK6M.net
He meant Jap girls are sluts.

29 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/05(金) 19:07:43.48 ID:thKtNdpgM.net
Means foreign guy freaquently seen
like staying without purpose.

30 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/05(金) 19:37:56.09 ID:nsOl8uK6M.net
Like the guy that went to Aokigahara and shot a movie about suicide? I agree. Gaijins should be kicked out!

31 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/05(金) 19:48:38.35 ID:RwbYaK760.net

32 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/05(金) 19:49:28.54 ID:RwbYaK760.net

33 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/05(金) 22:52:43.60 ID:qRrWAQYmM.net

34 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/05(金) 22:59:16.54 ID:qRrWAQYmM.net
Your thought as all the gaijins are bad guy is no nscense.
I think you should be kicked out.

35 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/05(金) 23:25:23.18 ID:GOYMPQLQ0.net
Why? I’m Japanese.

36 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/06(土) 00:52:37.26 ID:51DZgcXu0.net
I agree with 30. There are so many shitty people (including ourselves) who think it's cool to harass the people of other countries.
And even if people didn't harass each other much, humans are simply unable to live in peace with a large number of foreigners.
Multiculturalism has already failed. It's causing divisions, and the West is heading to hell with their own insanity.

Abe and all other politicians must stop the disguised immigration policies now.
They are lying and deceiving us, while commiting the biggest treachery in our history.

37 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/06(土) 00:58:10.81 ID:YvfZeYQB0.net
terrible in both ways
you know what it means...

38 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/06(土) 01:28:23.65 ID:51DZgcXu0.net
The current government has been letting in tons of foreigners, and it's already creating hate.
People are hating Vietnamese people now. And they probably hate us too for murdering a small girl.
Before the rapid increase of Vietnamese people in Japan, there was no such hate as far as I know.
In only several years, our relationship has changed from friendly/neutral to straight up hate.

This is fucking stupid. This stupid shit is not for us. It's what the insane Western whites do.
Those insane people pretend to be cool with the foreigners, thinking they are "progressive" for doing it, while divisions, hate and insanity steadily erode their country.

We are not fucking Western whites. Japan is not America nor Singapore either. This shit needs to stop.

39 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/06(土) 01:36:46.90 ID:51DZgcXu0.net
straight up → downright

40 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/06(土) 09:37:20.33 ID:zNsoXZXt0.net
I don't hate Vietnamese people. I cannot understand what you say, Maybe you are wrong.

41 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/06(土) 10:28:40.47 ID:nFBql0/s0.net
Everyone has freedom of speech.
But few people seem to understand rights entail responsibilities.

42 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/06(土) 13:11:50.12 ID:51DZgcXu0.net
Actually, someone in this thread complained about them, and that's why I brought it up here. I don't know who it was, though.

43 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/06(土) 18:38:18.84 ID:ag81xJUDM.net
Vietnamise committed a lot of crime recently in Japapn.
That's the fact.
Take notice for them.

44 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/06(土) 19:54:25.91 ID:vOz2xGvE0.net

45 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/06(土) 20:34:39.42 ID:vOz2xGvE0.net
Agree removing all the dirty words.
We need only genius from foreign places.

46 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/06(土) 23:40:29.35 ID:fTZBnwLRM.net
Sniffer! Caution!

47 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/06(土) 23:46:50.60 ID:fTZBnwLRM.net
I anime is an underground culture.
Which means Akihabara collects underground guys.
Why don't you call police?

48 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/07(日) 02:04:08.92 ID:Ju0Q1gke0.net
He is so gaijin.


49 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/07(日) 02:36:02.69 ID:y8mZKu9ua.net
Hunch.He's australian.

50 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/07(日) 02:57:08.09 ID:Ju0Q1gke0.net
No. American. Well, that doesn’t matter. Still annoying gaijin.

51 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/07(日) 03:52:09.67 ID:kVEsz9wtM.net
Do you think it's all right to call on a lot of people from all over the world as a tourist?

52 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/07(日) 03:55:03.64 ID:kVEsz9wtM.net
Why hate gaijin?

53 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/07(日) 09:32:01.78 ID:whwEamCU0.net
What a surprise! I've seen your posts for the first time in years.
How have you been?
I would often make fun of you when you were a regular visitor of this thread.
But honestly, I missed you a bit after you disappeared.
Are you still in love with Kamenashi? Well, in my country, there is a proverb that says "Onna gogoro to
akino sora.", which means as the autumn sky is changeable, so the minds of women are.

54 :53 :2018/01/07(日) 09:47:19.44 ID:whwEamCU0.net
correction gogoro → gokoro

55 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/07(日) 13:42:39.79 ID:IV+LQHE7H.net
She says "the" there, so the latter.

It's a meme. You can end a message with "t." and some description as a signoff,
like "sincerely ..." when writing a letter or email, as a way to show your perspective or authority.

In this case its used in a more generalized way to show what the poster of the phrase thinks of poster whom he replied to (he thinks he's english).
Using it as a reply to someone else is confrontational, and any positive description used will be taken as sarcasm.

t. american
t. filthy gaijin
t. uses the internet too much

(don't actually use the phrase multiple times)

56 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/07(日) 17:26:07.22 ID:DJjGVqTIM.net
Reply numbers are wrong recently here.
Wht's going on?

57 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/07(日) 21:05:48.07 ID:pIOXJerz0.net
You are a non-genius shill.

58 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/07(日) 22:13:41.48 ID:ja8+gmT2a.net
i would like a small, desktop calendar but i can't find even one at any stores.
a week hasn't passed yet since the new year got started.
each store should get rid of their calendar stock from the shelves and take them to the backyard later...

59 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/08(月) 00:30:23.24 ID:BmiAzvkNM.net
Who are you?shut up.

60 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/08(月) 01:37:02.84 ID:wYaNYY8TM.net
On line store?

61 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/08(月) 01:51:28.02 ID:bmnhfUoH0.net
I ger mine from Daiso every year.

62 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/08(月) 04:37:11.91 ID:WPvoCRH4a.net
Do you need calender not computer?

63 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/08(月) 08:32:38.13 ID:Zqh/CfmA0.net
I bet Japanese enjoy little rituals, like buying new calendar at the beginning of the year.

64 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/08(月) 08:53:59.14 ID:44WkL5wJ0.net
Ms calender is too simple, I can't get holiday just like today.

65 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/08(月) 19:20:01.31 ID:PwO4AyqDM.net
This is the perfect example of 害人.


66 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/08(月) 20:20:58.59 ID:WPvoCRH4a.net
Google calender is enough for everyone!

67 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/08(月) 20:28:24.88 ID:bWwhjz9+a.net
i like to write down my schedule in a calendar made of paper.

68 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/08(月) 20:45:38.14 ID:QvLqvKe4M.net
Is it covenient in paper?

69 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/08(月) 22:15:07.43 ID:80SwgbBR0.net
Anyway did you get a 御守 this year?

70 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/08(月) 22:23:52.46 ID:bmnhfUoH0.net
Did you?

71 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/08(月) 22:44:48.42 ID:bWwhjz9+a.net
asking a question in response to someone who has just asked you a question,
it is kind of funny isn't it?

72 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/08(月) 22:48:53.36 ID:bWwhjz9+a.net
many people must have got a "御守 (japanese traditional amulet)" in the first 3 days this year.
i want to know how those amulets are created at temples or shrines.

73 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/08(月) 22:51:11.43 ID:80SwgbBR0.net
You're wrong regretfully.

74 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/08(月) 22:52:33.95 ID:80SwgbBRH.net
I guess there's a few big factory and
they make almost all for no reason.

75 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/09(火) 03:47:42.29 ID:xe/Z4sBSd.net
smash then

If you are passive, it's not perfect English

76 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/09(火) 03:51:09.78 ID:xe/Z4sBSd.net
Smash or Pass

was it?

77 :Sariwakabi :2018/01/09(火) 05:00:12.66 ID:yOFbrv0rH.net
i am nobody.

78 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/09(火) 09:12:48.20 ID:Iire+qJDa.net
I don't know.

79 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/09(火) 13:01:24.03 ID:RfQBoAJz0.net
Thank you for your answer about the definite/indefinite article.

80 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/09(火) 13:06:20.85 ID:X9qJkW/sH.net
The holidays is gone.
Lil bit sad.

81 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/09(火) 13:22:59.52 ID:X9qJkW/sH.net
Are you all stayed in Japan in お正月?

82 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/09(火) 14:07:41.55 ID:17Hozq9P0.net
Another gaijin?

83 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/09(火) 18:21:25.73 ID:a9WlHrDzM.net
Your concern is nonsense here.
Get lost.

84 :さりSariwakabi :2018/01/09(火) 19:16:13.59 ID:yOFbrv0rH.net
i delete my hellotalk account because not enough free speech ..

it's owned by fucking tencent

i'm ゆえ from there a.k.a. (also known as ひとすめのかみ。。。 。

85 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/09(火) 19:44:34.25 ID:8fIZdxPoM.net
If I set up 英語で雑談 in Reddit do
you use it?

86 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/09(火) 19:51:08.49 ID:8fIZdxPoM.net
Caution! Sniffer!

87 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/09(火) 20:14:58.47 ID:F2YGaz/40.net
Go to the crappy board you created, and don't come back here.

88 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/09(火) 20:15:53.69 ID:F2YGaz/40.net
Not another. It's the same old shill.

89 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/09(火) 20:30:35.20 ID:8fIZdxPoM.net
Eat your own shit and get lost for good!

90 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/09(火) 20:48:50.85 ID:17Hozq9P0.net
“Get lost” guy again? Ugh

91 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/09(火) 21:16:55.31 ID:8fIZdxPoM.net
You wrote ''Get lost".

92 :Kami :2018/01/09(火) 21:27:36.25 ID:yOFbrv0rH.net
yes, i used reddit ALOT. I like to be in places where there are japanese people.

I browsed r/buildapc a lot. Sometimes gaijin don't understand the pcpartpicker pc build i recommend to them.

93 :kami :2018/01/09(火) 21:30:08.59 ID:yOFbrv0rH.net
nowadays i use my ps4 as pc with vr headset as monitor

94 :kami :2018/01/09(火) 21:33:41.94 ID:yOFbrv0rH.net
my facebook is https://www.Facebook.com/yuedong139

95 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/09(火) 22:35:58.68 ID:OEktoN7Ya.net
some people don't think that friendship exists between men and women.
do you agree with it?
can't men make friends with women? i can't believe it.

96 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/09(火) 23:11:51.49 ID:17Hozq9P0.net
I believe “sex friend” though

97 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/09(火) 23:45:20.03 ID:lrGVLGWg0.net
I don't think that friendship exists.

98 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/10(水) 00:43:07.42 ID:rmr7n4wQa.net
there might be no actual friendship behind "sex friend relationship".
somebody may have invented the pharase to make it sound more positive with using a word "friend".

99 :ゆえ :2018/01/10(水) 03:03:41.60 ID:8RSvf2+wH.net
Well, I think man and woman can have friendly communication sometimes, so that is something. Better than nothing.

100 :ゆえ :2018/01/10(水) 03:20:33.73 ID:8RSvf2+wH.net
yes I am *ahem* THAT person ..

the one who just posted the facebook link a few replies ago.

I can't leave Japanese people alone.

I always sometimes want to communicate with Japanese/Japan.

This is one of the store I go to often. I want to see more Japanese products there.

Japanese products are the best.


101 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/10(水) 05:15:56.18 ID:uZw6yxfTH.net
This is chinese guy living in Toronto.

102 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/10(水) 06:10:49.86 ID:aR0+Hp82a.net
Take care of yourself trying to keep away
from thieves,sniffers,etc
Good year!

103 :さり :2018/01/10(水) 06:31:54.39 ID:8RSvf2+wH.net

nice try, chinese piece of shit. die ..

104 :NOVAPOLICELEE :2018/01/10(水) 08:22:30.38 ID:wnlJA0OA0.net
What's mean? I ask all yours. kaddish? What's mean?

105 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/10(水) 08:41:26.28 ID:aR0+Hp82a.net
No idea.
What are you meaning?

106 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/10(水) 08:59:12.41 ID:aR0+Hp82a.net
Speaking english makes chances of getting a lot of money or not.
What do you think?

107 :NOVAPOLICELEE :2018/01/10(水) 09:20:10.51 ID:wnlJA0OA0.net
Of cource! We must All together study and only one language speaking or anything like writing.

Therefore, World become more peaceful !!!

108 :NOVAPOLICELEE :2018/01/10(水) 09:22:47.64 ID:wnlJA0OA0.net
Risa Wataya is most satrical prose writer since William Burroughs Jr.

109 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/10(水) 09:38:39.57 ID:qxUus9TI0.net
I got laid with a chinese girl
It was amazing

110 :NOVAPOLICELEE :2018/01/10(水) 10:17:02.77 ID:wnlJA0OA0.net
oh!!! nice.

111 :さささだ :2018/01/10(水) 10:27:37.62 ID:8RSvf2+wH.net
fuck man. if i have sex with chinese girl, i would not enjoy it at all. you guys do the fucking in my place please.

also, fuck facebook and google. they are owned by jewish, which is very deceiving people.

112 :さわあああ :2018/01/10(水) 10:31:02.35 ID:8RSvf2+wH.net
so i used twitter now


113 :さらわらさ :2018/01/10(水) 10:36:40.22 ID:8RSvf2+wH.net

maybe you mean capiche. capiche is a way of rudely asking "you understand?"

114 :NOVAPOLICELEE :2018/01/10(水) 10:55:23.63 ID:wnlJA0OA0.net
son of a gun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

115 :NOVAPOLICELEE :2018/01/10(水) 10:56:18.48 ID:wnlJA0OA0.net
Hey rube! MOB !!!

116 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/10(水) 16:17:59.98 ID:HoYfD9L30.net
Make the sentenses easy to read please.

117 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/10(水) 16:39:37.97 ID:HoYfD9L30.net
Wrong reply target.

118 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/10(水) 16:47:11.56 ID:HoYfD9L30.net
Who are you?
What do you want?

119 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/10(水) 17:28:53.83 ID:YndTWOF8M.net
So get away now.

120 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/10(水) 17:41:48.45 ID:YndTWOF8M.net
Do you have a physical normal monitor?

121 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/10(水) 18:04:57.62 ID:2+xWhdNQ0.net
You too

122 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/10(水) 18:08:50.16 ID:2+xWhdNQ0.net
owow for god's sake, bye

123 :ささ :2018/01/10(水) 20:19:25.66 ID:8RSvf2+wH.net
i have philips bdm4065uc/27 40" monitor, it is 4k resolution ..

i want to replace it with nice 55" japanese tv. maybe bigger than 55? i am sitting about 2.9 meters away.

right now i basically have no bank account at my old bank (td canada). i don't even know much much money i have. maybe around $1400 ? probably significantly more.

i like chatting here. makes me feel relaxed and happy ..

124 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/10(水) 22:01:06.59 ID:lzpRQxtR0.net
You first, my friend.

125 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/10(水) 23:27:01.23 ID:4+qTZoUQM.net
To you.

126 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/11(木) 00:03:29.07 ID:Xm2vymlmM.net
I guess you need another message board for your unlimited chatting desire.
So,why don't you take a look at the site?

127 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/11(木) 00:27:22.42 ID:p+EQk6/ZM.net
Driving a car?

128 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/11(木) 00:35:21.59 ID:p+EQk6/ZM.net
Do you know that you can purchase everything
at Aliexpress in english?

129 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/11(木) 00:38:09.90 ID:p+EQk6/ZM.net
Raise your hands if you use Ebay.
I want to know about how many ones
use that site.

130 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/11(木) 00:49:23.06 ID:HTKyzxFo0.net
I used it like 5 years ago.

131 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/11(木) 01:46:11.84 ID:o89us52+M.net
Do you quite freaquently purchase?

132 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/11(木) 01:58:51.51 ID:HTKyzxFo0.net
No. Only when I need to buy teeth whitening products.

133 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/11(木) 03:17:09.77 ID:wDqHkqpGH.net

how do i even make a new post (thread) there.

134 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/11(木) 03:19:56.03 ID:wDqHkqpGH.net

i used ebay like once recently .. i like amazon better. i only go ebay if amazon is too expensive or doesn't have the item. i like amazon's super fast shipping which is basically free for me right now. so i buy from amazon.ca when i can.

135 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/11(木) 03:27:18.89 ID:wDqHkqpGH.net

that place doesnt let me post because im in canada. so it's worthless to me.

136 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/11(木) 07:52:31.57 ID:UHZQ/yi10.net
I see you speack english, I'm speack english too

137 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/11(木) 10:32:51.06 ID:BWCJBZ4r0.net
No, i dont think u speak english

138 :walmart man :2018/01/11(木) 12:01:01.11 ID:wDqHkqpGH.net
today i went to wal mart. i discover decent americans and the in-progress creation of dark americans, just like japanese and dark japanese.

139 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/11(木) 18:35:11.04 ID:0kQ0jnxIM.net
You're wrong.

140 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/11(木) 18:35:49.43 ID:0kQ0jnxIM.net

141 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/11(木) 19:17:12.69 ID:HTKyzxFo0.net
I want to live in Canada. Japan is a shit country.

142 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/11(木) 20:14:03.13 ID:BpQlbwL2M.net
I want to get out of here.
You're a shitty person.

143 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/11(木) 20:15:44.18 ID:AMGChFgC0.net
i have been in 4ch for about 2 months
now i came back 5ch being xenophobic beautifully!w

144 :God :2018/01/11(木) 20:46:13.00 ID:wDqHkqpGH.net
why do you goddamn japanese piss me off everyday. yes i live in South etobicoke. CANADA

145 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/11(木) 21:10:14.11 ID:oynE4blU0.net
You don't seem like god.

146 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/11(木) 21:12:16.96 ID:oynE4blU0.net
Is there english comunity or something like that in your town?
Especially I like to know about the situation except the 5 major cities.

147 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/11(木) 21:15:16.62 ID:oynE4blU0.net
I want to get back to the topic.....

148 :143 :2018/01/11(木) 21:46:20.71 ID:AMGChFgC0.net
i want my govt. to ban otaku gaijins from entry to japan
now I've known otaku gaijins are weird and dangerous
one of them came to the JP thread and asked japanese people there
that if a gaijin rapees a japanese girl in japan, whether he is accused
of a crime or not by the japanese low. he was over the edge.
another gaijin came to the same place and spoke evil of japan and japanese.
he/she was a korean american with the american flag
all otaku gaijins are crazy.

149 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/11(木) 22:40:51.42 ID:prEfPtdOM.net
Gaijins are not problem.

150 :NOVAPOLICELEE :2018/01/11(木) 22:43:15.86 ID:XLHpTbr/0.net

151 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/11(木) 22:54:13.84 ID:prEfPtdOM.net
What do you think'bout that sports man putting
some medicine in drink of other player?
To be honest he's so scaring.

152 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/11(木) 23:18:23.08 ID:AMGChFgC0.net
The criminal turnned himself in to the police just after the victim took counsel with him
I laughed to hear that w it's typical of japanese

153 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/11(木) 23:20:15.04 ID:VQcYuoP/M.net

154 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/11(木) 23:47:57.80 ID:HTKyzxFo0.net
No. Gaijins are troublesome like below...


155 :ゆえ :2018/01/12(金) 02:13:21.49 ID:U7jm+mEmH.net
Japanese people piss me off too much, but they don't piss me off all the time.

Japanese are too shy to talk to me.

Their software and hardware products are always mada mada in some aspects.

Or they just accidentally piss me off.

156 :yue :2018/01/12(金) 02:16:04.73 ID:U7jm+mEmH.net
so i bought 65 inch american RCA tv instead of 55 inch Sanyo TV because I felt like Japan pissed me off too much.

I actually think America can be a good substitute for Japan .. maybe.

157 :ゆえ :2018/01/12(金) 03:01:54.93 ID:U7jm+mEmH.net
Fuck you Japan, first you piss me off, now you announce Dark Souls 1 Remastered for PC and PS4 .. fuck omg

158 :ゆえ :2018/01/12(金) 03:04:25.37 ID:U7jm+mEmH.net
Come on, I can never cut my connection to Japan. Even while buying the TV, and bringing it home on foot for over 5 kilometers, I was listening to Japanese music which helps me relax.

But still, sometimes you really piss me off.

159 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/12(金) 03:48:53.60 ID:4JB0CCJOa.net
First of all get out of drunken situation.

160 :NOVAPOLICELEE :2018/01/12(金) 04:21:23.26 ID:csxcw4cE0.net
You don't care. I can't deny.

161 :NOVAPOLICELEE :2018/01/12(金) 04:22:53.65 ID:csxcw4cE0.net
hhhmmm....Chat in English must more sanitary place. Please kind of stupid word modest use.

162 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/12(金) 05:42:43.24 ID:4JB0CCJOa.net
What do you think about Mitsthashi who
was arrested for DV?

I guess he has one more another history of giving DV.

Anyway what do you think?

163 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/12(金) 06:48:35.59 ID:A+WbzOj50.net
I've read a short article about it in a news site, so don't know what to say.
What impressed me most was the fact that he has been married to a very young wife in her teens, which stirred my imagination a lot, though.

164 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/12(金) 11:00:12.90 ID:Rd+VMikf0.net
i think japanese pop cultures are like drugs, have a strong potential for addiction
you should overcome an addiction to japan-related things for each(japanese and you) other well

165 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/12(金) 13:37:17.89 ID:+c31Azp30.net
the snow in niigata新潟 is so harsh!!

166 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/12(金) 14:31:14.31 ID:zqncgEMX0.net
I’m so glad I don’t live places where it snows like Niigata.

167 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/12(金) 16:56:18.55 ID:4JB0CCJOa.net
I have heard he divorced three times in the past tenyears.
I think it's strange.
He's got some problem in character.

168 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/12(金) 17:43:32.05 ID:So3F7luK0.net
This is not so harsh.
Nothing unusuall.

169 :NOVAPOLICELEE :2018/01/12(金) 17:45:59.86 ID:PhQcPkTf0.net
I'm cursed from birth.

170 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/12(金) 18:04:41.95 ID:So3F7luK0.net
Study or anime.
What's the solution?
God only knows.

171 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/12(金) 18:04:44.11 ID:So3F7luK0.net
Study or anime.
What's the solution?
God only knows.

172 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/12(金) 18:09:00.06 ID:So3F7luKH.net
Why cut off?

173 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/12(金) 18:53:45.61 ID:J9BQSylZH.net
Hello. Do any posters here play BEMANI games?

174 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/12(金) 19:24:28.14 ID:Rd+VMikf0.net

175 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/12(金) 20:56:25.72 ID:Fo8n11ela.net
i had a job interview at a compay the day before yesterday.
the recruitment agency, in charge of the company, advised me that
the results of the interview would be known by the end of this week.
but i haven't heard anything from them till now.
the company will be closed on saturdays and sundays...

176 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/12(金) 22:18:02.81 ID:zqncgEMX0.net
Are you the one who always take job interviews?

177 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/12(金) 22:18:40.24 ID:Ey88xlS5M.net
English interview?

178 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/12(金) 23:37:08.40 ID:Fo8n11ela.net
not always but once in a while.

japanese interview.

179 :yue :2018/01/12(金) 23:55:47.55 ID:U7jm+mEmH.net
i think in many ways i like america better than japan now. i will keep japan to the minimum, the rest is all america.

180 :NOVAPOLICELEE :2018/01/13(土) 00:34:56.82 ID:lVGsHZDn0.net
My job I think that fav noveler/ surely

181 :NOVAPOLICELEE :2018/01/13(土) 00:35:27.40 ID:lVGsHZDn0.net
Anyway, Better than Japan.

182 :NOVAPOLICELEE :2018/01/13(土) 00:37:15.80 ID:lVGsHZDn0.net
If immigration is not to go, it is not America.

183 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/13(土) 01:22:24.42 ID:7VAFrger0.net
I had a job
I handjob

Common misunderstanding

184 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/13(土) 01:59:23.23 ID:S6Dc8L9r0.net
Stick yourself to the TV and never come here.

185 :Yue :2018/01/13(土) 02:14:18.42 ID:zjkqnlTNH.net
Even though I like America/Canada (North America) more now, I can never forget Japan .. it is mysterious. Something always makes me come back and post here.

186 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/13(土) 04:15:33.59 ID:rboUHX6La.net
I guess you're not the one who talked about TV.

187 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/13(土) 09:33:25.77 ID:Hxkg7S/J0.net

188 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/13(土) 11:10:05.46 ID:f57wA/H80.net
Why is it so cold and what's this snow?
My city is covered with 50 cm of snow.
I've never seen this in recent 10 years.
My car is completely buried as if it were a huge snowball.
It is predicted that another 10 centimeters of snow will fall today.
I spend an hour clearing snow everyday.
I'm completely exhausted..

189 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/13(土) 11:39:02.74 ID:f57wA/H80.net
what a snow... it is far heavier than my town.
Hokuriku areas are heavily hit by this snow to the extent that we haven't experienced in recent years.
And Niigata prefecture suffered from train disruption that caused passengers to be locked inside the train for more than 15 hours...

190 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/13(土) 13:39:07.86 ID:EQE12nBsH.net
Don't hold back.
No four letter words.

191 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/13(土) 13:39:28.88 ID:EQE12nBsH.net

192 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/13(土) 13:40:08.10 ID:EQE12nBsH.net
Too bad.

193 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/13(土) 14:27:13.48 ID:nR8TztRj0.net
It doesn’t snow in my area so when it happens like once in a few years, people get too excited like taking pictures

194 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/13(土) 15:12:17.27 ID:EQE12nBsH.net
Japan have so many point of view.

195 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/13(土) 15:12:36.20 ID:EQE12nBsH.net

196 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/13(土) 15:53:27.73 ID:EQE12nBsH.net
Do you know Mastodon?
If you say yes I want you to set up
the instance for "chat in english".

197 :yue :2018/01/13(土) 16:32:24.18 ID:zjkqnlTNH.net

Fuck me I will masturbate to white girls instead of Japanese girls right now./

198 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/13(土) 16:33:10.43 ID:zjkqnlTNH.net

I don't know Mastodon ..

199 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/13(土) 16:43:19.89 ID:EQE12nBsH.net
Twitter like survice recentry getting famouse.

200 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/13(土) 16:44:10.45 ID:EQE12nBsH.net
Change your brain.

201 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/13(土) 16:47:24.71 ID:zjkqnlTNH.net

well i made a fucken account. but no way im paying for a server myself. fuck japan, america is better most of the time. girls that actually respond when i talk to them not ones that always fucking piss me off like garbage japanese girls.

202 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/13(土) 17:08:33.19 ID:EQE12nBsH.net
You have no experience of going abroad.

203 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/13(土) 17:27:52.58 ID:bEL9gj67a.net
Annoying gaijins are destroying this thread. As always.

204 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/13(土) 18:19:55.94 ID:EQE12nBsH.net
You have been destroying.It's annoying.

205 :ゆえ :2018/01/13(土) 18:24:24.12 ID:zjkqnlTNH.net
My fucking American friend lost his way and it's so sad. Now he want to pursue goals and have a "normal" aka very stupid life.

206 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/13(土) 18:48:44.48 ID:vxMK35pVM.net
No idea.

207 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/13(土) 22:42:58.27 ID:TqfQ3UFRa.net
i am the beginning of everything, the end of everywhere.
i am the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space.

what am i?

208 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/13(土) 22:46:32.33 ID:nR8TztRj0.net

209 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/13(土) 23:00:24.95 ID:z9ep17i00.net
You're "e."

210 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/14(日) 04:59:40.85 ID:Oo65Fsk+0.net
Where is the American anti thread?

211 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/14(日) 09:50:19.46 ID:jRDh1a1v0.net
I had unprotected sex last night
Im worried my gf may get pregnant

212 :Yue :2018/01/14(日) 11:15:05.39 ID:vZZMgxSeH.net

Maybe it's not too late to do something .. they might have something that can prevent baby development such as after sex contraception.

213 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/14(日) 11:32:28.34 ID:1ui4MkFHa.net
That's nothing to do with others.

214 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/14(日) 11:57:30.17 ID:3QHG93OAH.net
Stop stop!

215 :Yue :2018/01/14(日) 12:32:14.81 ID:vZZMgxSeH.net

Fuck you, I say what I want and fuck who I want.

216 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/14(日) 12:34:40.24 ID:vZZMgxSeH.net

Chinese piece of shit ..

217 :Yue :2018/01/14(日) 12:42:50.46 ID:vZZMgxSeH.net
Every time some garbage Chinaman tells me "Stop", I fuck Xi JinPing and All Chinese Mother Fuckers in the Ass. With a Katana. Sharp one.

218 :Yue :2018/01/14(日) 12:45:41.16 ID:vZZMgxSeH.net
And sometimes with an American AR-15 Assault Rifle. Attached to 10 Aircraft Carriers.

219 :Yue :2018/01/14(日) 12:47:13.89 ID:vZZMgxSeH.net
Tibet will leave China, Hong Kong will leave China, Shanghai will leave China, Taiwan will leave China. Let's split China into a thousand fucking pieces like the USA did with the USSR.

220 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/14(日) 16:24:19.51 ID:4qpgQtpuM.net
You're no class.
Just get out!

221 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/14(日) 16:25:15.30 ID:4qpgQtpuM.net
Eat shit die!

222 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/14(日) 16:55:28.67 ID:xfO/Uef8M.net
Fix your bad hunch.

223 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/14(日) 17:53:10.73 ID:2u8KKalMa.net
By the way I wanna enter the United Nations..

224 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/14(日) 18:47:07.21 ID:+9dQnAFh0.net
let us sprinkel lemon on karaage!

225 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/14(日) 19:50:03.28 ID:2kqID8up0.net
I hate it when some insensitive people put lemon juice with barehands.

226 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/14(日) 21:34:33.07 ID:RO0WhQ/9M.net
What's your charge?
For what I mean.

227 :Yue :2018/01/14(日) 21:55:14.39 ID:vZZMgxSeH.net
Ah I love real Japanese. Some day we will finally take over China. And all those shithole countries in Asia.

228 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/14(日) 22:10:09.40 ID:RO0WhQ/9M.net
You're too sensitive.Don't hate it.

229 :ゆえさん :2018/01/14(日) 22:13:27.39 ID:vZZMgxSeH.net

This picture makes me feel good. I don't believe some fucking Korean/Chinese/Other Asia drew it.

It has a certain Japanese quality. And that special Japanese quality is what makes me feel good.

I hope China go eat shit.

230 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/14(日) 22:48:50.18 ID:2kqID8up0.net
It’s so gross. I mean what kind of people are they?

231 :ゆえ :2018/01/14(日) 23:00:16.18 ID:vZZMgxSeH.net

It's delicious. I want to have sex with the girl in the picture. There is something wrong with you.

232 :ゆえ :2018/01/14(日) 23:06:11.33 ID:vZZMgxSeH.net
I want to create a world where there is no more shadow, no more dark ness. This eternal battle will end soon, in a victory for the Light.

233 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/15(月) 03:42:38.93 ID:so7cBqeSa.net

234 :ゆえ :2018/01/15(月) 08:52:10.64 ID:rIUrcBNXH.net
Hey Real Japanese people, understand this:

1/0 = 1
0/0 = 0

235 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/15(月) 09:57:35.50 ID:9Uw7TDvqp.net
asian should be destoyed by nuclear

236 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/15(月) 12:11:41.66 ID:Uf6DX81i0.net
So much for world peace.

237 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/15(月) 14:03:02.19 ID:NBx72NTH0.net
I want the new iPhone, iPad, SSD disks, fashionable glasses, car, condominum etc etc

238 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/15(月) 16:00:51.03 ID:ZLciBuXp0.net
why we japanese start to eat this creature?
even japanese think it skeptical..

239 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/15(月) 17:59:19.28 ID:HVyDCLKfM.net
No any new post available.
What's on?

240 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/15(月) 18:00:30.81 ID:HVyDCLKfM.net
How about Chrome book?

241 :KameGirl aka KG2ch :2018/01/15(月) 18:01:43.66 ID:hLbZu5y80.net
Hi >>53-san, I hope you are well. It has been a while.
I still follow Mr Turtlepear but I have been too busy to show my
full appreciation. I love all things Japanese and have strong connections with
Japan. I am wondering if the original 2chnners are are still around:
GOD, Spaky, The British Diplomat's Son, Jook and more characters...
Where are these guys?
What happened to the senior gentleman who used to translate articles in
Japanese to English?

242 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/15(月) 18:06:13.22 ID:ZLciBuXp0.net
just endure a new condom.

243 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/15(月) 18:07:34.37 ID:HVyDCLKfM.net
You should be destroyed.

244 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/15(月) 18:25:08.29 ID:HVyDCLKfM.net
I guess everybody have nothing to do with your action.

245 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/15(月) 20:29:51.90 ID:GVq87gzrM.net
Further explanation please.

246 :ゆえ :2018/01/15(月) 22:12:13.03 ID:rIUrcBNXH.net

Hmm, I don't like the looks of it ..


I'm in Canada (UTC-5), so I sleep usually ~10pm to ~6am

I find very good artist here ..


The best is "Zelda3b_1080p" Right now I believe ..

All his animations are free.

247 :ゆえ :2018/01/15(月) 22:17:29.88 ID:rIUrcBNXH.net
I want to be able to teach Japanese English and communicate with them, but so far I tried using the HelloTalk app ..

there is basically no free speech and I prefer to use my PC with 65 inch diagonal TV as monitor which is easier as I lie down in my bed ..

I saw Mastodon, it is very interesting open source and decentralized twitter .. but I cannot understand most of the Japanese posted there or I read it too slowly.

Sometimes I just walk to talk to mostly Only Japanese.

248 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/16(火) 00:23:22.52 ID:3EnS0JVZa.net
i can not remember the last time when i accidentally stepped on some solid waste, either of animals or of humans.
the older i get, the more often i look downwards when walking/jogging outside.
that is why i can manage to avoid stepping on it but on the other hand,
i feel i need to be more confident about myself and look forward all the time.

249 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/16(火) 00:25:31.64 ID:lpya95WL0.net
I recommend you look at skypech ( http://skypech.com/tag/英語 ).
There are lots of Japanese men who are looking for cute girls.

250 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/16(火) 00:33:00.84 ID:3EnS0JVZa.net
today, or to be exact, yesterday,
the recruitment agent emailed me to inform that i had passed the 1st round of job interview.
the next interview will be the final one and the board members including the president seems to be coming.
i would like to pass it and be employed.

251 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/16(火) 00:38:51.62 ID:M14EqZ940.net
When I was a kid, there were so many poops in the streets but now people are more civilized and no so many poops.

252 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/16(火) 00:49:56.90 ID:YnDKUcc8a.net
Seem it's very big company.

253 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/16(火) 01:04:00.80 ID:OuCUWFrKH.net
please do your best

254 :ゆえ :2018/01/16(火) 01:48:32.49 ID:xm94cz/JH.net

I often look downward sometimes. I guess I look at what is most important (= comfortable) at the moment, so I rarely step on something bad. But usually I am aware of the ground in front of me, usually decently clearly ..


I found something called "Hinative".

It is similar to the app I used before but this one is Japanese company (Japanese CEO) and it has web browser format. I tried skypech but I have a hard time understanding the Japanese there as it is uncommon for me to find English posts I guess ..

Somehow throughout my life, other people's recommendation usually doesn't work for me.

Usually I have to discover something on my own. By the way, I just discovered that I have no specific nationality.

I changed my Camera app from B612 to the Sony Xperia XZ1 default camera app.

This is because B612 is controlled by Naver, a Korean Company. Sony Xperia XZ1 Camera app is Japanese.


I hope you get the job you want and like.


That's good isn't it.


I don't like it when people say 晩って to me because

I am always がんばります, all the time, every single second.

255 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/16(火) 02:11:36.25 ID:diPHM9wYM.net
White tend to destroy peace.

256 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/16(火) 02:17:46.24 ID:M14EqZ940.net
This person called ゆえ is actually “jook”

257 :ゆえ :2018/01/16(火) 02:27:29.65 ID:xm94cz/JH.net

No, I have never posted on 2ch before. I am me, and there is nobody even slightly resembling me.

258 :ユエ :2018/01/16(火) 02:33:08.12 ID:xm94cz/JH.net

You're a piece of garbage. Nobody likes you, not even yourself. You wish for death.

259 :ユエ :2018/01/16(火) 02:40:33.00 ID:xm94cz/JH.net

You are not Chinese nor Japanese. Because of your comment, I will fuck up Vietnam.

260 :ゆえ :2018/01/16(火) 02:47:57.01 ID:xm94cz/JH.net

Actually I will fuck up China too. It's my favorite country to kill.

261 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/16(火) 04:02:28.73 ID:Y5pJf0Fv0.net
I politely correct your Japanese.

There is no word such as 晩って in Japanese. This must be a conversion error of 頑張って

>I am always がんばります

You should use the present continuous sentence here:がんばっています

You've reminded me how difficult it is to make error free sentence in another language.

262 :ゆえ :2018/01/16(火) 04:51:24.86 ID:xm94cz/JH.net

That's true, but I find it incredibly cute when I see English mistakes that Japanese people tend to make happen when Japanese people type.

がんばっています seems to be more complicated for me; I will just use the simpler がんばります. I mean you can understand me just fine.

Just like how I usually use only Hiragana, rarely Katakana, and very rarely Kanji (usually for emoji ..)

Once I got frustrated that I can never seem to remember using は instead of わ sometimes so for those cases I always use わ. This is my way of the Ninja. (As Uzumaki Naruto from Naruto anime says it.) Basically, he means this is my way of doing things.

263 :ゆえ :2018/01/16(火) 07:25:49.12 ID:xm94cz/JH.net
While helping Japanese people with English on Hinative (Top level company owner of this company is Japanese ..)

I notice Japanese people have trouble with plural nouns. So my solution is simply suggest sentence without any plural nouns.


The last sentence may be missing an "s" on the word "sentence", but here may be an easier way to write it.

You've reminded me how difficult it is to make error free *English* in another language.


You've reminded me how difficult it is to make error free speech in another language.

264 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/16(火) 07:44:21.52 ID:Y5pJf0Fv0.net
Sounds interesting.
Some Japanese girls switch は for わ to make to sentences that sound more cute such as 私ゎinstead of 私は.

NowI understand that you used the present tense and わ on purpose.

265 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/16(火) 07:54:07.90 ID:Y5pJf0Fv0.net
It's intriguing suggestion. Plural nouns are problems for Japanese and it's interesting to search for other words to avoid mistakes.

266 :ゆえ :2018/01/16(火) 08:37:46.74 ID:xm94cz/JH.net

The reason why I always help Japan is unknown even to me .. but I cannot help but help Japan. It is my natural tendency. Other people can describe what they like about Japan, but I can not .. ..

267 :ゆえ :2018/01/16(火) 10:01:33.53 ID:xm94cz/JH.net
This is most likely the first object I wanted to have. I was about 2 years old.

I couldn't find something like it, so I used chopstick for a while, which was not enough. Then I gave up.

Unexpectedly, this package which I had basically forgot about arrived today.


My twitter is https://twitter.com/yue371 and a recent post of mine has my Face book .. ..,

268 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/16(火) 13:57:21.78 ID:B5qDjXTUH.net
Welcome here.

269 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/16(火) 14:00:40.38 ID:YnDKUcc8a.net
Hold back please.
You're making fuss here.

270 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/16(火) 15:12:51.59 ID:w/ZqtlWDH.net
They have right to fix the grammer to that want...
Something's going wrong.

271 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/16(火) 15:14:03.64 ID:w/ZqtlWDH.net
Let's get back to the cocoichi talk.

272 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/16(火) 15:17:21.60 ID:M14EqZ940.net
I like curry with cheese and spinachi.

273 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/16(火) 17:10:38.09 ID:4o4w5teta.net
I just wanna talking somthing wit u

274 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/16(火) 17:44:13.90 ID:qh2q9WUT0.net
Am I the only one who have a huge appetite during cold winter?
I eat a great deal of snacks and sweets between meals recently.

275 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/16(火) 18:03:16.10 ID:M14EqZ940.net
You’re not alone there

276 :ゆえ :2018/01/16(火) 20:09:44.56 ID:xm94cz/JH.net
I have been eating quite a lot, not really getting fat .. I think maybe I am more slim now .. I think maybe my body is recovering.

The other day I got a masochist what seems to be a bike made with Japanese influence.

The pedals do not rotate backward, so I had to adjust.

Then I hard a hard time installing the seat properly .. it's a $200 foldable bike.

There was no instruction in the manual for how to install the seat, and you needed to be very observant to see how to install it so that the bike works better.

First I tried riding the bike without putting air in the tires, I thought maybe could be ok. But riding the bike like this was harder than walking.

And at that time I still didn't install the seat properly. So I tried riding without the seat. It was even harder to ride. So tiring.

By the time I went back to get the seat, there was still no air in the tires and I couldn't get very far. I was maybe 1km away from my house.

So out of energy, I headed back home. With the bike. I had taken a detour on the way back so the journey was even longer.

Once I got home and put air in the tires, I was too tired to ride it. To this day, I still haven't ridden the bike with air in the tires.

Maybe some day I will ride the bike and not be so tired ..

It is single-speed bike.

This is the bike: https://www.amazon.com/Critical-Cycles-2642-Folding-Single-Speed/dp/B01N1PPPW8/ref=sr_1_sc_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1515894271&sr=8-1-spell&keywords=crticial%2Bcycles%2Bjudd&th=1&psc=1

Something about the bike seems Japanese to me, I can't say specifically what .. for security reasons. Or maybe it was something written on the box.

277 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/16(火) 20:28:00.87 ID:ENA+2I9L0.net
What settings in SETTING.TXT affect foreign IPs?

278 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/16(火) 20:28:01.72 ID:duvjrQOt0.net
you are a canadian?
today japan is so warm like march.

279 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/16(火) 21:03:28.31 ID:OuCUWFrKH.net
You should definitely try riding the bike with air in the tires. You need to top up the air every few months, but it is very easy to ride, convenient for commuting and easy to store!

280 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/16(火) 21:06:01.09 ID:8H5gWgYoM.net
Did you already get the passort there?

281 :ゆえ :2018/01/16(火) 21:14:12.15 ID:xm94cz/JH.net

Not sure, it may depend on which software ..


I have no nationality .. I was born in China, basically grew up in Canada, but I am not Chinese, nor Canadian. I don't think I can say "I am Japanese" .. but it appears that most people think I am a cute Japanese girl ..


It is the lighest bike I ever had .. I originally wanted it to go to Wal-Mart easily. Wal-Mart is relatively pure American store where you spend little money but buy many decent things, and the quality is usually OK, I believe ..

282 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/16(火) 21:31:09.26 ID:M14EqZ940.net
I thought ゆえ was a middle-aged dude who pretends to be a cute girl or something

283 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/16(火) 21:35:26.27 ID:duvjrQOt0.net
hentai is welcome at least on 5ch.

284 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/16(火) 21:38:15.57 ID:8H5gWgYoM.net
Natto is so delicious.

285 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/16(火) 21:39:12.51 ID:8H5gWgYoM.net
Who's that ゆえ?

286 :ゆえ :2018/01/16(火) 21:53:01.25 ID:xm94cz/JH.net

I'm very late because I ran into trouble ..

but here's the best hentai I have right now. Its creator is Japanese.


Source : https://www.patreon.com/noname55/posts?tag=MEGA%20Links

Many people try to pretend to be me, but they are not even slightly successful at imitating me. No one can imitate me, not even a little bit.

287 :ゆえ :2018/01/16(火) 21:56:12.56 ID:xm94cz/JH.net

I don't know why I am saying this but

if you download that video and play it in VLC video player with Loop turned on and "Show video title at start" turned off, the animation loops beautifully forever .. or as long as you want.


288 :ゆえ :2018/01/16(火) 22:03:38.69 ID:xm94cz/JH.net

It's possible to right-click the video in the link I gave and click "Loop".

However, it's also possible that the VLC media player (this is an open source project; a prime target for M&A (Merger and Acquisition) .. )

well I just used brackets () inside other brackets ..

anyway it's possible the download & media player approach may produce higher bitrate quality so the picture could be slightly more detailed ..

I think some people have a really hard time deciding if I'm a good or bad cute Japanese girl ..


289 :ゆえ :2018/01/16(火) 22:13:57.23 ID:xm94cz/JH.net
I just read very important article about Trump. I think Washington Post is probably America's best news organization right now.

Article I just read: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/inside-the-tense-profane-white-house-meeting-on-immigration/2018/01/15/13e79fa4-fa1e-11e7-8f66-2df0b94bb98a_story.html?utm_term=.1f21b12750be

Honestly I just saw some picture of Japanese girl and honestly I think even the cutest Japanese girl is far from being as cute as me .. lol.

Anyhow, I am going to tell the story of my name.

My grandfather (dad's dad) gave me the name 东岳. The Pinyin or Romanization is kind of like Dong Yue.

(to be continued .. )

290 :ゆえ :2018/01/16(火) 22:28:23.45 ID:xm94cz/JH.net
I don't think anyone is better than sucking dick than me. But for me to pick you is very hard. I basically have no gender. However, it seems that others see me as a girl.

I notice that when I spend time with a Japanese girl, she becomes prettier very very quickly.

And when I spend time with a Japanese man, he become handsome very very quickly.

I noticed the Japanese were basically in Tip Top shape the last time I was in Japan in April 2015. It was unforgettable trip, really. Quite crazy but I want more.

Last time I was so busy I didn't even get to look at the amazing Cherry Blossoms when they were in the best state.

It was at night, and along some river in Tokyo, there were Cherry Blossoms. Someone had set up beam lights to project upwards beams of light towards the Cherry Blossoms.

There were constantly falling Cherry Blossom petals in the air .. it was a better scene than any movie or video game i ever saw.

But I was so busy helping Japan, I wasn't able to look at the Cherry Blossoms directly .. the only thing I remember is what I saw from my peripheral vision (not directly looking at something) ..

That really pisses me off sometimes.

291 :ゆえ :2018/01/16(火) 22:53:43.50 ID:xm94cz/JH.net
Well I managed to get my self to be not angry anymore. I swear no one else is capable of this job (be God), I am the only one who can do it. So I decided to do it in about 2011.

292 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/16(火) 23:22:59.89 ID:mGqqA/gE0.net
Rain quickly thaw the snow lied thick on the ground.
Compacted snow is impossible to move but a little rain clear them so easily.
I hope there is no more snow this winter.

293 :ゆえ :2018/01/16(火) 23:33:53.55 ID:xm94cz/JH.net
Right now, when I get angry at Japan, I usually read Washington Post or play with my white pure American/British friends or watch white pure American/British content ..

When I get angry at Americans, I sometimes look for good Japanese porn/hentai. I think that video I posted a few posts ago can be used by me many many times ..

294 :ゆえ :2018/01/16(火) 23:36:54.11 ID:xm94cz/JH.net
However, it seems that usually white people piss me off less often than Japanese ..

295 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/16(火) 23:51:02.63 ID:OuCUWFrKH.net
White people suck. Source: I'm a white people

296 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/16(火) 23:52:11.65 ID:pmUS03WsM.net
I ment the passport for free drink and topping.

297 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/16(火) 23:58:58.91 ID:pmUS03WsM.net

298 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/17(水) 00:00:03.27 ID:J80hvoFbM.net
Don't spit around get away.

299 :ゆえ :2018/01/17(水) 00:04:43.03 ID:zRAAAt+eH.net

Most of them suck.

But the good ones, are pretty damn good.

Right now I have 3 heavily screened and basically hand-picked relatively quite high tier American friends (Zach, Cody, last person's name I don't think I've asked him yet but his character has a particular name, SR_Nine.)

I'm not certain about Zach right now since he recently decided to pursue goals instead of a carefree life. So I'm keeping an eye on him.

They agree with my views in looking down at "shithole countries."

I have one good British friend, Matt.

We play Diablo 2 a lot, which is usually where I hang out with these friends. I play on USEast server, non-ladder.

I ran into someone the other day I thought was basically someone using a Japanese name, but she said she was a Japanese girl. She pissed me off so I left.

There's lots of low tier people who somehow have relatively pale skin, but the higher tier ones are relatively rare. I always have a knack for running into them some how ..

Trust me, these guys are fucking GOOD.

300 :ゆえ :2018/01/17(水) 00:08:47.10 ID:zRAAAt+eH.net
I have many white friends, but no Japanese friends. Japanese people never respond to me as if they are too shy, and I get tired of that.

So this is the situation of Japan vs White People. Right now I don't like French, German, Russian, etc. I like the old fashioned good character British and American. I think some Canadian white people are finally waking up.

301 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/17(水) 00:21:45.06 ID:JYoPgS0o0.net
I love white guys. They have big cocks. Yummy

302 :ゆえ :2018/01/17(水) 00:25:32.18 ID:zRAAAt+eH.net

The white supremacists in England are very interesting. Especially those who tried to arrest the fucking Paki London Mayor.

I like white supremacist British/Americans who get rid of basically all the black people/muslims/pakis/arabs/vietnamese/philipino/chinese.

I believe that group in England may be called the Pendragons and some of them tried to arrest the Paki mayor by citing the Magna Carta, which I find makes sense personally.

303 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/17(水) 00:25:55.43 ID:bzO17tOB0.net
stop your lengthy posts.

304 :ゆえ :2018/01/17(水) 00:26:12.34 ID:zRAAAt+eH.net

Fuck you trying to make me jealous ? I'm better at that game than fucking any one.

305 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/17(水) 00:28:29.89 ID:JYoPgS0o0.net
My dream is suck 3 white cocks at the same time.

306 :ゆえ :2018/01/17(水) 00:52:58.66 ID:zRAAAt+eH.net
Fucking China is trying to take over the EU one country by one country .. it's the fucking greatest threat to world peace right now ..

307 :ゆえ :2018/01/17(水) 00:54:50.57 ID:zRAAAt+eH.net
So far the best source of anti-China news I know is China Uncensored (YouTube, website) ..

I read Nikkei Asian Review but they sometimes support China too much. I want more and better anti-China news.

308 :ゆえ :2018/01/17(水) 01:07:45.40 ID:zRAAAt+eH.net
Come on guys .. even my white friends want me to have good relationship with Japan .. it's just that always something happen that make this relationship very not smooth ..

309 :ゆえ :2018/01/17(水) 01:16:16.74 ID:zRAAAt+eH.net
Like come on .. I tried to use fucking Japanese Sleipnir browser for a long time .. do you even understand how much pain that browser caused me ..

310 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/17(水) 01:20:15.22 ID:UC5RwW6qa.net
Did you see the new star wars?

311 :ゆえ :2018/01/17(水) 01:26:10.17 ID:zRAAAt+eH.net

No, I have never seen any Star Wars ..

312 :ゆえ :2018/01/17(水) 01:28:32.98 ID:zRAAAt+eH.net

The best Western movie I saw is probably Sucker Punch .. probably because of the part where the girl was holding a Katana .. lol

313 :ゆえ :2018/01/17(水) 01:30:26.88 ID:zRAAAt+eH.net
To erase any Ambiguity .. the Sucker Punch movie I am referring to is the one from 2011 ..

Here's basically the main Western site for movie info .. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0978764/

314 :ゆえ :2018/01/17(水) 01:56:04.24 ID:zRAAAt+eH.net
That Nippon steel shaft I posted earlier [ >>267 ]

Well I have it between my butt but not inserted. It feels good in basically all my holes ..

315 :ゆえ :2018/01/17(水) 02:12:56.25 ID:zRAAAt+eH.net

316 :ゆえ :2018/01/17(水) 02:59:36.99 ID:zRAAAt+eH.net
Well, I made a Japanese girl feel rejected after she responded not on time.

Probably, very few people have made her feel that way so I imagine it must have been a shock.

Don't worry, I'm just getting revenge.

317 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/17(水) 03:20:31.91 ID:UC5RwW6qa.net
You have posted too much .
In this site that make all of you feel so bad in custom

318 :ゆえ :2018/01/17(水) 03:31:05.44 ID:zRAAAt+eH.net

Lol Russian.

319 :ゆえ :2018/01/17(水) 03:39:18.23 ID:zRAAAt+eH.net
At this rate my only sex partner in life might be my mom .. LOL

320 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/17(水) 04:18:04.75 ID:XAaD9glvH.net
Where are you reply at?

321 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/17(水) 04:24:07.00 ID:UC5RwW6qa.net
Recently no missile action from north korea.
So weird.

322 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/17(水) 04:27:43.39 ID:UC5RwW6qa.net
Get out!

323 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/17(水) 04:58:55.16 ID:5FQL7I3Y0.net
Many people use applications to view this site, so if you write too much you will highly likely be filtered.

324 :ゆえ :2018/01/17(水) 05:13:44.81 ID:zRAAAt+eH.net

This is my fault how?



325 :ゆえ :2018/01/17(水) 05:22:42.10 ID:zRAAAt+eH.net
The story of my name, part 2. [ >>289 ]

That was a unique name. I was given a different surname than the rest of my family members. Even to this day, people in my family born after me don't use the same surname as me.

The name my family calls me at home is 大宝. In their language, this means Big Treasure.

My dad's younger brother's son was at one point given a fancier name than me, but that was a failure. So now sometimes people call him Dong Yu. It's like my name but instead of Eastern Mountain it means Eastern Small Mountain.

I have a hidden surname ..

(to be continued)

326 :ゆえ :2018/01/17(水) 05:37:43.75 ID:zRAAAt+eH.net
Lightning continue !

Part 3.

One emperor of China gave my grandfather's family the surname 讷. This word sometimes means difficulty speaking.

The Pinyin for this word is Ne.

My grandfather is from Daur tribe in China. So to protect himself from Chairman Mao (father of CCP) we don't use this name.




So when we arrived in Canada, my name was flipped. I was called Dong どん by basically every body.

When I was small, one day I discovered that my name on my passport did not match my name in the school system; given name and surname were switched.

As for the pronounciation of this word "Yue" ..

I immediately recalled that there was a character from Cardcaptor Sakura anime named Yue. I saw the show with English voice on TV, and it was pronounced ゆえ.

So I didn't think anything and thought this was simply the correct way to pronounce it.

Well, that's most of the story. But my story will never end, I'll be back here making a post again .. lol ..

327 :ゆえ. :2018/01/17(水) 06:01:10.74 ID:zRAAAt+eH.net
So basically, if we use the weird ass name from the Emperor, my name would be

ね ゆえ

Saying this name reminds me of something a こども would say. ね、ゆえ、どうする?ね、ゆえ、だいじょうぷ。

In a critical moment I said だいじょうぷ instead of だいじょうぶ and it has stuck with me since .. originally it was a mistake but the Japanese girl who heard it thought it was funny .. I forgot to use the dakuten or the other one ..

328 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/17(水) 06:24:54.74 ID:hwWoX8RKa.net
though today is my holiday ,it is raining.
so i decide to go to movies alone.

329 :ゆえ :2018/01/17(水) 06:30:55.79 ID:zRAAAt+eH.net
Fuck. すこしかなしい。

330 :ゆえ :2018/01/17(水) 06:34:22.11 ID:zRAAAt+eH.net

Well my last post was not meant for you but it was expressing what i felt at the time. But it's coincidentally a possible response to your post ..

At least you are surrounded by Japanese people, I have basically no real life friends now except my mom.

If you take advantage of the benefits of going a lone, you can may be do some thing ..


331 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/17(水) 07:00:22.47 ID:ZcUAA0z+p.net
sometimes I wish I was white so people will like me more

332 :ゆえ :2018/01/17(水) 07:11:12.03 ID:zRAAAt+eH.net

Come on man.

To be honest, in Critical Situation, it is not White People that are able to help me, It is Japan.

333 :ゆえ :2018/01/17(水) 07:13:07.68 ID:zRAAAt+eH.net
When nobody can help me and I don't know what to do .. what do I do ? Sometimes I come here. But in these cases I think Only Japan can help me ..

Sure Japan sometimes gives me hard time but in the end I need Japan.

334 :ゆえ :2018/01/17(水) 07:15:46.37 ID:zRAAAt+eH.net
I probably need Japan more than anything ..

It's my ultimate back up.

335 :ゆえ :2018/01/17(水) 07:57:18.92 ID:zRAAAt+eH.net
Well, some how I found this app


But what's the point .. even if I somehow manage to install it I doubt they will be able to speak English. Are we supposed to communicate by Emoji only ?

336 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/17(水) 08:48:17.69 ID:KimTMToh0.net
Why are you speaking so much even if you are alone.

maybe you just かまってちゃん I suppose so.

337 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/17(水) 08:51:06.29 ID:5FQL7I3Y0.net
Your Japanese level is beyond my assumption. Japanese language is derived from Chinese so it may be easy for you to learn Japanese if you speak Chinese.

I initially intended to learn Chinese after mastering English. But English is difficult more than I've expected...

338 :ゆえ :2018/01/17(水) 09:12:31.96 ID:zRAAAt+eH.net

Goddamn Korean.


I have unusual connection to Japan, I have said this already many times.

I have seen Chinese struggle to learn Japanese. Basically the only Chinaman I saw attempt to learn Japanese, well he was basically the worst in the class.

To be quite frank, Japanese are better at English and Chinese than White People and Chinese People. I have seen this.

339 :ゆえ :2018/01/17(水) 09:55:09.27 ID:zRAAAt+eH.net

There are a lot of English speakers that give low quality advice when teaching English.

If you try to study from my English, I have a feeling you'll be fine.

Naturally, I speak the most standard accent English, Chinese, and Japanese ..

As for English (UK) vs English (US), I believe my use of English which is similar to both of them is the best.

340 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/17(水) 19:39:47.25 ID:NGTnQzxeH.net
The amazing journey.

341 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/17(水) 19:39:56.42 ID:2j5prJYda.net
Manko is the most mysterious thing in this world.

342 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/17(水) 19:49:48.72 ID:ebUPz7wJH.net
You'll find out.

343 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/17(水) 19:50:32.93 ID:ebUPz7wJH.net
No.You're serious problem.

344 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/17(水) 19:57:18.98 ID:ebUPz7wJH.net
He's maybe just trying to kick out his
building up stress.

345 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/17(水) 20:10:22.79 ID:ebUPz7wJH.net
I guess you need another message board for your unlimited chatting desire.
So,why don't you take a look at the site?

346 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/17(水) 20:17:44.74 ID:KVwDbi9jx.net
how’s life? is there anyone here who took the Center Exam?

347 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/17(水) 22:07:24.20 ID:tki0LnclM.net
It's getting warm recently.
How's things are going?

348 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/17(水) 22:20:32.67 ID:P7EMFKy+0.net
I heard over 70% of coast lines in Japan would be submerged in the near future due to
climate change. We should move to mountains.

349 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/17(水) 22:53:30.70 ID:bzO17tOB0.net
wait until this weekend.

350 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/17(水) 22:56:35.21 ID:JYoPgS0o0.net
I want big fat white cocks!

351 :ゆえ :2018/01/18(木) 01:27:15.02 ID:9P5EOfljH.net
You fucking pieces of shit Japanese always piss me off. Tell me, do you like doing that or what ?

352 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/18(木) 01:29:10.53 ID:oRBW/NgTH.net
good day

353 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/18(木) 01:30:30.01 ID:L36MYHPU0.net
I want a big white dick in my mouth right now

354 :ゆえ :2018/01/18(木) 01:34:37.41 ID:9P5EOfljH.net
lol .. (-_-'')

355 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/18(木) 02:13:41.74 ID:y+IL8Rl30.net
I want to go to Japan and see my wife, Minase Inori.

356 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/18(木) 02:14:16.29 ID:L36MYHPU0.net
Misae Nohara?

357 :ゆえ :2018/01/18(木) 02:33:06.22 ID:9P5EOfljH.net
Yes I am probably reading your posts ..

I usually post here sometimes in the other thread ( https://lavender.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/english/1515405861/l50 )

Because I have a feeling this thread was started by a Korean ..

358 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/18(木) 03:33:58.62 ID:y+IL8Rl30.net
No, my wife Minase Inori is a seiyuu and singer who plays characters such as Chino, Rem, and Hestia.

359 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/18(木) 04:07:32.63 ID:JXM0OFz1a.net
No kidding.

360 :ゆえ :2018/01/18(木) 04:16:49.24 ID:9P5EOfljH.net

I like it. ^^

361 :ゆえ :2018/01/18(木) 04:33:04.18 ID:9P5EOfljH.net
However, basically all Gaijin can't stand the pressure exerted by a Japanese girl ..

It's like facing a Legendary Pokemon. All your moves cost more energy than you have.

Me? I have no nationality and no specific gender. I don't have any plans because maybe it is the case that I am a plan ..

362 :ゆえ :2018/01/18(木) 04:38:12.18 ID:9P5EOfljH.net
I had a thought/idea .. maybe the reason I can't have any goals at all is because I am a goal. If the central stabilizing goal has goals, it fucks everything.

So I have no goals.

363 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/18(木) 07:50:05.74 ID:+pNDD+cv0.net
no one asked your case.

364 :ゆえ :2018/01/18(木) 08:28:25.12 ID:9P5EOfljH.net

What are you, Chinese? They should really ban Chinese and Koreans from using Japanese proxy/vpn/internet.

365 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/18(木) 12:41:00.39 ID:d55+eYZ7a.net
I think you are not human. maybe just stupid animal.

366 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/18(木) 13:00:15.26 ID:s574wzn90.net
the earth rather has gone into Little Ice Age

367 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/18(木) 13:09:12.75 ID:s574wzn90.net
who the fuck are you?
what do you come here for
just troll?

368 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/18(木) 17:05:21.77 ID:kzjwFw9GM.net
Your story is all boring.

369 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/18(木) 17:06:01.60 ID:kzjwFw9GM.net

370 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/18(木) 17:31:48.71 ID:kzjwFw9GM.net
No kidding.

371 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/18(木) 18:29:29.99 ID:kzjwFw9GM.net
You're streaching the truth.

372 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/18(木) 19:41:02.17 ID:8cPpOT/50.net
you're right. This year's snowfall in southern Japan was very unusual incident.
and the world coldest town in Russia has renewed its record--maybe minus50 or 55 degrees.

373 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/18(木) 21:04:34.41 ID:o3YSAhNI0.net
Feeling ugly is messed up even if everybody else says "you're beautiful" or "beauty comes from the inside", you simply know that theyre full of shit

374 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/18(木) 21:26:26.73 ID:L36MYHPU0.net

375 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/18(木) 21:59:25.89 ID:+pNDD+cv0.net
anyway your heart is so ugly

376 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/18(木) 22:30:38.08 ID:u43vcZcn0.net
Now reading “Where angels fear to tread” by Forster.
What do you recommend for the next?
I'd like to enjoy British novels.

377 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/18(木) 22:42:42.30 ID:L36MYHPU0.net
The ultimate question....

Which is better... Chinese or Korean

378 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/18(木) 22:45:48.79 ID:u43vcZcn0.net
It depends.
Evreything has both good and bad aspects.

379 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/18(木) 22:48:09.45 ID:L36MYHPU0.net
Really? I think they have only bad aspects.

380 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/18(木) 23:11:50.39 ID:u43vcZcn0.net
You're poisoned with the Internet, man.

381 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/18(木) 23:30:01.58 ID:PIrKV9HHa.net
You're ugry and so boring.

382 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/18(木) 23:35:43.76 ID:PIrKV9HHa.net
Be more productive!

383 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/18(木) 23:38:33.21 ID:PIrKV9HHa.net
He's not female!

384 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/18(木) 23:53:26.22 ID:L36MYHPU0.net
Maybe you’re right. But when it comes to food, Chinese is so much better

385 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/19(金) 01:55:55.17 ID:DoyyI/MQH.net
My favourite novel of all time is House of Leaves. I think it can be complicated for non-native speakers, maybe a translated version would work better. It has been compared to Murakami's work.

386 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/19(金) 01:57:42.66 ID:DoyyI/MQH.net
I agree. But when it comes to the robotics program, I don't think China have much.

387 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/19(金) 01:57:44.28 ID:tCFwT3By0.net
chinese tend to be chubby.
korean tend to be stout.

388 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/19(金) 02:15:16.19 ID:HW7T7/1t0.net
Yes. Koreans tend to be slutty. So many Korean prostitutes in Japan.

389 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/19(金) 03:06:58.29 ID:B+0BoiT7a.net
Asians don't love.Why?

390 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/19(金) 03:07:35.71 ID:B+0BoiT7a.net
don't love Australia.Sorry.

391 :ゆえ :2018/01/19(金) 07:26:28.14 ID:qvnpurTyH.net
Korean is better than Chinese .. this is for sure.

Anyhow, you're right. I'm not human. I have no specific species category.

392 :ゆえ :2018/01/19(金) 07:28:03.33 ID:qvnpurTyH.net

Basically I can only stand Japanese and British people right now .. both Island nations. And of course you know which one I like more. How many times do I need to say it?

393 :ゆえ :2018/01/19(金) 07:53:31.40 ID:qvnpurTyH.net
Chinese try to get people to talk to them by pretending to be Japanese.

But Koreans very rarely do this.

And when I was arrested in Japan, first it was by "police officers" who were speaking Mandarin to each other. Then it was a bunch of undercover Koreans at a police box. But it was only the Japanese police that I could tolerate.

394 :ゆえ :2018/01/19(金) 08:03:46.20 ID:qvnpurTyH.net
By the way, I saw some weird things in Japan.

First there was an apartment where a truck came carrying very suspicious equipment. The bikes on the first floor were all new. The building guy who was on the first floor was not a real Japanese I believe.

The thing that surprised me was to see a weird evil-looking alien-claw like antenna on top of some building. All of this was basically in Kanto, or the Tokyo regon.

It looked like that claw radar was trying to gather the spiritual energy of Tokyo while I was there.

The Chinese police told me to go see the Sky Tree when they dropped me off somewhere, from their fake police headquarters.

They even had a minority tribe woman Chinese who was used to pretend to be Japanese. They basically took photocopies of all my identification, including Canadian passport, and went through basically all my belongings.

The only reason I wandered into that region was because some woman on the JR Rail used her umbrella to hit my leg as if telling me to get off at that station.

This is why Sky Tree is basically unpopular, because my first impression of it is recommendation by fake Chinese police in Tokyo.

395 :ゆえ :2018/01/19(金) 08:22:16.43 ID:qvnpurTyH.net
There's not supposed to be Chinese people in Japan, especially not Mangement positions, and ESPECIALLY not CEO. So wtf is happening with BTCBOX? I get fucking tricked by Chinese who all they know how to do is make fakes. Fucking parasites.

396 :ゆえ :2018/01/19(金) 08:27:46.22 ID:qvnpurTyH.net
I just got invited to big Samsung event in Toronto Eaton Centre (Jan 25)

But If I think about the fact that basically everybody who go there bought the S8 phone, then it becomes less appealing to me ..

397 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/19(金) 09:29:02.74 ID:Kin+r4jB0.net
why do you always write so long sentence?
you should learn to summarize what you want to express.

398 :ゆえ :2018/01/19(金) 09:42:41.62 ID:qvnpurTyH.net

I like big white cocks. Yummy.

399 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/19(金) 09:55:40.42 ID:Kin+r4jB0.net
I want to insert my big cannon and shoot out my strong bullet into your heart.

400 :ゆえ :2018/01/19(金) 09:56:49.26 ID:qvnpurTyH.net

Somehow I think I am sexually compatible with both Japanese men and women. But that's it.

401 :ゆえ :2018/01/19(金) 10:13:29.59 ID:qvnpurTyH.net
I think a Japanese man can probably fuck me while I fuck a Japanese woman at the same time.

I always have a Nippon steel 150mm length 10mm diameter shaft between my buttocks (not inserted into the hole because then I can't really sit.) It's just clenched between my buttocks while basically touching my asshole.

So when I masturbate to Japanese porn, it really is not much different than being fucked by a Japanese man at the same time.

402 :ゆえ :2018/01/19(金) 10:28:14.22 ID:qvnpurTyH.net
Now that I think about it, men usually like to touch my ass or kiss my neck .. but usually it's きもちわるい。

403 :ゆえ :2018/01/19(金) 10:38:37.58 ID:qvnpurTyH.net
I have a cousin .. didn't see him that much after I left China at age ~7.15. One time I found pictures of naked little boys on his computer. I think he has sexual memories of me and the logical conclusion is that he is sexually attracted to me.

404 :ゆえ :2018/01/19(金) 10:51:45.27 ID:qvnpurTyH.net
When I left China, or rather, the day I arrived in Canada, I believe is December 28, 1998. I'm not sure exactly. I think it was about 3 days away from New Year.

After we arrived there was the biggest snow I ever saw, probably more than 1 meter of snow, the door could not open basically.

405 :ゆえ :2018/01/19(金) 11:07:09.35 ID:qvnpurTyH.net
I'm getting contacted by headhunters. The only headhunter that can even slightly attract me is a headhunter from Japan, but I got rejected from Rakuten in April 2015 so I will get revenge first.

406 :ゆえ :2018/01/19(金) 11:36:59.92 ID:qvnpurTyH.net
This is my LinkedIn profile.


Last time some splitskull Russian said my resume was too simple. How's this for simple fuckwat.

407 :ゆえ :2018/01/19(金) 11:38:59.56 ID:qvnpurTyH.net
Oh, that's a picture of Honoka from Dead or ALive 3. Honoka has helped me sometimes. I like Honoka.

Today when some Japanese bitch was giving me a hard time I said fuck it and masturbated to Honoka.

It was hard but Honoka made me forget about her.

408 :ゆえ :2018/01/19(金) 12:27:15.04 ID:qvnpurTyH.net
I think right now I can't talk to any Japanese people so probably the world wants me to sleep. But what if I am not sleepy? I was very sleepy at 8pm but you guys made me not sleepy any more . . . . ..

409 :ゆえ :2018/01/19(金) 12:27:44.75 ID:qvnpurTyH.net
So basically I am fucked. By Japanese men, or women with dildos.

410 :ゆえ :2018/01/19(金) 12:44:05.51 ID:qvnpurTyH.net
So am I sperm or egg? It seems at times I can be sharp sperm but at other times I am the biggest fattest egg.

411 :ゆえ :2018/01/19(金) 12:48:13.54 ID:qvnpurTyH.net
I think in the airport before I was at the terminal for the first time waiting for the flight to Japan I think there was a maybe Japanese man who tried putting me to sleep. But in the end really he fell asleep and basically I got on the plane.

412 :ゆえ :2018/01/19(金) 12:50:16.13 ID:qvnpurTyH.net
The last time in Japan I was awake for about 7 straight days. And basically 95% of that was spent walking.

413 :ゆえ :2018/01/19(金) 12:54:13.18 ID:qvnpurTyH.net
I was eating pretty good food. One meal a day..except that one time at McDonalds where I think the Chinese poisoned the food or something.

The first time I went to McDonalds there (or was it the second time .. ) I got like this really huge burger for maybe 400 yen.

I carried it basically with me and took a bite occassionally during my long journey. I remember that burger. It was breakfast burger.

414 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/19(金) 18:25:04.17 ID:yHcWD/juM.net
Don't post continuously.
Here's not your own message board.
Get yourself in the rule.

415 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/19(金) 18:29:39.02 ID:yHcWD/juM.net
Don't idle away.

416 :ゆえ :2018/01/19(金) 20:58:10.99 ID:qvnpurTyH.net
Well, I woke up .. another day. I wonder what interesting things happen today.

Some retard from Vancouver asked if the rest of Canada has people living always with their parents.

I told that retard "I have no house, no car, no girlfriend, no money, no job, no sex" but I have a shitton of happiness. Some people work for 50 years to have happiness. I just get happiness directly.

417 :ゆえ :2018/01/19(金) 21:02:11.89 ID:qvnpurTyH.net
Actually, some people work hard to get all those things but they still don't have any happiness. Now that is failure.

418 :ゆえ :2018/01/19(金) 21:08:36.72 ID:qvnpurTyH.net
I think someone changed my FB password .. weird man. The reason I fell asleep yesterday was because my FB credentials got changed so I could not log in to Lang-8.


419 :ゆえ :2018/01/19(金) 21:38:23.71 ID:qvnpurTyH.net
Bloody hell. One obstacle after another. Typical.

420 :ゆえ :2018/01/19(金) 21:44:02.73 ID:qvnpurTyH.net
So I got banned from some Japanese girl's Chaturbate cause I made her life miserable, then I got banned from HiNative.

At least British Big Yummy Cocks won't ban me.

421 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/19(金) 21:46:46.49 ID:tCFwT3By0.net

422 :ゆえ :2018/01/19(金) 21:47:17.56 ID:qvnpurTyH.net
I am banned from Reddit r/China, banned from r/CasualUK

I hope Canada ban me so maybe I can go somewhere. But without me this place instantly turns out into a shit hole ..

423 :ゆえ :2018/01/19(金) 21:51:55.90 ID:qvnpurTyH.net
Somehow I bumped into somebody somewhere and now I occassionally get sent pretty high quality and rare illegal Japanese porn.

424 :ゆえ :2018/01/19(金) 21:53:07.66 ID:qvnpurTyH.net
But come on, I am sure they are only 1,000 year old ろり

425 :ゆえ :2018/01/19(金) 21:57:24.73 ID:qvnpurTyH.net
Guess I have to lock my phone and say I forgot the password .. I have medical history to back it up so it's fine.

426 :ゆえ :2018/01/19(金) 22:01:55.58 ID:qvnpurTyH.net
I got banned for "'Aving a go at Americans"

The Chinese place where basically the Chinese moderator woke up 8 hours late and did something .. but it was "too little too late" as usual.

427 :ゆえ :2018/01/19(金) 22:04:36.39 ID:qvnpurTyH.net
Sometimes it's like Japanese like to sit back and just watch me talk. I clear the air so hard there is basically nothing to say.

428 :ゆえ :2018/01/19(金) 22:08:53.82 ID:qvnpurTyH.net
Because I am nobody with no nationality or sex or species, I can basically pretend to be anybody perfectly.

I can communicate with animals, and sometimes I've seen a very sexy dog pussy. There were 3 dots on its butt surrounding the pussy that made a triangle. This was interesting.

429 :ゆえ :2018/01/19(金) 22:11:34.77 ID:qvnpurTyH.net
I like pussy that naturally don't have hair. I am sure this is not a rare preference.

430 :ゆえ :2018/01/19(金) 22:17:44.05 ID:qvnpurTyH.net
Sure, some people may think it's something like I have cancer, but the reality is that the mutated DNA is making me diverge from the rest of you. Basically I am evolving.

431 :ゆえ :2018/01/19(金) 22:19:08.23 ID:qvnpurTyH.net
It may be metamorphosis, where a fat worm becomes a butterfly. But the process in the middle may not be pretty.

432 :ゆえ :2018/01/19(金) 22:48:45.23 ID:qvnpurTyH.net
Once it was cloudy and I didn't like it. So I raised my left hand at the sky and said "clear skies".

About 20 minutes later there was a huge spiralling hole in the sky where there were no clouds, directly above us. It was as if my mom didn't want me to look at that hole in the sky.

433 :ゆえ :2018/01/19(金) 23:13:23.58 ID:qvnpurTyH.net
If my dick is too small, I don't care. Just fuck a Rori. To her, my dig is pretty big. It all works out.

434 :ゆえ :2018/01/19(金) 23:14:23.29 ID:qvnpurTyH.net
The youngest Rori I can fit all of my dick in is probably the perfect one.

435 :ゆえ :2018/01/19(金) 23:18:16.07 ID:qvnpurTyH.net
Once at Wal-Mart I was quite neutrally looking at some girl. Her mom gave me a strange look, as if appalled someone my height was looking at her daughter. But I was wearing Kawaii Japanese-influence Surgical Mask, so all is fine.

436 :ゆえ :2018/01/19(金) 23:21:41.68 ID:qvnpurTyH.net
These pictures I am getting .. the girls are getting cuter. The reason is because I am looking at their pictures. I am basically watering the plant. If I don't look at/water the plant, it has a harder time.

437 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/19(金) 23:39:06.27 ID:B6fwLD4/M.net
You're totally no class.

438 :ゆえ :2018/01/19(金) 23:42:49.75 ID:qvnpurTyH.net

Are you a bloody damn Chinasad or a Koreabitch.

439 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 00:17:31.57 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
I think the only thing that pisses a Japanese more than me saying I love British penis is saying they are Chinese. I don't do this unless you really piss me off or act non-Japanese.

440 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 00:43:03.11 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
I think it pisses off Japanese girls when I pay attention to other Japanese girls. But if I'm not satisfied, I'll get satisfaction elsewhere ..

441 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 00:48:07.39 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
Basically when I'm not satisfied there is serious real damage done to everybody so satisfaction is basically my number one priority.

442 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 00:52:16.39 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
Do I just fucking see a picture of a girl at the goddamn nurse's office at school. Wow

I never thought I could enjoy good life like this. See, basically until maybe a few days ago my life was very hard.

443 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 01:07:27.17 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
Basically there is nothing I can't really defeat to achieve happiness and relaxation. The path I walked before had basically 0 width.

Even so, I managed to do it it seems. If I can walk on such a narrow path, and I have a lot of experience doing so, there is basically not really a problem.

If the path gets narrower over time, well that's just bad universe design. If it says the same width, well that's boring. So it basically has to get wider.

Now if the path is getting wider, and I know how to walk paths with basically 0 width, what the fuck is the problem?

444 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/20(土) 01:18:07.83 ID:XbAB5ajj0.net






We, DMM On Line English Conversation School, had not given you customers a lesson until 2015 during the Christmas season and the period before and after New Year's Day, but we have heard a lot of valuable and instructive advice from customers.
For that reason, after careful consideration, we decided to give lessons during this same period in 2017 as we did last year.
However, we expect a lot of teachers will take holidays during this period.
We are going to ask teachers all over the world to give a lesson so that all of you can have a lesson, but it is probable that all the lessons will be booked earlier than usual.
We hope you will soon book lessons because the lessons are not large in number.
※ If all the lessons are booked on the day, we are not going to issue tickets to take extra lessons.

445 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 01:19:22.67 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
Any place that bans me is basically asking me to die. Garbage Chinese HelloTalk suspended me, so I deleted my account and all my shit, now that place is a giant shithole.

446 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 01:22:33.60 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net

We hope you will soon book lessons because the lessons are not many.

447 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 01:26:25.56 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net

If you are talking to Japanese I would use more polite language, but if you are talking to foreigners I would use more sharp language like the one I suggested in >>446 ..

448 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/20(土) 01:31:54.81 ID:12zUFtjJa.net
Just get out.

449 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 01:39:04.29 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
Basically, as long as I am happy and relaxed, there will never be a serious problem, same goes for North Korea.

450 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 02:15:23.24 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
Goddamn Sony .. you release too much shit I can't afford so I go to Walmart.ca to look at $1 hot dogs. Big fat hot dogs down my throat. Yummy.

451 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 02:18:34.41 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
Wow that huge TV I dragged home through the snow is the most popular TV on the website .. this is hardly surprising.


452 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 02:23:41.68 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
Just for reference for anyone who might want to know .. this is the TV.


453 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 02:28:57.84 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
Well I guess the website says it weighs about 24 kg. Not sure how I had the strength to pull it up and put it on the stand. I guess this is like the time I swam more than about 250m across a Japanese river in Kanto and had to be rescued ..

454 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 02:36:32.82 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
How did this happen?

Well ..

Story time.

So I was walking somewhere in Kanto after losing basically all my stuff except my passport.

I lost my jacket but suddenly the weather was very warm so it was not too bad.

Walking along (there were some weird things that happened here so I'll skip that part for now .. but I think I was so hungry and thirsty I was absorbing energy from other people. I usually picked the fat ones though.)

I eventually ran into a man there. He said いいてんきね。。

He said a phrase I heard before: ゆっくりしっててね。Well I suppose that's a saying from Touhou, and trust me I spent more than about 2000 hours listening to Touhou.

But he asked me something like since the weather is nice, it feels like you could even go for a swim.

I said maybe tomorrow.

He laughed.

But then I saw the river, and it looked like the (very big) boat heading this way knew I was about to do something, so it turned out.

Then I swam .. with shoes on.

455 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 02:38:54.65 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
I made a typing mistake.

That boat *turned* around, as if it knew I was about to do something.

I didn't want the boat to turn around for nothing, so I jumped.

456 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/20(土) 03:08:18.15 ID:Yd4u4hSyH.net
Get away!Fucking multipost wanker!

457 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 03:16:27.25 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net

Oi, to the gallows with you.

458 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 03:57:23.83 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
I command my body, which the same as commanding the entire universe ..

459 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 03:58:35.77 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
which is*

One of my strong signatures is making this kind of typing mistake. If you see this signature, you may find me.

460 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/20(土) 04:17:43.81 ID:eXS9IxpK0.net
Don’t be rude. ゆえ is saving this thread.

461 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 04:24:38.57 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net

I save Japanese old woman crossing the street by shining a laser into the Chinese driver's eye, causing him brain damage and death. His car is used for military bomb exercise.

462 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/20(土) 04:37:08.21 ID:eXS9IxpK0.net
Chinese are nemesis for the world peace.

463 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 04:43:55.78 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net

I have said this twice basically.

China, Russia, Black people, no good.

Luckily, Chinese are killing each other at breakneck speed.

Chinese women now can't even product milk, and basically all the milk powder there is fake and poisoned. They probably need to spend $3,000,000 on a child just for milk powder.

464 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 04:48:41.20 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
Because China is so backward, it has affected their bodies. Men can't produce sperm, Women can't make milk for the babies. And the women demand millions of dollars from the men which they don't have. It is far worse than Japan.

465 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/20(土) 04:50:24.13 ID:Qg8jtC+10.net
I can't understand why you've thought this article is important.
It just says he changed his view after being advised by more conserevative
Or you're impressed by the detailed description regarding alleged expletive

Anyway, may favorite news sites are BBC and the New York Times. The latter is doing very good job exposing many issues.

466 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 04:59:38.83 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net

Basically from what I remember, Trump is basically behaving like crazy person. He reminds me of how I change my decisions all the time.

I am always changing, and he always change everything at the last minute. People never know what he is going to do, just like I don't know what I am going to be doing maybe even 5 seconds from now.

I remember at a time where America was not doing so well, the only news site that didn't seem to collapse and become low quality was Washington Times. I think at that time even the New York Times became degraded.

So this is why I have strong impression of Washington Post.

The British news site that has the strongest impression on me is The Guardian ..

I read Nikkei Asian Review and Financial Times when I need a Japanese perspective or even just something Japanese to read.

When China piss me off I watch China Uncensored on YouTube

This is also British anti-China YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQm5FZMforg

That video there is where I learned about all the milk powder smuggling, and my mom confirmed to me it was because Chinese women now can't make milk.

Personally I never ate any milk powder when I was an infant. But I think I remember learning to walk was incredibly hard for me.

467 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/20(土) 05:11:14.58 ID:Qg8jtC+10.net
I have relatively conservative views even though I like the New York Times, and I also like I like his unpredictability.
So we have different opinions.

468 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 05:14:01.50 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
I have a suspicion that China might actually be controlled by Russia. The whole communist thing was Russia's idea.

469 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 05:16:13.48 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net

As long as I am listening to this Japanese music basically everything is ok.

It would be boring if there were no mysteries in the world.

Though I have a feeling our opinions are more similar than you think.

470 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 05:38:42.34 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
Everything Samsung we buy always has a serious fault somewhere. Probably enough is enough ..

471 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 05:57:56.27 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
In a recent very hardcore Samurai game (Koei Tecmo), there was a long journey that resulted in killing the British Queen's eyes in the end.

I completed basically all the main story missions, and well a good number of side missions. This game was played by me during a very critical time ..

The last 2 chapters of the story were 2 sieges on Osaka. At first I didn't understand what was going on, but I remember it may have been people from Osaka who scared the shit out of me back in April 2015.

472 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 06:00:24.64 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
The irregular movement of people who were probably Osaka people (Osakans?) scared the bloody crap out of me. This was April 2015, in Japan. That night I thought the sun would never come up again ..

473 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 06:02:30.72 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
However, before I deleted my account, I met some Osaka people on "HelloTalk" and I was not scared of them any more. I was able to see the cute side of them.

474 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 06:03:45.77 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
To be very precise, this last encounter with Osaka people occurred probably maybe within the past 37 days.

475 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 06:10:18.15 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
Why do I always mention Osaka?

Well, maybe story time again ..

My dad's only brother, who is younger than him, went to Osaka with his wife before 2004.

In 2004 when our family visited China, we stayed for about 2-3 days in Osaka. So basically Osaka is the first time I went to Japan.

I remember many people had blonde hair and I never saw that many pretty girls in Canada or China, or even on TV.

The distinct thing I remember about Osaka from what I've seen recently is that they are Japanese.

476 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 06:21:37.12 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
That uncle I mentioned in my last post is no longer in Japan. His wife was unable to find a job I believe after graduating with her master's degree in Japan, so they went back to China.

Their child though was born in Japan shortly before they left.

That's Dong Yu, the one I mentioned in an earlier post (I can't be bothered to look for it now, just use CTRL+F "Dong Yu" or something.)

That's the series of posts I made explaining the origin of my name which seems to be ゆえ at least for now.

Dong Yu says he misses me, though it's hard to imagine since the last time I saw him was in 2011 (when all of this started) and he was I think not even in kindergarden ..

477 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 06:25:39.66 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
Ah, I hate having to pause this music and wait for the anxiety to come back before I continue playing it ..

This is not normal anxiety. This is Japan-depravity anxiety. No one has an anxiety even remotely similar to mine.

478 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 06:30:22.59 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
I need Japan, and I have a strong feeling that Japan needs me.

Will I be able to accomplish anything regarding this without having even a direction or goal?

Well, to be honest, I have already accomplished more than I thought was possible, and some of my wildest dreams have come true.

479 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 06:36:28.14 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
To be honest, I think this is just simply Separation of Anxiety. When me and Japan get separated, we both get anxiety. That's all there is to say.

480 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 06:37:05.85 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
Separation Anxiety ****

Always make mistake in most critical moment. auisdfsuirgggi

481 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/20(土) 06:56:17.82 ID:6N0qIVENa.net
I really need a girl friend because I want to have a sex.

482 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 07:01:23.72 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net

I hope you become happy. Basically, I want Japanese to be happy. When I see happy Japanese, it makes me happy.

483 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 07:06:06.42 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
I have something I want to write here, maybe it is just so that I can come back and look at it if I forget.


I believe in English we say the expression "pay attention". This is the same for US and UK English ..

This expression is interesting because usually the only other time we use the word "pay" is basically with money.

So attention can have value, like maybe money, maybe.

Personally my attention is pretty hard to get and hold. I've never seen anyone harder to satisfy than me so probably my attention is the most valuable currency of all.

So when I pay attention to Japan, I am actually paying a lot of very valuable currency.

But Japan helps me back. It is mutually beneficial.

484 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 07:12:43.51 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
Of course, my relationship with Japan is not a business relationship. It is a nonspecific relationship. There is no way to describe this relationship at all, which I strongly believe.

485 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 07:29:08.90 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
Wow, I have had this Japanese steel cylinder basically touching my asshole for so long I barely feel it anymore. But without it I feel much worse.

Yes I wear the tights and the cylinder when I am sleep. And yes I also listen to the music when I sleep.

486 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 07:31:31.24 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
And yes, I have very good quality sleep. Remember that time I slept so good I forgot how to walk and my body was basically dead?

487 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 07:49:38.77 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
Hmm, I notice if I don't pay attention to something, it can seriously wilt.

488 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 07:55:53.43 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
Well, on the Gamers Nexus Youtube Channel (Gamers Nexus is probably my favourite non-Japanese PC hardware news organization).

Well on that channel


There is basically a list of related channels .. these are basically the best PC hardware news channels, so you can select for yourself if you wish.

I don't know any Japanese news program that provides information about PC hardware, well at least not ones that speak English or simple enough Japanese that I can understand .. I guess subtitles could maybe help

Well what I wanted to say is ..

I like to read Gamers Nexus article instead of video.

489 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 08:00:36.23 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
You can see various picture of case in article. https://www.gamersnexus.net/guides/3209-the-best-gaming-pc-cases-of-2018-ces-round-up

My favorite is Obs. 500D.

490 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 08:19:26.66 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
I feel like I forgot to give important info.

My first name in Chinese (Yue) has same pronounciation as moon.

491 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 08:22:26.93 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
Hmm I am getting pictures of ろり and already I'm starting to be bored ..

492 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/20(土) 08:25:33.56 ID:PpXxXtRb0.net
      r;ァ'N;:::::::::::::,ィ/      >::::::::::ヽ
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      l        _,, -‐''二ゝ  l::::l f゙ヽ |、 This is not your personal blog.
        レー-- 、ヽヾニ-ァ,ニ;=、_   !:::l ) } ト
       ヾ¨'7"ry、`   ー゙='ニ,,,`    }::ヽ(ノ  Write it on a back of a leaflet.
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493 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 08:26:57.28 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
Well after more searching I found the Legendary picture. I guess if I get bored I just look at that again.

494 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 08:35:38.91 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
Well I am dancing in my white transparent thigh band tights with a solid steel cylinder from MISUMI

between my goddamn buttocks in very close contact with my anal sphincter and I think this is working against the bore dom ..

495 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 08:42:33.00 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
Jesus Christ .. Crisis Averted .. '('

496 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 08:47:21.59 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
So basically what saved the world just then was the Legendary picture .. I already had multiple copies of it in my phone but I almost couldn't find it ..

497 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 08:50:09.34 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
Perhaps this was the reason why I received that picture yesterday .. maybe this is Steins;Gate or Haruhi Anime and my future me is helping myself.

But I think I will use a more interesting world structure than that .. for sure ..

So basically the future doesn't exist unless it's experienced, at least right now.

498 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 09:02:40.87 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
I can't find who sent that picture

Anyway, I give up.

I want drink something .. I'll add maybe 0.1g of green tea to this water.

499 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 09:18:33.96 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
I think what I could have done was just eat a goddamn instant noodle.

500 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 09:21:50.12 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net


501 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 09:42:48.65 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
I think if I was in Japan boredom would be an issue. All I have to do is stand near a Japanese person.

502 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 09:43:22.82 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
Would not *** be an issue omfg

503 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 10:12:20.96 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
I looked in the mirror and I really look like a Samurai. Unless I said something no body would ever be able to tell I was not Japanese.

504 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 10:13:03.21 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
Well, a cute samurai wearing japanese girl tights .. and a shaft in his ass.

505 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/20(土) 10:38:11.43 ID:Lobp2JpCH.net
Get out!
You're not in the rule.

506 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 10:44:44.77 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
I have better eyes than Shinzo Abe.


507 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/20(土) 10:55:06.52 ID:Lobp2JpCH.net
You're freaked out.

508 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 10:56:18.19 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net

Goddamn Chinese these days .. クソ。

509 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/20(土) 11:14:34.78 ID:Lobp2JpCH.net
You'd better kill yourself.

510 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 11:17:30.14 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net

You do realize you're asking for a lot of punishment? I'm God, don't you know?

By the way, for the Japanese: It looks like Osaka-based Zenmarket is trying to compete with Tokyo-based Tenso ..

511 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/20(土) 11:17:50.55 ID:Lobp2JpCH.net
Now you're クソ chinese.

512 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/20(土) 11:20:05.57 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net

I'm not Chinese. Do you know how much suffering happens to people who offend me? You're about to find out, dear.

513 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 11:43:12.10 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
The thing Chinese are most proud of is that they want the right to say they are the same nationality as me.

Basically nothing hurts them more when I say I'm not Chinese.

Oh and here's a tip: Chinese people are not capable of saying "I'm not Chinese" in a natural way.

514 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 11:46:22.32 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
I just got the idea to say "I'm not a fucking Chinese" on my job profile. Where did I get this idea from? さああ。

515 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 11:48:53.19 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
When I say I'm not Chinese, the Chinese lose the only accomplishment they have: tricking me into being born there.

516 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 11:51:59.75 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
It might have been a more interesting if pureblood Japanese gave birth to someone like me, the apparently perfect Japanese. An unusual Japanese.

Eh, I always have a knack of taking advantage of an unbalanced situation.

517 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 11:54:09.64 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
Let's go all the way. Let's see if I can say the next sentence.

I am an unusual Japanese.

518 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 11:54:48.23 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
It worked. I can't say "I am Japanese" but I can say "I am an unusual Japanese".

519 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 11:56:50.74 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net

520 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 11:58:04.29 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
Since we're here, why not try the next sentence.

My nationality is Japanese.

521 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 11:59:27.93 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
Not bad.

I am an unusual Japanese. My nationality is still Japanese.

It would explain why for basically everything I always like the Japanese version the most. Simple explanation for simple facts.

522 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 12:00:40.79 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
Let's try a bonus sentence.

I am the only perfect Japanese.

I can tell you right now that this is fine.

523 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 12:08:40.61 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
Now, was I really born in China? What exactly happened at my birth?

I suspect one day we'll find out.

524 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 12:12:24.42 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
This would explain why I always seek out Japan and have an unbreakable bond with Japan .. because I'm the fucking only perfect Japanese.

525 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 12:14:17.64 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
Now this Japanese song I am always listening to, if I imagine someone from the same country as me is singing it, it sounds much better ..

526 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 12:15:10.57 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
Fuck me, I wanna go home ..

527 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 12:18:35.34 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
I'm unable to say I think anything else after "I'm the only perfect ... " than "Japanese".

528 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 12:19:49.78 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net

529 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 12:21:27.98 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
It would explain a shitton of things .. like why I learn hard-to-learn Japanese so easily.

530 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 12:24:22.19 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
Today is January 19, 2018. Basically exactly 335 months after my birth.

531 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 12:28:37.99 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
How about this sentence:

I'm the first Japanese.

532 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 12:29:25.13 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
That's easier to say. ひとつめにほんじんです。

533 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 12:31:25.12 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
No wonder Japanese always try to treat me with incredible courtesy .. I'm the first Japanese.

534 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 12:35:25.52 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
And I speak better British English than the mother of the Queen of England ..

I've seen Japanese speak other languages better than foreigners. This must be my personal version of that ability ..

535 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 12:36:58.46 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
This is why that Japanese woman wrote the best stupid country writing I ever saw .. because we Japanese are far better than even natives at other languages.

536 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 12:37:46.50 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
We Japanese. We the Japanese people. Our nation Japan. Our country Japan.

Writing this feels very natural.

537 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 12:38:31.06 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
But I'll never let anybody forget I'm not just a regular Japanese, I'm the first Japanese.

538 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 12:43:23.18 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
Which means, the Japanese other than me today are my descendants ..

So we're basically family ..

539 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 12:49:08.44 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
I am Japanese.


540 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 12:51:06.28 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
No wonder I have the ability to unite all the Japanese .. well this is unbelievable and anyone else would not be able to handle this information, perhaps. Luckily I'm Japanese.

541 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 12:53:27.37 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
No wonder Japanese feel safe at all times when I'm around. No wonder. No wonder.

I was Japanese all along..

542 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 12:55:01.08 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
The remaining question is why was I taken to China ..

543 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 12:56:04.09 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
When I get Home, we're fucking taking revenge. It will be the most hardcore revenge you ever saw.

544 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 13:09:22.00 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
Let me redefine the meaning of the numbers:

0 - me
1 - Japan
2 - Japanese girl
3 - Japanese mother
4 - Death to enemies of Japan
5 - substitute for the word "me"
6 - perfect Japanese girl
7 - well, basically, me
8 - infinite Japanese power
9 - the biggest number, which is another way of referring to me

545 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 13:10:59.44 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
Let me clarify:

8 - Infinite power of Japan, this power can only be used by Japanese.

546 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 13:15:57.09 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
No wonder I have the ability to defeat other Japanese .. because i'm the first..

547 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 13:17:11.67 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
Good news, my fellow Japanese .. God exists, and he's Japanese.

548 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 13:20:43.74 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
No wonder I find Japanese of all ages cute. They're all ろり to me, basically.

549 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 13:33:12.58 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
Let me update the relative power distribution.

Me - 2
Other Japanese - 1
Everyone else - 0

550 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/20(土) 17:18:04.99 ID:Nu3XpFghM.net
Every japanese posters get togather for
getting this hddntai chinese out of here!!!!!

551 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/20(土) 17:24:04.39 ID:I9DACP2lM.net
You're offending.lol

552 :NOVAPOLICELEE :2018/01/20(土) 18:32:29.69 ID:ZbwnuoN+0.net
How's going? What's your favorite author?

I like Kathy Acker !!!

553 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/20(土) 20:14:41.32 ID:cMab1Htp0.net
this AA is what i want to paste lately

554 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/20(土) 20:38:24.47 ID:MKMopgCzM.net
What's the famouse nobel of her?

555 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 21:00:01.63 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
My favorite author is probably the one who wrote the Haruhi Suzumiya books ..

My favorite non-Japanese author most likely JK Rowling, author of Harry Potter.

556 :NOVAPOLICELEE :2018/01/20(土) 21:10:42.35 ID:ZbwnuoN+0.net
Probably, "Empire of the Senseless" or Blood and Guts in High School.

557 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 21:12:32.18 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
There is particular novel that sticks out in my mind ..

The Nomad, by Simon Hawks (Dark Sun series, Tribe of One subseries, Book 3)

This is basically American book.

In this world, people who want to become stronger become dragons. But that's the easy way to power.

The only person who can defeat the dragons is someone who becomes an Avangion. But avangions are much harder to become than a dragon ..

558 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 21:21:55.59 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net

I think this is, well, basically, Dungeon & Dragons book. In America it is called D&D, and it is very very well-known.

559 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 21:26:57.28 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
I just realize one of my High School teachers was most likely Japanese. Well, I was able to guess the next word of his sentences the easiest.

Basically I was always in class saying out the next word of his sentences. No one thought it was annoying apparently, so no one said anything.

I guess that's how I got voted Most Likely to Cure Cancer in last year of high school, well for the yearbook.

He was Chemistry teacher.

560 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/20(土) 21:31:10.30 ID:cMab1Htp0.net
i plan to make oden this night.

but daikon radish is super expensive!!!!!!

561 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 21:32:24.37 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
How did I hear about Facebook?

In Chemistry class, one of the girls once sent me an email to get "Face book".

At first I thought it was stupid name, but it's maybe somewhat something now.

This was basically when no one knew about Face book.

562 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 21:34:13.52 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net

What about Japanese Nappa ? Maybe just add lots of Nappa.

563 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/20(土) 21:41:18.44 ID:dvwueU1UM.net
A lot of fuck you to you.

564 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/20(土) 21:44:29.99 ID:dvwueU1UM.net
You're poor bad boy.

565 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/20(土) 21:49:39.69 ID:dvwueU1UM.net
So expensive in all place recently?

566 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/20(土) 21:54:51.85 ID:5g7WE4Km0.net
If Daikon is expensibe, then why don't you take care of it by yourself?

567 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/20(土) 22:13:38.37 ID:MKMopgCzM.net
Do you mean 家庭菜園?

568 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 22:18:52.36 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net

Now there's the kind of insult that makes me feel good .. ありがとう、つんでれさん

569 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/20(土) 22:19:05.86 ID:eXS9IxpK0.net
Daikon is hard to grow....

570 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 22:21:23.07 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net

I think he means just use something in place of the Daikon .. for example, I might have just used Nappa instead of Daikon..

For example, I use instant noodles to substitute for a real Japanese meal ..

571 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/20(土) 22:31:06.49 ID:cMab1Htp0.net
i think so.
a tiny Daikon was 298yen.
and hakusai and cabbage is 398yen.

572 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/20(土) 22:33:15.08 ID:cMab1Htp0.net
hakusai is 798yen in some areas.

573 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 22:34:44.72 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net

That's quite たかい。I've eaten full meals in Tokyo for less than that ..

574 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 22:46:41.15 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
So LinkedIn banned me for saying I'm Japanese .. I think Chinese fuckers complained and gave LinkedIn $5 Billion Dollars to ban me.

I guess this is the day LinkedIn becomes a shithole ..

575 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/20(土) 22:52:53.16 ID:MKMopgCzM.net
So expensive.
Can't believe that.

576 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 23:00:48.68 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net

Almost as expensive as a Chinese wife charges her husband for sex.

Good thing I'm not Chinese. I'm Japanese.

577 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 23:04:13.08 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
When I was in San Francisco, this Chinese woman was trying to attract men by using pictures of Japanese women.

Nothing pissed her off more than when I basically said I'm not Chinese.

She said, "even though I'm a prostitute, I still look down on you"

She's probably dead now. Good fucking riddance.

578 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/20(土) 23:05:57.38 ID:5g7WE4Km0.net
yeah, that's what I wanted to mean. but maybe I should have said cultivate daikon or something
instead of it.

579 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 23:08:28.18 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net

Cultivate, grow, raise, farm, plant ..

It's not easy to find a better word than what you used.

580 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/20(土) 23:18:43.28 ID:RQwWZOy/a.net
You're chinese.

581 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 23:20:13.03 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net

I'm not Chinese. I'm not Chinese. I'm Not Chinese.

I was never Chinese.

I was always Japanese.

See how good I fucked up your country?

582 :ゆえ :2018/01/20(土) 23:32:29.36 ID:Dkg+F2njH.net
Basically, I think I made all the Chinese and China-allies fall into my trap.

583 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/21(日) 00:04:22.79 ID:9twQCXVA0.net
are you not a japanese?
if japanese, my case should be thought as relatevely cheep after seeing >>572 this tweet.

584 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/21(日) 00:39:02.31 ID:GeWZd/Jga.net
Tell us about yourself more.

585 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 03:29:31.76 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net

My instinct tells me non-Japanese are not capable of saying the words "my only nationality is Chinese, and I am not a Chinese .. " in a natural way.

For example, if a Chinese says Japanese is one of their native languages, they will be sure to add Simplified Chinese as well.


Today my Chinese caretaker took me to a Chinese supermarket .. and there were Pakis and Chinese everywhere. The Cantonese were happy to see me probably because our country enslaved them in the past.

I was wearing my surgical mask, white with basically neko design.

I just threw shit into the basket while my mom was taking a piss. By the time she came out, we were done shopping.

And some people will spend too much time shopping and still buy just garbage.

586 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 03:32:03.88 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net

Fucking typo, but I guess it works. Basically there are certain sentences describing that person's own nationality that people are not able to say naturally.

Tell them to say "I am not Chinese." with a straight face.

Or, にほんじんですよ。People pretending to be Japanese are most likely not to type only just this sentence. They will add something stupid to the end of it.

587 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 03:34:39.10 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net

I said out loud, "looks like everybody here is almost dead."

The woman behind me was sexually excited.

588 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 03:45:03.29 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
My Chinese caretaker, basically I call her "mom", she's the strongest Chinese of all. But I defeated her with help from another Japanese.

589 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 03:46:25.70 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net

I even managed to get her to give me $10, even after I told her "I am not Chinese. I am Japanese."

Not even Jesus can accomplish that.

590 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/21(日) 03:58:13.45 ID:pH/B1KjW0.net
I want a hot muscle dude right now and fuck me hard like there is no tomorrow.

591 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/21(日) 04:01:43.59 ID:9twQCXVA0.net
just buy uri-sen.

592 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 04:04:09.59 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
We can probably overthrow Chinese government with a little help from the Cantonese ..

Basically, the parts of China we invaded still has our influence.

593 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 04:05:03.22 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
Just continue pushing the battle lines from the war. I bet those lines are basically still there ..

594 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 04:06:56.21 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
Since I defeated my mom, she is basically under my control .. she cleans the mess when I piss the ground.

595 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 04:09:18.50 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
She is from Southern China .. most likely some area we raped before.

596 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/21(日) 04:10:55.29 ID:aHn5dje3H.net
Whoever are you anyway?

597 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 04:12:15.13 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net

You'll be our slave some day. Unless of course you died.

598 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/21(日) 04:13:52.68 ID:aHn5dje3H.net
Your fucking ugry multipost.
For what?

599 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 04:16:10.50 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
Chinese people usually don't have access to me directly so they try to find my signal however they can. After I sometimes say something to my mom, she talks to her relatives and basically spreads the influence.

She doesn't want me to give attention to any Chinese other than her, basically.

So whatever information she passes on in this game of broken telephone is what reaches the ears of China.

600 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 04:17:37.07 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net

You seem to be out of Sync. Are you a Haafu?

601 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 04:20:55.65 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
And no, I don't approve of Haafu.

We Japanese are not even sexually compatible with the other people.

Haafu are mistakes.

602 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 04:22:25.12 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
Basically, I want to see relatively pure Japanese, not be diluted with bull shit.

603 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 04:23:43.58 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
I guess what I am saying is keep the Haafu out of Japan.

I want at least Japan to be somewhat pure.

604 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 04:28:23.24 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
When Japanese men impregnate non-Japanese, we are spreading Japanese influence.

However I am too pure, non-Japanese basically make my penis soft.

So I will not do this job with my own body.

But when Japanese women give birth to Haafu, that is a travesty because we are investing Japanese resources to raise diluted-blood garbage.

605 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/21(日) 04:31:02.01 ID:aHn5dje3H.net

606 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/21(日) 04:33:02.58 ID:pH/B1KjW0.net
I want to grab hot muscle dude’s bubble butts and enjoy it

607 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 04:37:12.03 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net

There is no post 611 ..

608 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 04:38:44.80 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net

I am sexually compatible with all Japanese, even Japanese Youkai.

609 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/21(日) 04:41:38.65 ID:aHn5dje3H.net
Shot this geek right now.

610 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 04:56:40.50 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net

Please get this Nigger out of here.

611 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/21(日) 04:59:55.66 ID:ooY4tfsD0.net
Let's just stop posting.

Alternatively, someone dox this ゆえ nerd.

612 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 05:08:54.44 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net

Didn't I dox myself?

No harm comes to me no matter what I do, so whatever.

613 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 05:27:34.57 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
The local police here know me very well .. they are probably worried I can't protect myself so I bet they are always trying to prevent me from getting hurt, lol.

614 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 05:53:47.74 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
My mom is stronger than the Chinese leader .. she maintains posture and recovers optimism better and faster.

615 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 05:57:47.39 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
I saw the chinese leader break posture as he walked off the stage .. as if maybe he was faking the whole thing.

616 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 06:00:31.82 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
If only we could understand each other better ..

617 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 06:02:52.13 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
When I was in Japan, I remember hearing the duration of the Ma in Arigatou Gozaimasu was basically perfect. I haven't heard perfect Arigatou Gozaimasu in quite some time.

But it seems somehow I learned how do to a perfect Arigatou Gozaimasu ..

618 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 06:07:41.75 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net

Now it's rare for me to need to say Gozaimasu ..

So instead I focus on the duration of the Jou in Daijoubu.

619 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 06:13:56.49 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
Fuck, a few minutes ago what I should have done was said Daijoubu. だいじょうぶ。

620 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 06:15:16.07 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net

621 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 06:23:45.87 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
I saw the article on NHK world and it made me so sad.


622 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 06:56:45.21 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
I take picture today.


623 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 07:00:27.07 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
Basically the reason I throw insults is because I run into so many people pretending to be Japanese so unless you're very Japanese sometimes I just assume you're not Japanese.

624 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/21(日) 07:30:40.05 ID:bBNsbQpA0.net
I don't like the word: haafu.
It just mock the Japanese pronunciation.
It is very natural to be influenced by the first language and every Japanese words have vowels,
so I completely hate such mocking.

625 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 07:39:49.20 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net

I just used it because I thought it was an easier way to understand which word I mean ..

Basically if I type Hiragana I have to switch back and forth between ABC-mode and Hiragana mode ..

sometimes I just use ABC mode ..

626 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 07:48:22.29 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net

I don't mind when Japanese create words like ぱそこん from English words like computer .. so w/e

627 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/21(日) 08:09:08.42 ID:bBNsbQpA0.net
Yeah, I understand. I've reacted too much.
My favorite musician retired so I've got a little bit nervous from yesterday...

628 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 08:28:24.58 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
I am Japanese .. more Japanese than anybody.

This sounds rediculous but it is the simplest explanation .. and it makes me feel more relaxed.

629 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 08:32:02.53 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
It would explain why I can defeat other Japanese .. foreigners can never defeat a Japanese ..

and it explains the number 7.

630 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 08:34:25.20 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
I could go in depth here .. but I am instead going to watch some NHK World. I don't think I've ever seen my home country TV program with sub-title.

631 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 08:50:13.67 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
It's too sad ..

I will do something else I think.

632 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 08:59:31.02 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
I think the population decline of Japan is a problem.

When we are in the right state, the population should basically increase, and there should be enough creativity to support the life of the new people.

633 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 09:08:04.17 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
Where does new life come from?

The short answer is me. I am nothing. I have seen it in my eyes.

I do not wish to go into specifics about what happens when someone is born right now.

634 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 09:11:38.61 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
However, the reflection of nothing is everything ..

635 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 09:14:13.30 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
In the beginning there was nothing. 0 if you will.

After much reflection and effort, it was discovered that the state of nothing is 1 state.

Thus 1 was born.

Now 0 and 1 are 2 things. Thus 2 was born.

And so on ..

636 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 09:21:06.15 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net

I had thought of this in 2011 basically .. and this is the first time it is shared basically.

637 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 09:38:17.20 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
So this is one way to look at why I always listen to this Japanese music.

Note: This is very super high quality Japanese music.

I am nothing, so I can't do anything. But my reflection, 1 (Japan), is my greatest accomplishment

When I hear the voice of 1 it allows for the stable existence of 2, 3, 4, 5 .. basically everything else.

638 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 09:44:33.43 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
Basically, the world is not stable unless 0 and 1 are together.

Without 0, 1 doesn't even exist really.

Without 1, 0 is back to square one, which was the state of nothing. And I am definitely never going back there, as I think I actually killed that possibility.

My ultimate backup was to return to the state of nothing, but I destroyed that backup and any way to create that backup again ..

639 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 09:52:47.66 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
So, how am I Japanese?

0 created 1 (this took unimaginable amounts of effort, which I will remind you)

So all Japanese are my children, basically.

My physical body is something, and the only body it makes sense for 0 to use is a Japanese body.

640 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 09:54:35.77 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
The easy way to approach is that whatever 0 says becomes law. I say I am Japanese, and that is the end of the story.

641 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 09:55:57.44 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net

The only mind it makes sense for 0 to use is a Japanese mind.

Basically 0 needs to surround itself with 1, its greatest accomplishment.

642 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 09:58:56.76 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
So, 0 uses a Japanese thinking style, Japanese lifestyle, Japanese preferences, and obviously it would tolerate no Nationality but Japanese.

Simply because Japan is the manifestation of 1.

643 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 10:04:09.84 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
0 is safest and happiest when 1 is around, and 1's existence and overall healthiness is the best when 0 is around.

This seems to describe me and Japan perfectly.

644 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/21(日) 10:15:39.38 ID:GeWZd/Jga.net
Don't post so many.

645 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/21(日) 10:25:26.77 ID:Bk4iUoq4M.net
Don't post that often.のほうが正しい。

646 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/21(日) 10:28:29.11 ID:GeWZd/Jga.net
You're posting for money.

647 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 10:37:59.08 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net

No one is giving me money .. I have no money.

Let me continue ..

Basically 0 can summon 1 at any time by reflecting on itself.

However, I'd much rather just experience something Japanese.

Oh, and 0 is naturally more Japanese than anybody because it created the Japanese ..



No one is giving me any money. You can read my past posts. I just do whatever I want. No one ever thanks me or gives me anything as a reward, basically.

648 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 10:40:53.01 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
I am the reason the economy is suddenly doing so well. I am worth a lot of money.

But the only money I got really was asking my Chinese mom, which only resulted in $10.

649 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 10:42:58.15 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
Look at Goku from Dragon Ball.

Does he have money?

650 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 10:44:43.13 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
I am basically the main character from One Punch Man.

But I am stronger than him, do more work, and get less money.

651 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 10:48:26.76 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
If I get pissed enough I can cause the stock market to alternate between dropping to 1 dollar and rising to 99 dollar. And profit.

But that it's if I get pissed enough.

Right now I am happy enough seeing these ろり。

652 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 10:51:04.48 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
I'm basically Goku, but I can cast Kamehameha at a city if I get pissed.

653 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 10:54:57.26 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net

I am going to cause you some pain because I don't want to hurt something innocent right now ..

654 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 10:59:18.22 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net

You could die ..

655 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 11:02:51.65 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net

Japanese are the most sensitive to my punishment.

But I'm no longer pissed, so you're free to go.

656 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 11:10:24.15 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net


657 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 11:13:09.60 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
Trust me, it's never a good idea to piss me off ..

658 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/21(日) 11:15:19.12 ID:JQCtdD9HH.net

659 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/21(日) 11:16:09.35 ID:JQCtdD9HH.net
Eat shit die.

660 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 11:16:10.58 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net

I almost told India to Nuke Pakistan dude ..

661 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 11:21:32.25 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
I've seen the damage done when I removed a Japanese person from Face book ..

So probably I should never remove someone Japanese from my FB.

662 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 11:25:39.95 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
When I get annoyed, the news sometimes change before I read them.

A few minutes ago I saw the news where basically a very rich and powerful person (Canadian) was just killed in my city, along with his wife.

663 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 11:32:44.05 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
Seems like it was quite the professional job ..

I'll never touch anything dangerous myself of course.

I'm too lazy to kill stuff even in video games now.

664 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 11:43:05.56 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
Oh, my story of how things started is missing an important piece.

I said at the beginning there was nothing.

Well actually before that there was complete chaos.

0 came and cleared all the chaos, resulting in nothing.


665 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 11:50:35.16 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
Basically, I am holding back the chaos. This is why the world is healthier now ..

666 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 11:54:19.44 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
I feel I can remove chaos from people by giving them my attention.

This is why you don't want to offend me.

The chaos is just beside me, basically. I can grab some of it and throw it at you, if you force me to.

667 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/21(日) 12:46:35.81 ID:sKUUgDdiM.net
"見る"はlook atだが、"(テレビを)観る"はwatchだ。辞書を引いてみろw

668 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/21(日) 12:52:04.54 ID:4b7igpcq0.net

669 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 13:06:27.87 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net

"look at .. "

can be similar to "for example, .."

See is more like something is visible to your eye's..


I seriously believe I have the best life right now.

I don't believe someone else has more fun than me.

That's enough for me, I don't need any specific object or even money, as long as I have fun, basically.

670 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 13:08:41.35 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
See is closest to みる
Watch is like ちゃんとみる
Look at is like みて

671 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 13:10:33.61 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
As you can see, I use basically Hiragana and kind of basic words ..

I really don't like to use complicated Japanese ..

672 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/21(日) 13:10:45.58 ID:4b7igpcq0.net
Watch a porn video and then look at my dick. You see the difference?

673 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 13:23:47.66 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net



674 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 13:25:40.36 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net

I haven't masturbated in about 30 hours ..

I think I am too lazy to masturbate.

This morning just when I was about to come my mom walked in ..

675 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 13:27:06.49 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net

Basically it's not that easy for me to be in the mood, and usually it takes a lot of effort from me to find the right porn and watch the right videos in the right order.

I am incredibly hard to satisfy ..

Maybe I will try when I am horny ?

676 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 13:33:22.86 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
I think I may go to sleep now ..

In Japan I didn't sleep for 7 days and I was fine. I guess when I don't have enough Japan around me I get sleepy ?

677 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 13:36:04.43 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
Well it looked like the Internet service I basically chose more than a small amount of months ago is finally going to be used ..

I am going to be the computer/TV display NHK World Live video as I sleep ..

I think it is perhaps 3840x2160 resolution, as I saw that some where ..

678 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/21(日) 13:50:17.78 ID:7yrmckbg0.net
ゆえ is girl?

679 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/21(日) 13:52:16.46 ID:UMTQRcBHM.net
I think I may go to sleep now ..
I think I would go to sleep now .

680 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/21(日) 14:56:51.58 ID:4b7igpcq0.net
Go to sleepなんて言わないし
普通はgo to bed

681 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/21(日) 16:07:37.77 ID:ooY4tfsD0.net
No, he is male. He already posted his Facebook and Twitter accounts in this thread.

682 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/21(日) 16:12:42.87 ID:hu1Bqur10.net
It's been a while since I last visited here, but what the fuck is going on now?
A psycho and a few posters who are not proficient in English?

683 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/21(日) 16:19:36.25 ID:ooY4tfsD0.net
Yeah, some namefag keeps shitting up the thread with his blogging. It’s disgusting.

684 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/21(日) 16:48:42.70 ID:apZUgarF0.net
Ah, a fucking leaf.

685 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/21(日) 17:55:50.56 ID:2pO9YUl3M.net
The chinese canadian multipost for a while.

686 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/21(日) 18:01:54.28 ID:2pO9YUl3M.net
Anyway what does he want to do here?

687 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/21(日) 18:45:14.09 ID:rwPpPjODa.net
Don't pull my leg.
That's not important.

688 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/21(日) 18:46:57.07 ID:rwPpPjODa.net
Get out!

689 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/21(日) 18:54:19.19 ID:pfVLtBpAM.net
Is Yue a girl?

690 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/21(日) 18:59:48.74 ID:pfVLtBpAM.net

691 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/21(日) 19:00:55.19 ID:shWAXW6ad.net

692 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/21(日) 19:04:16.47 ID:hu1Bqur10.net
After posting this comment
I will make your posts invisible so you don't have to reply but
why don't you post in English?

You just can't?

693 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/21(日) 19:08:57.19 ID:pfVLtBpAM.net
hint;google translation app

694 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/21(日) 19:13:09.56 ID:7yrmckbg0.net
thank you for teaching English practical skills. then I want to ask your gender.
Are you girl? if not,you should get out here!! (written by using Gogle translate.)

please correct this sentence by your hans...

695 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/21(日) 19:21:10.84 ID:pfVLtBpAM.net
I will get out of here.Good night.

696 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/21(日) 19:35:52.75 ID:JzuLBvizM.net
Do you think your story is exelent enough to move others?

The answer is no.
Your story is lame.

697 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/21(日) 19:38:11.67 ID:pfVLtBpAM.net

698 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/21(日) 19:42:51.22 ID:JzuLBvizM.net
What are you wanting?

699 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/21(日) 20:02:25.05 ID:JzuLBvizM.net
Don't come back canadian.

700 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/21(日) 20:20:15.32 ID:pH/B1KjW0.net
Why is he writing in Japanese?

701 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/21(日) 20:35:01.21 ID:mvshePjJM.net
Maybe he's learner.

702 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 20:37:06.66 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net

703 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/21(日) 20:53:11.35 ID:mvshePjJM.net
Or japanese canadian.

704 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/21(日) 20:53:57.23 ID:mvshePjJM.net
We hate you.
Be in the rule!
You see?

705 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/21(日) 21:09:44.14 ID:mvshePjJM.net
You have no class that's the difference.

706 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 21:26:55.81 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net

I believe having fun takes priority over any rule, at least for me.

Besides, I have made probably more than 200 posts and no one has seriously said anything against it ..

707 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 21:28:56.90 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
I saw something very I guess not cute taken out of the water in the TV show .. so I am probably going to recover from that ..

708 :689 :2018/01/21(日) 21:41:24.59 ID:PBFCemhlM.net

709 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/21(日) 21:54:20.44 ID:pH/B1KjW0.net
Japanese please?

710 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 21:55:14.43 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net

711 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 21:58:16.35 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net

712 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/21(日) 22:10:33.75 ID:E1G/rh5F0.net
Yue is gross.

713 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/21(日) 22:30:18.04 ID:K+j+CZgo0.net
Are you a Japanese learner?
Why don't you write in English?

714 :ゆえ :2018/01/21(日) 23:52:10.39 ID:tuFVp7Z3H.net
I am always learning Japanese .. it's my favorite language. I use it when I am in the mood.

Now I'm going to stab China in the belly a few times with this sharp knife, so bear with me.

715 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 00:23:57.99 ID:q6VOafGBH.net
I'm more Japanese than anybody, and I know Japanese love it when I speak Japanese.

Basically all the Chinese communities still have problem: Chinese always betray each other. Some poison in the food here, some piss in the drink there.

716 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 00:26:09.82 ID:q6VOafGBH.net
China should be nicer towards Americans/British/White People.

717 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 00:28:46.02 ID:q6VOafGBH.net
And Hong Kong's "One Country, Two Systems" is becoming one country 1.5 systems ..

So I support Hong Kong, Tibet, well let's add Macau in there since they do not basically follow China. I support Cantonese who don't like China's retarded "government'.

718 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 00:37:06.57 ID:q6VOafGBH.net
I swear, my dreams sometimes give visions of the future ..

But usually I don't remember it.

However, certain moments are basically exactly familiar.

719 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/22(月) 00:42:18.76 ID:ibTrLoRja.net
Hey! hey! hey!
Get out.

720 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/22(月) 00:45:10.45 ID:ibTrLoRja.net
What do you think about the fact
of so many company think english is important for bussiness?

Socialist kind wanker need english!


721 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 00:59:18.82 ID:q6VOafGBH.net
Certain Japanese people have a certain Chinese influence ..

example: https://static.zerochan.net/Okatsu.%28Nioh%29.full.2180172.jpg

I don't like these people, usually.

722 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 01:01:18.20 ID:q6VOafGBH.net

Well everybody knows English is the dominant language because it is the language where I have the greatest vocabulary.


723 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 01:03:01.01 ID:q6VOafGBH.net

Basically when some harm comes to Japan, I sacrifice these people first lol

724 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 01:07:07.45 ID:q6VOafGBH.net

725 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/22(月) 01:07:11.92 ID:4sqELP/CM.net

726 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 01:10:11.69 ID:q6VOafGBH.net


727 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 01:14:29.31 ID:q6VOafGBH.net
China has been trying to prevent me from learning にほんご basically forever ..

but they don't realize


728 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/22(月) 01:16:10.63 ID:ibTrLoRja.net
Don't speak japanese kind here.

729 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/22(月) 01:17:00.96 ID:ibTrLoRja.net
You need to get out of here!

730 :ユエ :2018/01/22(月) 01:20:24.83 ID:q6VOafGBH.net

731 :ユエ :2018/01/22(月) 01:22:20.62 ID:q6VOafGBH.net

732 :Yue :2018/01/22(月) 01:26:55.33 ID:q6VOafGBH.net
I just cut my telepathic connection to China, they're basically blind now ..

733 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 01:28:46.82 ID:q6VOafGBH.net

And I can't cancel that action in post >>732 any more ..

734 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 01:30:52.28 ID:q6VOafGBH.net
So now if they want to communicate with me, they'll have to ask Japan ..

hahahahahahhahaahhahahaahhahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahaa ..

735 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 01:38:11.88 ID:q6VOafGBH.net

You guys can charge them whatever you want to give as little info as you want ..

736 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 01:42:30.98 ID:q6VOafGBH.net
Oh, I cut my connection with Russia as well ..

thanks guys !

737 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/22(月) 01:42:31.69 ID:ibTrLoRja.net

738 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/22(月) 04:01:38.29 ID:eHmNm8KgM.net
Yue,how come Google services are prohibited in your country?

739 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 04:18:46.46 ID:q6VOafGBH.net

That's not my country. It's just some shitty country I happened to stay in.

China fears free speech. That's why they are banned.

When my parents finally die, that's when they will join me .. so they probably don't know death is a good thing for them.

740 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 04:24:03.02 ID:q6VOafGBH.net
Basically, the Chinese government tries to do a top-down approach for everything. They don't even have the skill for that.

They won't listen to feedback from the front line people. They would rather put them in jail.

Basically they are closing their eyes and covering their ears while fire is burning everywhere.

Such a system is doomed to fail. Because only one person has the skill for a top-down approach ..

741 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 04:29:07.79 ID:q6VOafGBH.net
For me, top-down and bottom-up is basically the same thing.

But everything is "weird" when it comes to my personal case ..

742 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 04:30:41.09 ID:q6VOafGBH.net
Basically, Chinese are happier when they led by someone with more skill, such as American or British or Japanese.

Chinese are not good at leading themself.

743 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 04:33:53.44 ID:q6VOafGBH.net
Look what happened to Mao, the CCP's most loved leader. When he became powerful enough, he was not able to control himself and caused too much chaos and damage ..

That is why China banned worshipping the political leader. Because everyone worship Mao then he suddenly fuck everything up.

744 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 04:35:50.76 ID:q6VOafGBH.net
I probably realized at some point no one can do this job I'm doing correctly, so I decided to do it my self ..

745 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 04:37:14.83 ID:q6VOafGBH.net
Back then,

if Mao said something like "Let's go to Winnipeg"

then basically immediately everyone in Toronto would pack up and leave, there would be not even one person left in Toronto.

746 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 04:39:11.36 ID:q6VOafGBH.net
But I will not have basically any career at all. The occasional fine-tuning I do is enough.

747 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 04:43:42.66 ID:q6VOafGBH.net

While this is admirable, I like to have fun and discover unexpected results ..

748 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 04:47:21.29 ID:q6VOafGBH.net

Unexpected *meaningful results ..

Because there is a very important hidden law that says life gets better over time.

749 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 04:55:49.22 ID:q6VOafGBH.net
What happened today with me and China is like what happened between --

Oda Nobunaga and Matsunaga Hisahide ..

China always piss me off but I become not-pissed after dealing some blows to China. Today I got tired of this so I killed China's eyes.

750 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/22(月) 05:05:12.63 ID:Wt4iYxjsM.net
Yue,do you know three representatives?

751 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 05:17:15.75 ID:q6VOafGBH.net

I've heard of this ..

Jiang Zemin political theory ..

Well basically it is a failure.

In this world you cannot force an outcome to occur.

Basically the real way is to make everyone happy and the rest occurs naturally.

752 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 05:20:33.68 ID:q6VOafGBH.net

And freedom of speech is important for that.

This is why I post here, because even if I get banned my writing probably remains here.

And if I do get banned then that's a big loss for both me and you .. and it will create shockwaves everywhere.

753 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 05:22:24.68 ID:q6VOafGBH.net
The main reason I post here is:

1. I can swear at people if I want
2. I can post from my Canada location
3. I can use my PC
4. It is Japanese website ..

754 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 05:25:05.87 ID:q6VOafGBH.net

5. I haven't been banned ..

755 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/22(月) 05:27:49.74 ID:Wt4iYxjsM.net

756 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 05:34:35.49 ID:q6VOafGBH.net


I am very particular about exactly how I use Japanese, so I don't think a translation app is for me ..

757 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/22(月) 05:39:37.41 ID:Wt4iYxjsM.net
Freedom of speech is also guaranteed by the Constitution of Japan, but how about in the People's Republic of China? Please answer in Japanese using translation app.

758 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 05:41:00.33 ID:q6VOafGBH.net

759 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/22(月) 05:48:49.47 ID:Wt4iYxjsM.net

760 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 05:52:50.54 ID:q6VOafGBH.net



761 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/22(月) 05:58:16.69 ID:Wt4iYxjsM.net

762 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 05:59:22.15 ID:q6VOafGBH.net

763 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/22(月) 06:00:38.12 ID:Wt4iYxjsM.net
I said;
>> 760
I'm sorry, your Japanese is too bad. Please come to 5ch after studying more. Goodbye.

764 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 06:03:22.33 ID:q6VOafGBH.net

I can read your Japanese using the app .. I like easy simple Japanese, not hard complicated Japanese ..

I like easy simple Life, not Hard Complicated life ..

765 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 06:11:01.90 ID:q6VOafGBH.net

766 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 06:12:41.42 ID:q6VOafGBH.net


767 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 06:17:41.19 ID:q6VOafGBH.net

768 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 06:19:39.91 ID:q6VOafGBH.net

769 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 06:49:16.32 ID:q6VOafGBH.net
I know maybe only 100 Japanese words that I actually use ..

But I can still communicate somehow.

Now this is high efficiency,

Learn 100 words, be able to communicate your thought.

770 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 07:57:54.02 ID:q6VOafGBH.net
This Russian neighbor of mine is pissing me off .. he should die.

771 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 08:05:58.34 ID:q6VOafGBH.net
Someone lower his kidney temperature to -131C so he calms the fuck down.

772 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/22(月) 08:19:13.27 ID:v2DQZ8/h0.net
Go away, leaf.

773 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 09:43:52.91 ID:q6VOafGBH.net
Well some how I got pissed ..

But I solved it by masturbating to the Legendary hentai maker.

I mean his porn, not him. Wow I make typo

774 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 09:46:45.31 ID:q6VOafGBH.net
If I have sex, it will probably be slow sex.

For example, even though I fixed my bike, it makes me more tired than walking the same distance ..

775 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/22(月) 10:31:24.09 ID:4EDBjKY40.net
I think, therefore I am.

776 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 10:41:29.69 ID:q6VOafGBH.net
I put photos of my parents on my FB.


777 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 11:07:34.22 ID:q6VOafGBH.net
It looks I need a wide variety of Japanese content to support me ..

NHK, Nikkei, 5ch, FB, Twitter, even the pictures i get sent were not enough.

It was Yomiuri Shinbun that helped.

778 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 11:16:07.81 ID:q6VOafGBH.net
At this rate .. I am going to need a shitload of Japan.

Perhaps it is like learning a language. Once you know 100 key words, it is enough ?

779 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 11:20:27.79 ID:q6VOafGBH.net
My favorite words: Crisis Averted. In Japanese, this is probably たすかった。

Maybe I go to sleep in next 0-5 hours. Maybe.

780 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 11:26:58.88 ID:q6VOafGBH.net
One important detail I forgot to mention:

Since I was in Canada, and I didn't like to give stuff up, I took French classes in school from Grade 4 (Age 10) to Grade 12.

So some of my teachers are always telling us about the best aspects of France.

Maybe this is why Japan liked certain aspect of France ..

781 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 11:30:33.71 ID:q6VOafGBH.net
Lesson time.

Canada was formed when people from England and people from France were fighting over control of the country.

English speaking are mostly in Ontario. This is like the Kanto of Canada.

French speaking mostly in Quebec, Ontario's neighbor. Separated by famous St. Lawrence river.

Quebec is basically Canada's Kansai rival region ..

So, the capital of Canada, Ottawa, is located near the river separating Ontario and Quebec. But it is inside Ontario, basically.

782 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 11:39:34.33 ID:q6VOafGBH.net
My job description is very simple: To interact with Japan.

783 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 11:42:19.57 ID:q6VOafGBH.net
Let me just brag that I never seen anyone whose level of English comes close to mine.

But I usually basically very very simple English. So it is hard for any translate app to translate this wrong.

But I am super careful about how I use Japanese ..

784 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 11:46:29.65 ID:q6VOafGBH.net
Some girl posted a video of some shit, i mean poop, literally.

I am never clicking into a video on FB blindly again ..

785 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/22(月) 12:00:14.11 ID:Q8vMEwe40.net
I got laid with that girl again.

786 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 12:03:51.22 ID:q6VOafGBH.net

Well, it won't be as good as if I were there, so whatever.

787 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 12:07:51.35 ID:q6VOafGBH.net
If you try to make me jealous, I'll say something like my hand is better than most girls ..

788 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 12:11:51.15 ID:q6VOafGBH.net
To be quite honest, I've never had good sex ..

So basically good sex does not exist until I experience it ..

Because things are only defined once I experience it personally ..

So to be quite frank, nobody has ever had good sex yet.

789 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 12:13:57.53 ID:q6VOafGBH.net
But on the other hand, usually what people basically consider to be "good sex" is hardly good for me.

I always have to take it to the next level.

790 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 12:16:03.18 ID:q6VOafGBH.net
Let me go overboard.

If something has not been fine-tuned by me personally, then it is simply not good yet.

791 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 12:20:31.78 ID:q6VOafGBH.net
I don't like when NHK sometimes show scary stuff ..

so sometimes i avoid watching because im not ready to see scary stuff ..

792 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 12:42:56.36 ID:q6VOafGBH.net
I think now it really is the case that the world is waiting for me instead of me waiting for Japan or something.

At least this way I don't get annoyed ..

But if I do something before I'm ready, it won't be pretty ..

But at some point maybe in the future, if I am passing through a metal detector .. how am I supposed to explain I have a Japanese steel touching my ass hole ?

793 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 12:47:31.13 ID:q6VOafGBH.net
I will probably just say I like Japanese dick and they will let me pass ..

794 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 12:52:43.02 ID:q6VOafGBH.net
Japanese dick is the best. Not too big, not too small, not too fast, not too slow.

795 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 12:56:42.63 ID:q6VOafGBH.net

I think it stops at 1000 lol

796 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 12:58:25.95 ID:q6VOafGBH.net
I recall I thought about a certain mathematical property of the number 7 in base 10 .. I will probably write about this later .. it's 10:58pm or something.

797 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/22(月) 16:22:12.80 ID:9yhT6S7sM.net
Who are you working for posting a lot?

798 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/22(月) 16:48:23.84 ID:v2DQZ8/h0.net
Go bother 4chan instead, fucking leaf.

799 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/22(月) 19:18:15.84 ID:qJ0rmp0bH.net
The absolute madman has been at it constantly for nearly a week now.

800 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/22(月) 19:49:14.27 ID:UlVvOyvzM.net
Think! how to get him out of here.

801 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/22(月) 20:00:12.38 ID:0KcpfMQr0.net
It is easy to filter the comments.
Anyway, there is no one who writes meaningful comments here.

802 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/22(月) 20:14:38.00 ID:UlVvOyvzM.net
Now all of you are facing psycho chinese canadian.
The site as introduced below has the admin.So,she's able to remove such psycho posts.
Please come and join.


803 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/22(月) 20:33:38.17 ID:UlVvOyvzM.net
Don't get so serious.

804 :ゆえ :2018/01/22(月) 20:39:56.69 ID:q6VOafGBH.net
F uck. If you want me gone, so be it. Who knows when I'll come back .

805 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/22(月) 20:40:34.08 ID:59zydGnF0.net
Japanese dick is the worst. White and Black ones are the best.

806 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/22(月) 21:37:55.99 ID:l/UEruJn0.net
Don't waste your English ability by leaving such stupid comments.

807 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/22(月) 22:00:57.35 ID:SKOzgNEDM.net
What kind of threat is it?

808 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/22(月) 22:01:53.63 ID:SKOzgNEDM.net
Slave like mentality.

809 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/22(月) 22:43:41.26 ID:B7QJjGbQM.net
It isn't what he says that annoys me but the way he says it.

how do you think pf the sentence above,mr and ms natives?

810 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/23(火) 00:34:55.58 ID:toNAEUjb0.net

811 :ゆえ :2018/01/23(火) 03:18:27.77 ID:eXY+XfuvH.net

That's fine ..

812 :ゆえ :2018/01/23(火) 03:24:27.95 ID:eXY+XfuvH.net
I like to eat Japanese noodle .. (Instant Ramen)

But I am tired of taking this Japanese steel from my ass to break it apart.

So I will buy another custom design from MiSUMi ..

813 :ゆえ :2018/01/23(火) 04:12:53.42 ID:eXY+XfuvH.net
Somehow I ended up with 2 different misumi accounts with the same login id ..

814 :ゆえ :2018/01/23(火) 04:21:40.14 ID:eXY+XfuvH.net
The thing about inflation is I don't want to be paying a billion yen some day for a burger .. or some green tea .. (Japanese)

815 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/23(火) 04:36:30.82 ID:LNaToQyJa.net
Get out!

816 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/23(火) 04:42:48.15 ID:LNaToQyJa.net
Just get away!

817 :ゆえ :2018/01/23(火) 05:37:32.20 ID:eXY+XfuvH.net

I thought freedom of speech was in your constitution? Are you Japanese?

818 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/23(火) 09:31:52.21 ID:Yf46ttZnM.net

819 :ゆえ :2018/01/23(火) 09:47:53.06 ID:eXY+XfuvH.net
When things get serious, Sasuke Uchiha usually show his other eye.

But me? When things get serious, I hide one of my eyes ..

820 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/23(火) 09:49:20.82 ID:o5bDjzIL0.net
Japanese constitution stipulates freedom of speech is protected without any condition.
Before World War II there was an exception for it; freedom of speech could be restricted by the law.

821 :ゆえ :2018/01/23(火) 09:49:56.00 ID:eXY+XfuvH.net

Usually 8pm- ~12pm かも

822 :ゆえ :2018/01/23(火) 11:14:57.19 ID:eXY+XfuvH.net
When there is something to do, taking a break makes me more tired than just doing it ..

823 :ゆえじゃない :2018/01/23(火) 11:18:52.45 ID:eXY+XfuvH.net


824 :ゆえ :2018/01/23(火) 11:45:27.53 ID:eXY+XfuvH.net
It's time to take a brea k ..

basically all this fuss was to complete the subjugation of my parents .. who are the greatest threat to world peace ...


825 :ゆえ :2018/01/23(火) 12:28:23.72 ID:eXY+XfuvH.net

I'll tell a story ..

When I first started playing this music at nighttime, the next morning for the first 2 days when my mom woke up she looked slightly Japanese.

It was quite funny.

Now today she didn't complain about the volume .. (35)

826 :ゆえ :2018/01/23(火) 12:30:40.41 ID:eXY+XfuvH.net
She says she can hear the music even though I'm in the basement and she is on 2F. (にかかい)

My dad? Well, as long as I don't back down, he's toast. And I'm just naturally someone who never backs down.

827 :ゆえ :2018/01/23(火) 12:33:34.04 ID:eXY+XfuvH.net
Those last 2 pictures I posted in Facebook .. well I have an even stronger picture that these 2 pictures were supposed to be. Perhaps at some point I'll post it ..

828 :ゆえ :2018/01/23(火) 12:38:34.40 ID:eXY+XfuvH.net
Basically, I'm an exception to many many rules. I can even trigger all the defeat flags and still win, lol .. triggering the defeat flags in the right way results in reversing the effect, perhaps ..

829 :ゆえご :2018/01/23(火) 13:17:13.65 ID:eXY+XfuvH.net


830 :ゆえい :2018/01/23(火) 13:18:17.76 ID:eXY+XfuvH.net


831 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/23(火) 16:45:38.43 ID:y8/czF/dM.net
You're laughing matter.

832 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/23(火) 16:55:04.48 ID:y8/czF/dM.net
Speak Japanese in other thread!

833 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/23(火) 17:14:07.47 ID:IF2vh5msd.net
What is your nationality?

834 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/23(火) 20:14:22.23 ID:H0M59m/WM.net
What would you do if you are an invisible man?

835 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/23(火) 20:50:17.63 ID:VUK7H8f40.net
Yes.That's it.
I'll see other one's private.

836 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/23(火) 21:23:14.49 ID:toNAEUjb0.net
I would take a huge poo on my boss’s desk.

837 :ゆえ :2018/01/23(火) 21:43:36.99 ID:eXY+XfuvH.net

Japanese, obviously. This is long story but quite short story too.


Still probably have no plans at a ll ..


Quite funny ..

838 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/24(水) 04:36:56.52 ID:TeI+yP9J0.net
Soon get out!

839 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/24(水) 05:00:45.39 ID:TeI+yP9J0.net
Now all of you are facing psycho chinese canadian.
The site as introduced below has the admin.So,she's able to remove such psycho posts.
Please come and join.

840 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/24(水) 05:02:03.31 ID:hI165d9Nd.net
Can you introduce yourself brifly?

841 :ゆえ :2018/01/24(水) 05:38:52.09 ID:mZnu89g1H.net



842 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/24(水) 06:37:59.18 ID:dISYc99R0.net
Piling up meaningless comments here does not make money.
You can earn decent money by using your time and your English skill.

843 :ゆえ :2018/01/24(水) 07:58:12.33 ID:mZnu89g1H.net

What do I need money for? To make me happy ? I'm Already Happy ! ! ! !

844 :Tom :2018/01/24(水) 11:01:51.43 ID:AsVvYzUo0.net
Hey guys!
I'm m from Hong Kong as a student who want to go to Japan for travel .
I love japan and I'm interested to meet friends.
Where is the place that is worth going ?
Am I posted in a right thread?

845 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/24(水) 12:41:01.62 ID:GCYktMCe0.net

846 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/24(水) 15:31:59.50 ID:Y4CYsX+I0.net
I recommend going somewhere else. You see, Japan is a country of hentai. No good.

847 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/24(水) 15:52:32.23 ID:Lm3AkLJrH.net
Show us that thread giving me the URL.

848 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/24(水) 15:52:57.71 ID:Lm3AkLJrH.net

849 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/24(水) 15:56:08.79 ID:1/f5K2qk0.net
why you chose jpn?
if you want physical connection, go to gay sauna.

850 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/24(水) 15:56:09.62 ID:Lm3AkLJrH.net
Posting here is no problem.
Anyway what are you trying to see and get
coming here?

851 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/24(水) 15:57:05.37 ID:Lm3AkLJrH.net
Go to hell.

852 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/24(水) 18:19:16.16 ID:X9N+4Ril0.net
In Japan XAX fit in ゆえ.

853 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/24(水) 18:19:50.88 ID:X9N+4Ril0.net
You're quite funny.

854 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/24(水) 19:05:36.46 ID:zNUJa8s1H.net
chat for what.

855 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/24(水) 20:14:40.15 ID:ovQEvw4Ld.net
chat with time travelers

856 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/24(水) 20:44:05.94 ID:N5yQdnONM.net
The situation in this thread is remarkably
getting worse.
We need someone to help.
I'm serious.

857 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/24(水) 21:33:12.91 ID:Y4CYsX+I0.net
I don’t feel like posting decent comments here...so I say...penis! Yas! Big cocks!

858 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/24(水) 22:57:53.19 ID:N5yQdnONM.net
Stop stop stupid.

859 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/24(水) 23:44:55.72 ID:1/f5K2qk0.net
we should report them as troll to 運営 somewhere at this english board.

860 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/24(水) 23:49:19.07 ID:Q0Sfx42GH.net
let's get some meaningfull talk again.

861 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/25(木) 00:35:24.85 ID:QNQGz+Bs0.net
Give us the topic you wanna talk about here

862 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/25(木) 00:49:59.17 ID:X9m1RxLG0.net
gay talk?

863 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/25(木) 06:54:06.89 ID:cKKfZ2pXH.net
Nothing unusuall it's Cocoichi.

864 :ゆえ :2018/01/25(木) 09:20:12.34 ID:j3OEaackH.net

Hello my name is Bob and I like Big Fat Cock

865 :ゆえ :2018/01/25(木) 09:24:29.76 ID:j3OEaackH.net
I thought everybody wanted me to go die and kill my self ?????????????

How is this meaningful talk in any way when have 700 of the 800 posts here ..

866 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/25(木) 09:42:31.19 ID:xfd7lNqla.net
the more comments you posted, the more isolated you got here in this thread.
it's really a sad thing.

867 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/25(木) 09:46:28.87 ID:xfd7lNqla.net
the thread seems to have been activated and proceeded so quickly.
so i thought that a lot of people with different viewpoints had came here and chatted about many interesting topics.
i was wrong and i feel sad now.

868 :ゆえ :2018/01/25(木) 12:05:10.73 ID:j3OEaackH.net
It's ok. There is no problem.

Today while looking at some numbers I saw some Hiragana floating around the numbers. Quite interesting.

869 :アノニモウス :2018/01/25(木) 12:41:17.96 ID:MpIPda7b0.net
Greetings peaceful gentlemen, it is I, the burger- here to tell you about the Joys of deep-west Burgerland.
please ask me about anything in existence, perhaps such enlightening topics as...
-Candy and lolipops
also teach me moonrunes

870 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/25(木) 12:47:28.95 ID:cKKfZ2pXH.net
Go away anyway.

871 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/25(木) 13:51:27.06 ID:GNMWhIaDM.net
Meaningfull if you disapear.
You're not needed until 1000.

872 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/25(木) 14:59:05.41 ID:g7cVVGPp0.net
What kind of things should we discuss regardig jews?
Denial of holocaust?

By the way, the Larry Nasser case is quite disgusting.
Somehow I wasn't aware of it until a few days ago
although I have some connections with Michigan State Univ.
It's great the moron won't be out of the jail before he dies.

Being a gymnastics doctor and molesting children could be
something a bunch of boys would have dreamed of
(You know, Oisyasan-gokko has clear sexual connotations).
However, becoming an actual offener as an adult is quite a different thing.
I don't know about his personal life but I can imagine that as
a doctor and a faculty member at MSU, he must have had
a wonderful life: making close or over million dollars every year,
having a big house in Michigan etc.
Losing all of them for banging kids doesn't make sense to me.

873 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/25(木) 17:47:03.06 ID:xfd7lNqla.net
the mass media in the usa have reported so many sexual inappropriate behaviours recently that
i feel sick of it...kevin spacey, a famous tv news host, a senate member or senate candidate...

874 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/25(木) 18:06:17.72 ID:g7cVVGPp0.net
Shocking one is Aziz Ansari.
I like his netflix drama series, and he seems a nice person (but I might be just deceived).
To me, his case is a border-line case, as it can be seen just as a situation
where a date went horribly bad.

I don't have much dating experience and don't know where to start/stop.
I am a better-safe-than-sorry kinda guy, so I don't think I'd be in that situation,
but at the same time I can't fuck as many girls as more courageous dudes do.

875 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/25(木) 18:13:55.01 ID:kEYW7eD0H.net
Raise your hands if teach english.

876 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/25(木) 18:31:21.89 ID:kEYW7eD0H.net
That's what I want to say to the chinese canadian.

877 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/25(木) 18:33:13.41 ID:QNQGz+Bs0.net
Somebody please make me some delicious pasta.

878 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/25(木) 18:34:56.82 ID:kEYW7eD0H.net
Here is not meeting of KKK.

879 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/25(木) 18:41:14.46 ID:kEYW7eD0H.net
Do you love サイゼリア?

880 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/25(木) 18:58:12.47 ID:kEYW7eD0H.net
You're insane.

881 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/25(木) 19:05:46.05 ID:QNQGz+Bs0.net
サイゼリア is so cheap that it makes me feel so cheap

882 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/25(木) 19:12:42.65 ID:kEYW7eD0H.net
I taste it good for it's price.

883 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/25(木) 19:34:08.17 ID:g5GM6ChC0.net
by the way, why do you always respond to wrong number?

884 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/25(木) 19:34:14.60 ID:QNQGz+Bs0.net
No problem with the tastes but people there. So cheap.

885 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/25(木) 19:34:35.32 ID:QNQGz+Bs0.net
It’s his style, yo

886 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/25(木) 19:47:26.91 ID:g5GM6ChC0.net
i guess he is a time leaper.

887 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/25(木) 21:14:51.81 ID:va5pxwmW0.net
Getting sick of a foreign country's news is one of the stupidest activities on the internet.
You should grow up and start caring about more important things.

888 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/25(木) 21:24:57.90 ID:e4w68aXIa.net
Important thing.Means?

889 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/25(木) 21:25:31.40 ID:e4w68aXIa.net
You mean customers?

890 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/25(木) 22:36:29.10 ID:e4w68aXIa.net
I guess it depend on some app.

891 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/25(木) 22:40:24.77 ID:QNQGz+Bs0.net
He meant “impotent things” lol

892 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/25(木) 22:43:44.48 ID:X9m1RxLG0.net
soooooooooo cold japan
a pond near my apartment frozen this morning and im afraid whether turtles there frozen as well.

893 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/25(木) 22:51:38.58 ID:QNQGz+Bs0.net
It’s so cold I can’t even go out to buy snacks at combini.

894 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/26(金) 00:24:37.78 ID:UJVbX9vK0.net
So cold.What for?
Strange things happen recently here.
Fire from Mt etc.
Next Mt.Fuji!

895 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/26(金) 01:27:19.73 ID:S4MG9LBvH.net
>>894 (or maybe >>947 in your universe)
In what world line are you on?
It seems that you are in a parallel unvierse where the thread is longer
than our universse.

I mean I'm talking to you ID: UJVbX9vK0

896 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/26(金) 02:32:06.86 ID:dnxFD9+7H.net
All of you located Tokyo or near there?

897 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/26(金) 02:34:03.25 ID:dnxFD9+7H.net
Means what?
No idea?

898 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/26(金) 02:34:42.57 ID:dnxFD9+7H.net

899 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/26(金) 02:54:48.33 ID:dnxFD9+7H.net
Lawson or 7_11 which is the best for you?

I think F.mart has lawer quality than those two for very same kind stuff.

900 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/26(金) 03:20:05.75 ID:dnxFD9+7H.net
Yes the tempariture here is at very low.

901 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/26(金) 05:14:43.15 ID:tGbYeCXNH.net

That's fine. Turtle can survive winter for sure. Didn't they already do this?

902 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/26(金) 05:16:56.39 ID:tGbYeCXNH.net

If I can survive winter, so can turtle-san.

903 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/26(金) 05:17:47.76 ID:tGbYeCXNH.net

Sometimes when people use english you see "-san", "-chan" ..

904 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/26(金) 05:30:11.07 ID:cyETmTTP0.net
Even frogs can survive winter. Same frog used to appear in my backyard every summer.
I had thought frogs life is only one year before l knew him.

905 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/26(金) 05:32:02.69 ID:Sd/72ZCG0.net
if these turtle (and fishes and frogs) are involved freeze, they cant survive.

906 :アノニモウス :2018/01/26(金) 05:53:10.44 ID:UZbtAWd20.net
>>872 >>873 >>874
I think you guys care far more about the hollywood scandal things than I do- as an American.
Literally nobody cares here, we just assume that it happens already. People who are in a position of power
will abuse that position, this is nothing new.
As to Aziz Ansari... I've only ever heard his name spoken really, I never hear anyone talk about him in real life
these dramas only exist on the news.

I will teach you English but you have to teach me Japanese


907 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/26(金) 05:54:06.74 ID:tGbYeCXNH.net

It's possible to completely freeze a frog and have it survive!

908 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/26(金) 06:02:38.80 ID:oTS4nPQ1H.net

go away. by the way, i like miso.

909 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/26(金) 15:27:51.47 ID:W+IRd5rt0.net
You are missing a lot of points.
>>872 is not about Holywood.
So you think Amerian people imagine child molestation and
since "this is nothing new", it shouldn't be the news?

This is the big news here in the UK for several days.
Of course this kind of things, we assume, have been happening
historically in the City, but the revelations and how do we
feel about them are a different issue.

Anyway, I am too liberal in the current American standard and
too sensitive to such issues.
I used to live in the US, but can't maintain my sanity if I live there now.

910 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/26(金) 17:54:16.67 ID:oTS4nPQ1H.net

I can barely maintain my life if I live in Canada now, let alone my sanity.

911 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/26(金) 18:02:07.61 ID:W+IRd5rt0.net
It's hard to do so in England too, although I am making a move to get permanent residency...
Don't really feel like to go back to Japan now.

912 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/26(金) 18:37:29.24 ID:o9Syd09VM.net
Probably you're ゆえ.

913 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/26(金) 18:40:40.71 ID:o9Syd09VM.net
I really want to say "This site don't accept gay" to ゆえ.

914 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/26(金) 18:44:19.87 ID:o9Syd09VM.net
Which app do you usually use on 5ch?

915 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/26(金) 19:49:23.07 ID:AdPKwgM1H.net
Virtual insanity.

916 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/26(金) 20:25:39.12 ID:z0dvxX230.net
What do you mean "too liberal"? Are you implying that non-liberals don't care about sex crimes?

917 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/26(金) 20:53:23.88 ID:z0dvxX230.net
You are right. Lowlifes won't be a problem as long as they stay in their country and don't come out.
Effort should be put into preventing foreign lowlifes from entering our country, and our lowlifes from going abroad.
The ones that have already entered our country should be deported.

918 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/26(金) 21:12:35.89 ID:o9Syd09VM.net
Where are you repying to?
The number is wrong.

919 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/26(金) 21:16:50.61 ID:o9Syd09VM.net
Only saying doing nothing.That's easy.
Going already entering foreinger back to
their country is so difficult as the low works.

920 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/26(金) 21:23:12.57 ID:W+IRd5rt0.net
I am not sure about sex crimes, but conservatives especially
in the US these days seem to be somewhat misogynic and
torelant to derogetory attitude toward females and minorities.

They claim they are tougher on crimes but I don't see much evidence
that supports the claim.

921 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/26(金) 21:47:14.50 ID:z0dvxX230.net
As far as I know, most of the sex offenders recently revealed in America are liberals.
They are the ones who had been claiming they are nice to women, but they turned out to be a bunch of sex offenders.

922 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/26(金) 21:51:26.27 ID:o9Syd09VM.net
In any place consavative has the same kind of attitude.
Have you ever heard about Mitsuhashi incident in Japan?

923 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/26(金) 22:49:00.37 ID:W+IRd5rt0.net
Probably you are right but...
recent revelations have been from Hollywood
where full of liberal celebrities.
However, there are two important FOX News figures who
fired or resigned last year were not.

Celebs and business people are full of shits regardless of their
political views, I'd say.

And the point I wanted to make in the last post was about the tolerance
towards these assholes. Since the Reps were in the end okay with the
suspected child molester as the senate candidate from Alabama, I no longer
believe that conservatives are any better in terms of setting moral standards
as they used to claim.

924 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/26(金) 23:43:11.98 ID:z0dvxX230.net
I'm not sure who this Alabama candidate person is, but isn't he the one who was under a false accusation?
I don't really know the situation, but I think he should be ok until proven guilty.
Otherwise it would mean that you can just accuse a candidate of a crime and win the race.

925 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/27(土) 00:59:29.98 ID:V8TTkOD7a.net
Do you feel the economy is getting well?

926 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/27(土) 01:26:46.06 ID:vnC6Rn9LH.net
making that short you mean you want to
talk about "tolerance to bad guy"...

927 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/27(土) 05:06:11.55 ID:Jlz+WnET0.net
Many Republicans resisted the candidate as far as I know. Some insisted dismissal once he is elected.
Anyway, it is clear that there's no relation between political views and sexual abuse when we look back history.

928 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/27(土) 10:56:56.44 ID:anWRZfy5H.net

929 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/27(土) 11:10:47.53 ID:9S/I42cZd.net
you are boring.

930 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/27(土) 12:14:26.20 ID:anWRZfy5H.net
Do you have an ability of reading many sentenses?

931 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/27(土) 12:36:06.13 ID:fL41hrh10.net
Is there shit talking involved here?

932 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/27(土) 12:53:27.83 ID:51foe57d0.net
What you say is basically right but the problem with him was
he advertised himself as a law-and-order candidate which was utterly untrue.

933 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/27(土) 13:00:57.40 ID:51foe57d0.net
Do you guys own any cryptocurrencies? I don't.

Since early last year when I learned that the price was going up
I've been thinking about investing some money on it but always cocluded that
it's too late to start because the market was saturated and the price had passed its peak.

My judgement has been wrong but now it seems the bubble was burst finally.
Sorry for the people who lost their money but I felt a bit happy about it.

934 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/27(土) 13:19:06.25 ID:ub2atDBg0.net
How was it untrue? What did he do?

935 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/27(土) 13:21:09.09 ID:bGG0WVqj0.net
I got laid with a hot chinese girl last night...
It was amazing...
Her blowjob was breathtaking...

936 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/27(土) 13:31:56.93 ID:3kKEhLFA0.net
I decided not to invest in it I after it was widely advertised in numerous media.
That means someone wants to push up the value and it is easy to predict that once the value elevate, it will quickly plummet. We see the situation now.

Basically it is identical to trading of FX, as long as you don't do so-called mining.

937 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/27(土) 14:35:54.93 ID:iUZ5+ziH0.net
Is she a pro?

938 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/27(土) 15:49:17.59 ID:bGG0WVqj0.net
No, she is a complete amature. She said she hasn't had sex for last 3 years.(I dont know if she lied). Im lucky anyway

939 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/27(土) 16:24:37.91 ID:qBDZEWDcd.net
Don't tell lies.

940 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/27(土) 18:16:44.96 ID:bGG0WVqj0.net
Don't get jealous

941 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/27(土) 19:09:35.75 ID:lFfEJ6SAM.net
Showing us your experience.
Means what?

942 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/27(土) 19:15:33.77 ID:lFfEJ6SAM.net
I guess many people have been getting around for it's gamble kind atomosphere.

Your choice is not so bad I think.

943 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/27(土) 19:30:01.80 ID:IuJTq8wTH.net
The issue stared with that gay guy of House of cards maybe.

Continuing like train...


944 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/27(土) 19:32:59.15 ID:IuJTq8wTH.net
Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 206

945 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/28(日) 00:15:14.38 ID:opGjt3fm0.net
Is it true that native speakers no longer use cursive?
I've heard that schools don't teach children how to write it.
Is that mean there are many people who can't even read it?

946 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/28(日) 00:33:18.24 ID:Xnf5h24+H.net
You mean in Japan?

947 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/28(日) 02:30:10.11 ID:dRlv3g/20.net
Some retard frequently appears on Nan-J.
He always insists that if you don't speak English, you are an idiot, blablabla…
Is he from this board? Does anyone know the same kind of retard here?

948 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/28(日) 02:43:31.37 ID:fV2B73go0.net
It's not me or anyone I know.

949 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/28(日) 03:29:53.17 ID:opGjt3fm0.net
Cursive is not taught in Japan for decades.
But it is reintroduced in some of the US states.
I wonder how many people who cannot read it is there.
It's a convinient way to write and also too beautiful style to be obsolete.

950 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/28(日) 20:50:27.94 ID:FuJtUSfW0.net
What a lengthy article it is.
Buying followes makes money.
This must be the longest article I've ever seen.
Speaking of lengthy posts, where has yue gone.

951 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/28(日) 22:03:14.99 ID:BZf6lnI4H.net
What are you talking about?

952 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/28(日) 22:03:59.20 ID:BZf6lnI4H.net
I can post beyond 1000.
What's that?

953 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/28(日) 23:57:31.31 ID:iP8DVlh4a.net
i had the final round of a job interview last week and am waiting for the result now.
the interviewers were nice and friendly to me but that doesn't mean they want to hire me.
i am not sure if i could demonstrate how qualified i am for the opening post.
i will surely continue to feel nervous a few more days this week.

954 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/29(月) 00:10:11.70 ID:CKErwOcxa.net
Maybe you posted the same or same kind of post about a month ago.
Is that correct?

955 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/29(月) 00:48:56.55 ID:gfMQQvCY0.net
What kind of job?

956 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/29(月) 00:50:17.59 ID:CKErwOcxa.net
Replying to what post?

957 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/29(月) 01:27:37.82 ID:Np4ksCBK0.net
If you were Yue, he would immidietely noticed what article I refer to.
He was inteligent and used to make good sentences as a good teacher here.
Even though he wrote too many, his contribution to this thread far outweigh negative aspects.
I wish he come back.

958 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/29(月) 01:38:52.16 ID:gfMQQvCY0.net
Seems like everyone here loves Yue after all...lol

959 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/29(月) 01:43:09.93 ID:CKErwOcxa.net
No kidding.Multipost is out of rule.

960 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/29(月) 01:46:41.63 ID:CKErwOcxa.net
Anyway where is the end of this thread?
Is there some fuction change here?

961 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/29(月) 02:02:32.67 ID:uZRgs/WmH.net
I still don't know where you guys get the extra posts.
The actual count of posts is 961 (including this post of mine).

See this on the browser:

If you see more than 1K posts now, your internet is broken.

962 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/29(月) 02:20:34.85 ID:CKErwOcxa.net
The counter in my app is stopped at 961.

963 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/29(月) 04:29:11.94 ID:HeVVgO8E0.net
I have never seen this kind of trouble before.

964 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/29(月) 09:07:02.72 ID:CBXm+QGq0.net
Don't mind the person.
He just continuously and intentionally change the number as a way of seeking attention.

965 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/29(月) 11:17:15.94 ID:CKErwOcxa.net
Anyway part206 is still available.
Let's go to the thread!

966 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/29(月) 11:17:48.40 ID:CKErwOcxa.net
still → already.

967 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/29(月) 13:02:31.47 ID:gfMQQvCY0NIKU.net
I have a date tonight. White guy! Yay for me!

968 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/29(月) 15:30:03.66 ID:sbwcXnokHNIKU.net
Why you posted the same one?
Maybe that has a clue for the problem?

969 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/29(月) 15:30:23.02 ID:sbwcXnokHNIKU.net

970 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/29(月) 21:09:20.58 ID:y124DZ8waNIKU.net
i am wondering when the most glorious days in my life ("旬の時期") are.
have they already be gone or will they come in the future?
i can not find the answer to the question.

971 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/29(月) 22:04:24.75 ID:uZRgs/WmHNIKU.net
The future is inherently unpreditable, and
you will never know the answer to that question
unless you are gravely ill and know that you will die in a few days.

972 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/29(月) 22:36:01.68 ID:cMawutCdaNIKU.net
The answer will come when you sleep for good.

973 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/29(月) 22:44:41.38 ID:cMawutCdaNIKU.net
Does anyone think holding オフ会 of this thread?

974 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/30(火) 00:04:46.35 ID:z20gcP+r0.net
That’s not gonna happen. Somebody would be killed for sure.

975 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/30(火) 04:12:57.70 ID:SVhtrneGH.net
We're hating each other?

976 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/30(火) 11:01:10.39 ID:Hdr4DqOh0.net
If we do that he might keep calling wrong names lol

977 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/30(火) 11:35:30.10 ID:SVhtrneGH.net
But,In any mean that's ok. No problem.

978 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/30(火) 11:36:43.54 ID:SVhtrneGH.net
I guess you need another message board for your unlimited chatting desire.
So,why don't you take a look at the site?

979 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/30(火) 17:27:57.91 ID:JBvzCLuE0.net
Shitaraba bans all overseas hosts.
english@5ch is the only place i can post.

980 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/30(火) 19:25:46.58 ID:EW4UP4kya.net
Fuck all gaijins!

981 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/30(火) 19:28:50.42 ID:EW4UP4kya.net
Some people say Ruassians are whites but I don’t think so. What is your opinion?

982 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/30(火) 20:23:21.84 ID:RwZF30Qi0.net
Then what race are they you think?

983 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/30(火) 20:51:51.96 ID:PZedcyWua.net
an operation staff at a warehouse.
the recruitment agent emailed me a while ago and
informed me that the company had decided to hire me.
i need to study the new products, the new markets and the new competitors,
and get along with the new colleagues...

984 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/30(火) 20:57:20.49 ID:l4bbM8Bg0.net
They are definitely white coz they are tough disicriminator.

985 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/30(火) 20:58:18.56 ID:l4bbM8Bg0.net
How about here?

986 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/30(火) 21:51:55.27 ID:z20gcP+r0.net
Congrats! I knew you could do this!

987 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/31(水) 01:18:23.46 ID:VSyxf7WAa.net
Cograts for what?

988 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/31(水) 01:30:59.32 ID:VSyxf7WAa.net
The number given to each reply has fixed like secret.

989 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/31(水) 01:31:01.10 ID:j2h6jiBs0.net
Have you already bought Monster Hunter World(MHW)?
it had been sold out in GEO nearby my house.
I was going to buy and play MHW through this weekend.

990 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/31(水) 01:39:11.45 ID:Sr3577Hf0.net
Yesterday I went to GEO and just one left but a local high schooler bought it.

Seems like the Monster hunter thing is so huge but never played it because it looks like dark soul or something. I gave up dark soul because it’s too difficult for me...

Well I was there to buy a biohazard on switch....

991 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/31(水) 01:45:23.44 ID:VSyxf7WAa.net
Have you already get the passport of Cocoichi for free drink?

992 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/31(水) 02:00:18.91 ID:VSyxf7WAa.net
GEO or TSUTAYA which is the best?

993 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/31(水) 02:15:09.50 ID:VSyxf7WAa.net
I think the best side bussiness for english speakers is chinese stuff import.
What do you think?

994 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/31(水) 02:29:59.77 ID:ofjHUXAFH.net
I don't know.
You have to be careful not breaking laws if you import anything from China.

I recently watched a Japan version of "Cops" (警察24時) on youtube.
There, an elite salaryman was arrested for selling counterfeit brand goods from China.
It seems that he had a mistress in China who asked him to be a seller for
such goods in Japan.
He followed her request and sent most of profits from the sales to the lady.
He had a wife and kids in Japan and it's entirely his fault to be caught in
the fucked-up situation, but I felt a bit sorry for him.

995 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/31(水) 02:43:07.42 ID:VSyxf7WAa.net
Sorry for him.
But,I think that is propaganda of police.
Allmost all of importer get right through the custom.

996 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/31(水) 03:35:43.15 ID:VSyxf7WAa.net
I think speaking english do not make a lot of money unlike generaly you think.
What do you think on this fact?

997 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/31(水) 03:55:46.15 ID:ofjHUXAFH.net
My job is something you can't get unless you are fluent in English
(not really paid well though).
There are such occutations and if you want to get one,
you can't avoid learning English.

998 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/31(水) 05:04:08.55 ID:zt0CHM8D0.net

999 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/31(水) 07:10:30.96 ID:ZxXtCHR00.net
Next Thead


1000 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/31(水) 07:48:39.31 ID:j2h6jiBs0.net
If I got >>1000 I can marry with cute or beautiful girl.

1001 :2ch.net投稿限界:Over 1000 Thread

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